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 Oct 2014 Frustrated Poet
I can feel my tears
Rolling down my cheeks
I can feel my hands
Trembling like the drums
I can feel my heart
Beating as it fall apart
I can feel my head
Aching as you fade
Not away from me
But away from all the memories we shared
 Oct 2014 Frustrated Poet
There is still so much wine.

But there is so little time..

Please stay.

What will my parents say?

I'll take you home.

I can do it on my own.

Come on, one last drink.

One more and in alcohol I will sink.

The night is still young!

Oh, the lies spoken by your tongue.

I'm not faking it, I want you here.

You are completely drunk, I bet you cannot hear.

Yes, I am drunk.
And you, you are **** beautiful.
I can see it, I can see.
Tomorrow I'll be sober
and I know you would still be.
drunk words are sober thoughts, L. written by H .**
 Oct 2014 Frustrated Poet
What I want so much is for the worst to diminish
And be left with all the good ones
What I want so much is to vanish -
Everything, even myself, all at once

But all I am offered
are time and the awaited remedy
All seems blurred
but right now this is all I can be.
when people look at my heart,
may they find beauty.
may they say i'm beautiful because
of my gentle spirit,
because of my kindness.
may they say i'm beautiful because
of my bravery and fearlessness.
may they say i'm beautiful because
of my joyful smile.
may they say i'm beautiful not because
of my hairstyle,
my jewelry,
my clothes,
my face.
may they find beauty in
my soul.
when it's raining in your heart
i will put my umbrella over it.
when your coffee is bitter,
i will be the sugar.
when your heart is breaking
i'll buy a hundred band-aids.
when you're feeling small,
i'll tell you that you're brave.
when you're feeling tired,
i will let my shoulders be your pillow.
wherever you are,
there i'll be.
whatever you need,
here is me.
Written for my mother.
People question things they do not know, I guess that's why they're so curious about us
They could say anything they want. Bitter people.
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
i used to think that when we get old,
we'd only spend time reminiscing our youth
and so i did all these things
these scrubbed things
to fill all the spaces
that deserve color

now all i miss is not wanting to grow up
not thinking
and not doing
just being
There are a very few things that anger me, they assume noth­ing makes me angry. Just because I am cheer­ful, I am not allowed to feel low. Just because I am less often seen in a bad mood, they assume noth­ing can spoil it. I don’t react to every­thing that hap­pens around me, they assume I have no opin­ions whatsoever. I am not harsh on any­one, they assume I am meek. I don’t pun­ish, they assume I can’t. I for­give, they assume I forget. I don’t brood over the past, they assume I am ‘blessed’ with mem­ory loss.

When I come across peo­ple assum­ing things about me, I try not to lose heart and tell myself, they are doing the eas­i­est thing they can do, which is ‘assum­ing’. Assum­ing is equiv­a­lent to not under­stand­ing. Those who fail to under­stand, either because they are unable to or because they don’t want to, are the ones who assume.

**So, don't judge me.
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