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In the twilight zephyrs
under milky way skies
I stroll beside my peacock plumed God

Along the banks of the Yamuna river
with captivating charm
He teaches me
the Language of Love

Honeybees buzz around us
even though the coral pink
sun has melted into a
puddle of nectar at
His silken lotus Feet
and all the flowers have
folded their drowsy petals

raven heavens raise their
ebony veils and a
chorus of rhapsodic stars
chant Krishna's glorious name

I feel His raincloud blue face
close to mine
lightning from His eyes
strikes my Soul

...and We dance...

A trillion psychedelic umbrellas
whirling, dazzling Sufi circles
beneath the Golden parasol
of God's enormous

I gaze up at the towering azure peaks
that shelter the sun
and flawless diamond skies that
cradle the moon
and wonder at the invisible
hand that painted all this

I know with absolute certainty...

There is an unseen splendor
that moves through us
at a velocity
beyond the speed of Light

A magnitude that inhabits
our very breath
and shapes our discernible forms

Red rivers of Love flow
through our arteries, veins
our eyes flaming swords ablaze with this
magnificent truth pierces the darkness


The Temple of the living God
Today, I told a butterfly he was God
my eyes followed the magnificent cape
of his orange monarch wings
from September flower to flower

The inquisitive coral throated lizard
leaping over the garden jhoola
listened, awestruck as I announced
with deep conviction
"You're, God too, my friend"

It was time to tell Joy, screeching
at the top of her parrot lungs and
Sam my bright-eyed cairn terrier
the exciting news

I could feel the teal blue heavens,
all the creatures of our earth and
beyond breathing in
absolute pin drop silence
as I filled a glass with water
opened my mouth
and slowly poured
God into God
My sweet darling grandson Sean Sai
asked me to pray with him over a dead bug.
We placed our palms together and prayed for the little bug
lying on its back with four legs sticking up in the air.
His brother complained to me that Sean has been praying
for all the dead bugs and critters he comes across.
I told him that's okay he will get closer to God.
Sean looked at me with his twinkling wise eyes and said:
"Grandma if you get close to God you will have good luck!"
Isn't that so very precious ~ out of the mouth of babes so much wisdom
Day lilies and dragonflies
in Arkansas June
boy do I need a sombrero!
not a cloud in the sky
and I pray for a genteel breeze
to cool my brow
The crepe myrtle has
crept its way into
my heart
From dawn to dusk
She stands unscathed
shocking pink candelabrum
boisterous laughter of
school children on vacation and
belly flops in chlorine blue green pools
brings to mind a delightful dip
in a secluded, sylvan
mountain stream
where I can with palms folded
Love brimming
salute the Summer Solstice
In shimmering ebb of
evening's closing tide
I kneel and kiss
Your jeweled footprint
above a trillion super stars
illumine the temple dome
and a crescent moon floats
near the crown of my head
I've forgotten my name
and the way home
long ago washed out to sea

there is no existence apart
from You

I wander the dazzling shoreline
a cobra draped around my neck

I am Shiva
the thousand petaled One
Will you kiss my heart tonight Lord?
And make me bloom lushly
like the lotus moon rising over
a barren and lifeless desert

how I languish in the scattered funeral
petals of another orphaned day
seeking only Your radiance and
those luminous orbs that dance
around the sun forever

Who can love me like You—God?
robed in a long dark dream
I wait in the orange embers
of Your Presence
for the only caress that
really matters
the only kiss
that truly endures
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