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There is a clock in my house that is always ticking.

Tick tok tick tok

Sometimes, when I am all alone all I can hear is that clock

tick tok tic tok

hypnotizing me, transporting me to a place within my mind, a place that used to be beautiful and tragic, but now I can't tell which one anymore.

tick tok tick tok

I have began to count the ticks each one reminding me of the time I have wasted

tick tok tick tok

Each second, minute, hour of my life that I thrown away.

tick tok tick tok

I swear if this goes on any longer my heart will begin to beat in the metronomic rhythm

tick tok tick tok

Is no one else bothered that each tick represents one less second until death?

tick tok tick tok

Is this all just in my mind? Am I the only one who is going insane from the--

tick tok tick tok

I can’t sleep, I can’t think, all I can hear is ticking

tick tok tick tok

Its like a time bomb in my head

tick tok tick tok

Waiting to explode

tick tok tick toc

Is it me or is the clock getting louder...

tick tok tick tok


tick tok tick tok


tick tok tick tok


tick tok tick tok


tick tok tick tok

I pull out the batteries

tick toc tick----
So, ticking clocks seem to drive me insane...
I want to be a superhero. I want to shoot heats beams from my eyes like I shoot...spit, from my uh, mouth. I want to save people in the burning building. Lift girders with a finger and hope with my words. I'd give food to the poor and teach respect to the rich.
   I want to show the kid on the ledge that the bully is the loser and not him. That he has a life to live and what an ******* says is just a bunch of ****. And no matter how many times he jumps I'll pull him back on the ledge, show him that the hero he looks up to was just like him. Show him miracles happen and if he's lucky he'll become the hero in his eyes. Show him scars are scars and they're just out battle wounds, that even his hero gets hurt sometimes.
   I want to be like Tony Stark. Have an ark reactor in my chest powering a suit of armor. Knowing that any second my heart will be torn apart. Be like the Hulk cause I have such anger inside that sometimes I want to turn green and break things.
   I want to have the power of Thor, and show others that despite their expectations that deep down I have something they won't ever have: Compassion.
   I want to be a superhero. Because despite my expectations I am a hero in someone else's eyes. In another world, place, dimension I am the hero I want to be. And I know that eventually I will be a hero. I may not have powers but I have enough hope that maybe one day: I will.  
   But this isn't the future. I am in the present. And right now I am not the hero. Maybe I'm the villain.
 May 2014 SpiritHeart67
I once painted a dartboard in the corner of a room.
Half on one wall, half on the other; hit bullseye every time.
I thought I had found an answer.

I once jumped out of an airplane.
Nowhere to go but down.
That wasn't the answer, either.

I once walked a trail bordered by a swift river and a sheer cliff.
I could go where I had already been, or someplace else.
I found the answer.

r ~ 4/27/14
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  / \
I don't need you
to solve
all my problems.
I just need you
to not
become one
of them.
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