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Small minded nasty
Claiming the self victims of hate
Hating on everything
Selfish ****** wanting what's nice and easy
CAnt work hard
Can't give
Don't get in their self absorbed way
Too busy taking and expecting
Grow up and feed someone else's needs for a while
Maybe you'll grow a pair and eventually lean how to use them
For what they were actually intended for.
Chasing your Rainbows is no excuse
***** please!
This is my rant so please **** out. It is not universal it is directed at a rude *****. Cheers :D
I resolve to count my blessings not just at thanksgiving but all year long
I heard an attitude of gratitude can alleviate some symptoms of depression
I consider it a blessing to have a roof over my head
It is also a blessing to have a bed
I also consider it a blessing every day my bank account is not in the red
It is a blessing to be well fed  
It is a blessing to have family
It is a blessing to have friends
If I keep counting my list might never end
My friends please try to count your blessings
Our love is warmer than a summer day
I am glad you were sent my way
Thoughts of you will keep me warm all winter long
I pray that you stay free from harm
I hope to see you soon
May we dance together under the moon
Always remember there is room in my heart for you
 Nov 2013 soul in torment
It's been so cold.
But only because I made it that way.
I'm bitter.
And freezing.
And I'm sorry
that I let go of something
that could make me feel
so warm.
I hope I freeze to death
because it's what I deserve.
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