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Apr 2015 · 447
"Life" After You
Natasha Apr 2015
I still have that little blue container
The one with the green sharpie heart on the lid
Full to the brim
Of the **** you grew

My mind plays
Through a brilliant scenerio
Where I open it
And the smell takes me back

To taking **** hits
While watching a live TV performance
Of the Gorillaz (my favorite)
That you recorded while I was at school

Or making hash with ice
Taking turns stirring
Until our arms got tired
Reruns of South Park playing for hours

Or when you came to visit me at college
And we went to eat at a busy restaurant
Standing outside on a busy street
You say "We can smoke here right?"

Or when I was in Japan
And you forgot where you parked
So you reported your car stolen
And traded my friend a joint for a place to crash

Or sneaking out to the alley
During breaks at our gig
And you getting so high
That you can't remember how the next song starts

It's been two years now
Since I've opened the container
It's likely getting stale
and becoming un-smokable

But I'm waiting
Until I can think about you without crying
Until the happy memories outweigh
All of this emptiness in me

But everytime I think about
How I'll never smoke a joint with you again
I realize no amount of time will stop the hurt
An no familiar smell will bring you back
Apr 2015 · 517
In search of light
Natasha Apr 2015
Is the ephemeral moon
Some nights
It lights up the sky
Gloriously shining
And I howl in admiration
Some nights
The thin cresent
Sits in the velvety black sky
A half closed eye
Easily forgotten
And on some nights
It can't be found
The stars freckle the air
Reminding me it rests
Somewhere below the horizon
But my mind says
It must be gone
A sky this dim
This bitterly cold
Could never host
A being so radiant
So I wander
A vagabond
In search of light
Mar 2015 · 751
Natasha Mar 2015
My tired eyes meet yours
Straining in the dim lighting
Sipping the drink you bought me
Through the thin straw
Sweetness tatooed on my lips
I gently lick it away

Your voice is brash
But mine is almost somber
I play the part well
Of the innocent rabbit
And you're the sly fox
Looking to devour me

Suddenly I'm in your den
Sitting on your mattress
Watching reruns we've both seen
You say loosen up
And touch my thigh
Sending pulses between my legs

Your tongue dives in my mouth
Exploring every crevice
Like a cartographer
You reach up my dress
Looking for the ocean
Your tongue tastes of sea salt

Your face between my thighs
Telling a story I've never heard
Your tongue is a paint brush
Skillfully scribbling caligraphy
I cry out in a foreign language
That feels so familiar

Every inch of my body
Quivers with joy
But there is no love here
And I wonder
If I'm really the innocent one
Or if I devour hearts as well

— The End —