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Too many indigo tears

The Ocean
hides them beneath
her broad blue checkered apron

White capped waves skirt across
a memory
an act
long forgotten

Vomiting up
salt and brine
debris that won’t
stay down

Resurfacing, beached

old shoe
someone once
Swami You have
driven us all mad
with Your bewitching Love
we gather in confused circles
spinning senselessly like
gopi maidens without
Sri Krishna in their arms

Over the barren dust bowl hills
of Parthi the wind
sobs and red eyed rainclouds
weep Your Holy name
even rays of the
sun scan the earth for
a chance to fall once
again upon Your
tender Lotus Feet

Beloved Lord
roll away the
from our hearts
the funereal shroud
that hides our
immortal truth
Lift the white veil
and gaze into
lovestruck eyes
eternally wedded
to You
the arrow of Your love pierces deep
wounded I fall into your arms
a willing supplicant
while You kiss away the
tears, blood and fear of death
a strange bliss engulfs us
like a fever suddenly breaking
scarlet clouds burning off
Elusive Self
my heart calls
I have caught all
my teardrops in
a glass goblet
for you to swallow

Now you can gauge
the depths of my love

along the river banks
I glimpse your
azure face
and the sun's rays falling
prostrate at your spangled feet

sometimes I camouflage
myself as a golden deer
praying you'll bestow
a tender caress
one single rosebud kiss

possessed and enchanted
I stalk your inebriating
like a shadow chases the

Is there hope for me

can I survive one instant
without You
God loves, sustains
and protects
all of His devotees
regardless of the
name chosen
to praise Him

inside my global prayer wheel
all the names of God
are humming

I am Allah, I am Jesus
I am Krishna, I am Buddha
I am Jehova, I am Jah,
I am Durga, I am Ahura Mazda
I am Quan Yin, I am Mother Mary,
I am Lakshmi, I am Shiva, I am Brahma
I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am....
There is a sacred path
that winds through
my heart

It sings God's Name
as I dance ecstatically
along enchanted gopi banks
and over
whirling, warbling brooks

I marvel as a black and
white checkered,
red tufted woodpecker
carves God's Name on
a thankful tree trunk

Mirabai, Kabir and Rumi
wave their colorful prayer flags
verses of pure love
and devotion cling to the
very air we breathe

The Bhakti path forges
unafraid through
the bleak, brooding
forest of desires

Husky winds blow around
ghostly, skeleton branches
that claw helplessly
at the night skies
whispering valiant stories of
Rama's exile and
Krishna's triumph

Another tree it's hoary arms
resembling a cross
bleeds, remembering the sacrifices
and love of Jesus, The Lamb of God

Trekking further into the dense
unforgiving jungle
seated in Lotus pose
a Golden Buddha
immersed in
rapturous meditation
opens His eyes for an instant

The sun rises in the east
I kneel and kiss His
glorious feet

Leaving the tangled woods
suffering, godforsaken
figures of homeless people
sleeping alongside
this good samaritan road

Embodiments of God
spirits marred by defeat
and agony
stare listlessly, flies circling
oblivious to the
blistering desert heat

I stop to share a prayer,
cup of water, some fresh
baked bread from my knapsack
and a ray of hope

The path abruptly ascends
purple mountain mists
crown the summit
holy footprints of saints,
yogis, fellow pilgrims
indelibly christen
and guide my steps

Angels sweep the road
ahead tossing rose petals
and victory blossoms

Om peals
across the enlightened
Bhakti path

...and an ancient God awakens....
God visited our house last Sunday
a bright papaya orange butterfly
welcomed Him,
fluttering in loops like a kite
as He stepped out of His car

Embracing our dear friend Jon from
New Jersey
He entered our pagoda
indeed, not as a guest but
as an embodiment of God

The early afternoon was garlanded
in loving, intimate, animated conversation
and a delectable lunch was served to our
beloved  brother
This was topped off with nectar sweet
chocolate coconut prasadam

Everything from matters of the spirit
to soul stirring S.R.F. devotional songs
chanting sublimely
suffused our heavenly day

Even the backyard birds turned out
in large numbers
their cocky red, brown and
sky blue heads
peeking curiously through
the patio door
craned to catch a glimpse
of our divine companion

Jon, His mellow, prayerful eyes
blessing all His gaze fell upon
leaned back comfortably in
the recliner chair
like a long lost friend
returning home ~
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