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"Life is hard. Life only brightens when we look on the brighter side."
This is a quote that came to me last night
and it came back to my head this morning
so I thought I would share it here!! :)
Enjoy!! :) ~<3
 Sep 2013 Sommer Parks-Scott
Dancing through the long hallway

Racing for the arched doorway.

Every day has an ending

Every night has a beginning.
 Sep 2013 Sommer Parks-Scott
the canopy of light
of shade
the memories
that have
shall always
linger near my heart
but i will always
miss you.

 Sep 2013 Sommer Parks-Scott
New beginnings, like pages
of a book. New chapters,
as in life as well also.
School days are almost through.
New school next year.
 Sep 2013 Sommer Parks-Scott
It is so nice, the summer sun
warming up my garden
and my face.
Flowers bloom, as love, all
around me, yet never
including me.
I know that I
shall wait,
and he shall
come some
 Sep 2013 Sommer Parks-Scott
Such a lovely day
To stroll down a wooded path
And imbibe beauty.
First haiku.
 Sep 2013 Sommer Parks-Scott
Lavender sunset,
such a lovely sight to see,
sitting side by side.
God I hope this comes to pass,
all within Your own good time.
My first Tanka! :)
I hope you enjoy it. :)
 Sep 2013 Sommer Parks-Scott
I open my eyes
and see all of nature clear
I thank God for this!
I thank God for creating beauty in nature.
"The heavens declare the glory of God: and the firmament sheweth his handywork." Psalm 19:1
Winter leaving, slips—
Forest draped in magenta sun,
Birches in painted clothes.
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