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S S Feb 2016
It's the hope
That stings
That splinter in my thigh.

When the dark
It engulfs
The truth from well told lie.

The comfort
Cold silk
Of blackness wraps my being.

Inky home
My abode
The solice in not seeing.

But glimmer
Slight glimmer
It sparkles in my eye.

It distracts
From my shell it does me pry.

Beaming soft
My wall I've built so strong.

Hope I've hidden so long.

Pupils large
Adjust now
I could get used to this.

Tiny shoot
Of delight
Is this what was amiss?

But wait now
Gentle touch
It leaves me without warn.

Betrays me
Leaves shards of my world torn.

This hope is
Deadly sin
Back in the dark I lie.

It's the hope
That stings
That splinter in my thigh.
Hope can be a wicked beast.
S S Feb 2016
Yours is a space
Inside my heart
Kept safe
By you and just you

This realm has a door
Hidden from sight
To those who're not you

Feel free to enter
As you see fit
But please
Let it be just you

Bring in some magic
And a bean bag
Make it
Just right for you

Snuggle up to
My ventricle
Feel it
Pump strong for you

Take a swim through
My aorta
Hear it
Pulse steady for you

Stop for a break
In my right lung
Know it
Fills with air for you

Cascade into
My atrium
Sense it
Keep rhythm for you

Yep, you are part of
My anatomy
Science just
Never had a clue.
Cheesy but medically sound.
S S Feb 2016
Answer us true
How old are you?
Are you boy or girl?
Close your eyes.
Do you see a fire or a whirl-
wind? How much have you sinned?

Given a choice pick
red or blue?
Given a choice pick none or new?

Picture yourself in the woods.
Do you see a horse or a mare?
A rabbit or a hare?
Is it a half empty or half full barr-
el? Have you ever thought to ****?

Do your dreams end in flight
or fall?
Do you fight when held up
against a wall?
Do you stand up strong and tall?
Or hunch down,
make yourself small?
Do you like your peanuts sal-
ted? Do you like your coffee malted?

Do you fidget when you eat?
Tap to music with your feet?
Is your happiness fleet-
ing when your life has you beat?

Do you gaze directly at the sun?
Shade your love from
coming undone?
Do you largely have fun-
ctional relationships?

And last, not least, has come:
What do you think of your dear mum
and dad? Did they turn you good or bad?

Now we've collated your results.
You're [insert personality type here]
I hope now it's all so clear,
this box in which you fit best.
We've emailed you this score lest
you forget the results
of your Personality Test.
Took prose for a spin. Encountered a different meter and a different rhyme.
S S Feb 2016
Plunging neckline
of mountains
studded with wooden pearls
and leaves.
S S Feb 2016
silence broken
the words
are spoken
hidden rage
played up
on stage
fists now
no punch
held back
I'll attack
so pack
your bag
and make
a break
for it
I'll watch
you run
I'll stun
you with
my bite
my fight
I'm light
on my feet
you slacker
soul jacker
soul *******
shame stacker
fatal blow
I'll deliver
a show
so go
run for
your life
none knew
what you
could do
did do
so now
I'll let
you stew
I bid you
Cya later alligator.
S S Feb 2016
I watch you watch me gliding by
Your joy worn on your sleeve
You hold me close, meld into me
My frayed veins you deftly weave.

A creeping line across an egg
Your face cracks into a smile
As silver syrup of moonlight seeps
Beem from your eyes, beguile.

I watch you pour love into me
Drops wetting parched dry heart
Words of satin, silken smooth
Bathe my restless wounds in art.

I believe that you ache when I ache
Edge of your world starts crumpling in
But tall you stand, hands on my ears
Muting out my shrieking din.

I believe you when you say you'll stay
Through my journey fraught with blades
Strong grip steadies my perilous walk
Gnashing jaws 'neath tightrope fades.

You shield yourself with arms aflexed
Marked with scars of self defense
Yet you kiss my Jekyll and my Hyde
You bore through my vile pretence.

I know not how our tale will end
The greys fragment into more shades
Know that your marrow fills my bones
You're the reason my life still parades.
My saviour.
S S Feb 2016
Too good to be true,
Your life.
They said.

Pull your head out of
Your ***.
They said

So why do you weep,
And why can't you sleep,
Your problem is just that you're spoilt.
They said.

I surely have had a
Good life.
I said.

Let me just paint you a
I said.

It's like showing the blind,
A Monet that you find,
Asking "Why don't you smile at the beauty?"
I said.

How dare you compare to
The blind
They said.

This is all in your head,
That's not.
They said.

So why do you ache,
And why do you fake,
Your problem is just that your spoilt.
They said.

Let me try to explain
I said.

Let me hum you a tune,
A rhyme
I said.

It's like playing the deaf,
A sonnet in F,
Asking "Why don't you dance to the beauty?"
I said.

How dare you compare
The deaf
They said.

You're trying to escape
From what!
They said.

So why do you fear,
And why don't you hear,
Your problem is just that you're spoilt.
They said.

I'm tired and I'm broken,
I said.

It's raw and exposed,
My soul.
I said.

So all I shall say,
To wrap up this day,
I don't understand how to feel joy,
I said.
Those who understand will understand.
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