Everyone around me says it is not abuse.
That the love we have is worth fighting for.
Even though I am told what to wear.
How to speak.
I am the bad person.
I am the one making up lies they say.
It's not abuse they say.
I'm just overreacting.
And maybe I am...
But I never feel happy anymore.
As if my soul has already left my body.
So many tears are shed every day.
Depression brings thoughts of suicide.
I think about it daily.
I went to bed alone last night.
He didn't care that I was upset.
He didn't care to talk to me.
He just wanted to watch television.
Maybe I am being overly sensitive.
Some say I have someone else in mind.
But I really don't.
Some say I'm just bored with my relationship.
I don't think I am.
I have dreams of driving away and never looking back.
I'm scared to leave.
Emotionally drained.
I am not me anymore.
I am someone who has been molded for someone else.