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far behind
I leave the world
familiar labyrinth of houses,
walmart,  smart tv's and people scurrying
promiscuously in all directions
burnt scroll of another chapter
cast into the blazing fires
of my heart
your long white swan's
neck reposes
soft upon my breast
as if listening to
my heart
and the wings of
spirit fluttering
We are celibate now
the sweet rivers that
once ran between our thighs
have dried up....
gutted fish lie panting on
shores littered with
caviar and vacant,
abandoned oyster shells
girding up our *****
we begin the arduous,
formidable, slippery, icy
ascent to Mount Kailash
Your soulful, blue eyes
merge with the
azure heavens above
our arms linked together
You whisper warmly
"Ready Mama?"
I take a deep mystic breath
surrendering to the vast call within
"Yes Papa..."
(108 Bhakti Kisses Book Giveaway-paste link to enter)

to touch the stars
to hold
inside this
embryo fist
one glimmer of Eternity

to remember
**Who I Am
To the North, To the South
To the Left, To the Right
Only God Exists

His breath enters every portal
of  being
I close my eyes in dark, starless realms
He glides within
Endless Sun of dreams
illumine the path, veins, arteries
radiating from my heart

Connect us to a higher Highway
above the fruited plain
swirling red dust of our
bones, teeth, marrow
barren desert mirages

God, Beloved Self
the wandering is over
take us home forever
seductive dream
my lashes and tears entangled in yours
the heat of our bodies evaporating
in the morning mists
another round begins
and the coil of flesh
swallows itself
I'm constantly checking myself
out lately
I have to put my self through
a security X-ray check
before I act or speak
what are my real intentions, true motives
and hidden agendas
sometimes a secondary screening
and full pat down is required
suspicious thoughts and
harmful desires
disarmed and replaced
with harmonious, sathwic
virtuous destination
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