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the wallflower Mar 2018
my darling
you are not an inconvenience to the world
this world is an inconvenience to you

my darling
you are not a bad person
this world is just judgemental

my darling
you don't create problems for yourself
life just *****
if life was a person , i think it would of ended itself awhile ago because of how ****** it is
the wallflower Mar 2018
i believe there is no remedy for a broken heart
it is something you have to get used to
the lingering sting of an open incision
the hollowness inside from your absence
and i thought i couldn't take  anymore damage
that i was already a try and fail test subject
but apparently i don't get the liberty to make those decisions on my own
i cant drown my demons
they know how to swim
i want to die
the wallflower Mar 2018
it sometimes makes me want to puke
the hands of agony push against my insides
palms of brutality fiercely grip my heart to the point of pain
proof of my internal torment fall from my eyelids
smelling of oceans , salty salty oceans
the devil strums dismal chords on my rib cages
and more proof of my internal torment fall from great heights
my brain is no use to me
for all it sent me were harrowing memories of my abhorrent past
my fingers twinge from gripping my chest too tightly
my neck aches from hanging it limply
hanging because it had been carrying my broken fractures for some time now
i don't want to feel the shadows of my monsters writhe around me
i don't want to be the nail in my casket
not anymore
but i've been buried alive
and the pressure of unearthly sorrows are drowning me
my depression is starting to bother me ... immensely
the wallflower Mar 2018
This is how my angel cries
This is how my heart breaks
This is how i show my pain
This is how i dodge the rain
Please send me poem ideas to my inbox
I need more !
the wallflower Mar 2018
We fill our brains
With thoughts and things
Remembering subjects nobody cares about
Join hands with the moon
And become bestfriends with your doubt
Its been said " You cant fly with wings of uncertainty "
Then explain my existence
Prove my heights  
I've been flying without wings at all
Don't tell me your words hurt less than hitting the ground
I've been soaring with no hope , no strive
However miraculously
I'm still alive
Even my short stories about winter days seem too realistic for anyone and everyone that tends to sugarcoat their definition on what life should be ;-;
the wallflower Mar 2018
A poetess sleep is non-existent without
My mind is poetically undisturbed
Until the morning dawn breaks the surface of a midnight blue
A pen turns into a harpoon
And a poem forms from the gloom
up like an insomniac
the wallflower Mar 2018
It is raining
The sky is crying
Above its gloomy
And the drought is dying

It is raining
The ground is wet
Below its colder
Posing a threat

It is raining
And i am crying
But no one sees
Cause i'm good at hiding

Raining it is
I am done trying
To rid of the storm
That my heart keeps finding
upon rain comes blue
take that as you please
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