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 Oct 2014 Sophia
 Oct 2014 Sophia
am i no longer apart of your life
as you skip over my bleeding body
and then leave
honestly i liked it better when you lied
when you said i meant something to you
and responded to my greetings
and when you think about it
when you really think about it
in your little dictionary of a brain
is my name there
am i defined
or do i have no definition
is there at least a pronunciation
or am i another language
how many times have you read it
how many times have you read it through
because i recall studying
studying you
cramming in as much as i could into my head
just so i could fail a test on a completely different subject
tell me
where do i stand
because i cant tell when youre screaming at me to kneel
and i try to get up
but the earthquakes you call love shatter all the stable ground i have
stop telling me to get out when i havent even walked in
and for future reference
my definition
is a fragment of your heart.
 Oct 2014 Sophia
i dont want to think about you
yet i do
again and again
you swarm through my brain
stinging every little crowded vein
until you take away my sight
taking every little bit of fright
from me
i dont like to speak of you
but i do
youve bought a condo on my tongue
with a clear view of my speech
and i see nothing more through the windows of my eyes
than the back of your head
and it hurts
i dont want to know you.
 Oct 2014 Sophia
i leave it all to you
all these worries and woes
all the structures i call home
the glory ive held in my arms since birth
and all the love ive endured these past few months
the small bits inside where i fell, sometimes on purpose, knowingly
and then completely without suspicion
from the scars on my fingertips
to the smiles hidden underneath my feet
these discouraged glances exchanged between darkness and i
that bucket that hung from the thinnest string
the water bringing it so close to dropping
i drop it all
i leave it
in a box wrapped in bad memory and ribbon
i gift it to you
gift it to you because im ******* tired
and so bad with holidays
happiness wont run to me as i sit on my *** no matter how hard i hurt
i must move
i must go
burn the previous if you wish
for i must forget.
yay over 2year old poems woo
 Oct 2014 Sophia
 Oct 2014 Sophia
cut me down to my bare bones
and I would burn my flesh for you
 Oct 2014 Sophia
 Oct 2014 Sophia
Kisses don't scare me anymore
Even though they seem gross
I think I could tolerate the feeling
Of lips on lips, for a second
Wait not for a second.
*for minutes
 Oct 2014 Sophia
Krusty Aranda
I see her
lying on my bed
So desireable.

My heart races
as the woman I love
takes her top off,
seducing me with a single look.
Kissing my neck,
she's gasping for air,
and whispers into my ear,
"Take it all off".

Her eyes inspecting
my naked body.
Her fingers
trace my every imperfection.
My fingers stroking her
perfectly smooth skin.

She pushes me down on the bed,
and soon follows me to it.
Skin on skin.

One deep breath,
hold it in,
and let it out, moaning.

One same heartbeat.
A chorus of synchronized
rhythmically singing in
the language of love.

Her body slightly twitches
****** after ******.
Her eyes look at me
with a burning passion
that her lips seal
on my chest.

Two souls, naked,
stripped of any earthly chains,
only to become
one again.
Based on a dream and a loved one.
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