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Skyy Blu Dec 2019
I'm everyday. What i want is simple.... I want..... forever!
Skyy Blu Dec 2019
We don't have to take our clothes off-- to have a good time. I won't ask to see yours so don't ask to see mine.  It's about evolution so lets evolve.  Free your mind and the rest will follow.
Skyy Blu Nov 2019
Words like to hide is shadows.... but actions always brings them to light!
Skyy Blu Nov 2019
Flowers-We- Grow-In-Concrete. Strong and Fragile, Beautiful and Brilliant, Soft and Warm.... Built to Survive....Born to Thrive.....Planted to Rise....Amazing before our eyes! We are flowers and we grow in concrete. Flowers!
Skyy Blu Sep 2019
The Glamorous Life without love it ain't much! Someone said, What's- Love, got to do with it? Today, The way people go.... I can honestly say nothing. No-One, Loves anymore it's all about meaningless ***, hookups, and nothing-ever-after! A bunch of lonely, empty, hurting, lost, confused, simple-minded people, using their bodies as holes with no meaning. We all need the glamorous life.... Without- Love--- It ain't much!
Skyy Blu Sep 2019
It-Is-What-It-Is..... Your actions speaks a whole lot louder than your words and your actions don't lie. You can say that you love me all day long--- but if all you do is treat me wrong---what am I to believe? I might forget what you say to me--- on the regular but I will never forget how you made or make me feel. Your actions are the real representation of you, who you are.... all that you are! They speak the good, bad, ugly, and even the indifference of you. It-Is-What-It-Is.....
Skyy Blu Sep 2019
Roll-Up-On-This.... It belongs to you. You don't have to window shop this it's yours. Come-Get-It.... All-Night-Long---- Nothing this good could ever be wrong. Roll-Up-On-It.... Make-It, Your own....Lets sweat... Lets moan..... Roll-Up-On-This.... All-Night-Long!
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