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we look straight ahead
carrying baskets
on our heads
fruits of our labor
our hips sway
along the dusty brown roads
we stop to share
a taste of kindness with
fellow pilgrims in need
close your eyes
see me now
a bright star
falling into your arms

breathe deep
feel me now
a soft breeze
rippling over your lips

turn towards my burning gaze
and walk with me as the
wind sings ecstatically through
the green reeds along
the river banks
the blind bride
follows the eternal vision of
Your Divine Presence and
the ecstatic flute
enchants her deaf ears
only Your Name escapes
from lips mute
and tongue tied
in sweet knots
the earth and all the blazing planets
spin senselessly, obliviously past her,
safe in Your awesome arms
in Your endless embrace

She... Is
peacock shimmering
night glades
our sweet Hari
His flute-song floats
stealing the butter
cream of our Love
on all fours
crawling so innocently
but when He yawns
universes spill like
glittering marbles
the entire macrocosm
inside the mouth
of babes
Wild amethyst morning glories awaken by the sea
an avalanche of white waves rush to the shore
zebra shadows dance across
the phosphorescent beach
and God's heart beats inside the
transparent chest of a jelly fish

I listen to the ocean sing
cresting jeweled tides
rise and fall
our footprints and all we think we are
without a trace

Love's ineffable breath
sweeps me out to beauty
Elope with me Lord, swiftly we can sail
so far from the world's undertow
and swirling eddies

Spirit me away beloved
to that enchanted island within Your

In that secluded place my
eyes will envision only Your
resplendent form

My tongue will sing
only verses
that please Your divine ears

My hands will love and serve
only Your Lotus Feet
The nectar of Your name
caresses my numb heart
softens the hardened portals
unblocks the sadness, disappointment,
grief, fear, bitterness
that clogs the passageways
and poisons the spirit

The dog treasures his bone
squirrels their acorn
day adores the sun
night seduces the milk white moon

I drown in the holy honey of
Your Name

God! God! GOD!

You who will never forsake
or abandon Your devotee

You and Your name are
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