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Starr Feb 2018
I want to run long and far away,
to a place unknown to all.
To a place where I am me and only me.
A place where I can dry
my tears and throw away my fears.

I want to climb the tallest mountain,
and stand at the top and
laugh for no reason at all.
Laugh at my victory,
and feel the euphoria in the cool air,
laughing among the clouds.

I want to dance beneath the
stars, their pinpoints of light
shining down on me.
Dancing in the night air,
with no one around to see.
Landing in the cool grass to
stare up at the beauty scattered like
pebbles in the night sky.
Starr Feb 2018
What if I'm not who I seem?
Maybe I'm not as happy as my smile tries to be.
Maybe life is just dragging me along,
pulling me to my destiny.
Maybe I'm not swimming through this ocean,
but sinking to the darkest depths of the sea.
Maybe this isn't the beginning of my story,
instead  these are the last words for you to
Starr Feb 2018
The girl who sits alone,
eating lunch by herself,
It will get better.

The girl standing
in front of the mirror
frowning at what she sees
You are beautiful

The girl in the rumors
their whispers never stop,
they have given her many names
Don't believe a single thing.

The girl they call a *****
she walks with her head down,
her eyes cast to the ground.
She is innocent of the accusations.
You are amazing.
Starr Feb 2018
This is for you who
no one has told
You are beautiful.
This is for you
who sits all alone
You matter.
This is for you who
feels invisible
You are loved

You who cries every night,  
shed your tears no more.
You who hides beneath
your covers,
do not be afraid.
You who feels lost and
out of place
You are loved.

You are loved.
Starr Feb 2018
Dirt obstructs the view
of the world.
Deceit pours from mouths
like rain from clouds.
We tread on paths
of treachery.
They lead us to oceans
of lies.
Our minds create
twisted tales.
We lay beneath our covers
hiding from the truth.
But the skeletons in the closet
have come out to play.
And the ***** laundry of the night
hangs high in the day.
Starr Jan 2018
She's drowning in a game
where the stakes are too high.
She's losing her name,
and doesn't want to be tamed.

Her cards are all in
and she's run out of time.
The rings on her finger
but she doesn't want to linger.

The odds are against her
for she's lost her shine.
All eyes are on her,
but she wants a bigger future.

The bets have been placed
and she's last in line.
She  prays it isn't true,
but still says I do.
Starr Jan 2018
I built a wall
surrounding my heart
guarding my mind
being careful that nobody
could get inside.
If anyone should try,
I just push them away.
And watch as they fade.
I lock the doors tight,
rather than opening them,
for that would be inviting
myself to be hurt.
Letting myself be knocked down.

So I hide in the darkness
to save myself,
to save my heart.
I lock the windows tight,
with the shades drawn,
not answering to your knock,
not letting you in.
For if I did, pain would follow
letting you see, I'm
not as strong as I seem.
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