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 Nov 2013 soul in torment
It could have been the cigarette hanging from your perfect lips that have me goosebumps or it could have been your jet black hair slicked back in a pompadour style only hipster kids have these days... Not sure really but it sent shivers down my body.
You were the type of boy who liked to drink whiskey and had neck tattoos & I was the type of girl who was more awkward than a turtle.
You had this mystery about you under those dark sunglasses and you were so tall & sleek in that red flannel and black jeans... You were so ... hot
I had this problem where I would just stare until you looked over, which you did, and in turn I would look away blushing with shame.
I took one glance back as I started to walk away and saw you grinning this huge grin with your pearly white teeth and septum ring touching your upper lip.. Pretty sure my heart melted.
You were the guy I had dreamed about at night and I didn't even know your name of course.
Who was I kidding? We would never see each other again.
 Nov 2013 soul in torment
The truth is...
I simply want to kiss you as hard
As passionate
As obscene
As I possibly can...
Just to see if there is any....
The truth is....
I just want you to tell me
That you want to feel the same
I like the supervisor at my work.
He's nice and cute and listens to ****** indie music that Is intriguing. But I can't tell him because  he is a supervisor.
There is a hole in my ocean
and all the water is leaking through,
washing away the truth
washing away  all I ever knew.

You came along in the storm
You made the sea calm
It worried me because
I thought it wouldn't last long.

you made a hole in my ocean,
letting the water drip through
giving me dry land
showing me things I never knew.
to my beloved.
and me
were not built
on a foundation
that would tilt.

so can't you see?
we have an obligation to be free.
to love those that came before you
and respect and care for those to be.

but forget all your boundless worries
that fill your heart and day
and reap instead, your happiness
on the soil of tenderness and trust, I say!

we once knew for certain
if life would end in a manner,
we need to remember our day and place and hour
and allow meaning to flow with our power.

be joyful in yourself
smile because you are you
and no matter how hard I (or anyone) could try
to take that you from you,
you have the capability,
to know that
only you
are true
2 corinthians 3:2-3
Live Life Without Regrets!!

*but isn't
                 to each his own?
 Nov 2013 soul in torment
 Nov 2013 soul in torment
I pulled that dusty shoebox
From underneath the bed ,
Letters we had written
On the day that we had wed.

We talked about forever
And promised to be true,
Youd be good to me
And id be good to you.

I read and re read those letters
Trembling , clamy hands
I was not this women,
And you are not this man.

Why does time make change ok,
Stop simple things we used to do.
The way youd show your love for me or
How id show my love for you.

You should always hold
My hand, and make me feel my best,
I  should always be your rock,
We both just want respect.

Mabye we just need reminding
Of how it all began, to pick our battles better, and offer steady hands.

I tucked those letters safely
Into a book beside the bed ,
In that dusty shoebox
theyre not getting read .
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