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Skyy Blu Dec 2018
It doesn't matter what kind of person you are, be it fallen or redeemed; bad, good, or indifferent.... We all want to be loved... We were made for it.
Skyy Blu Dec 2018
She: What are you into? He: I'm hoping to get into you! She: The space is open but it's not're talking right now--- but I'm looking for an eternity. He: If, I fall will you catch me? She: Free- Fall, I'll be your net.... fall on into me. He: What are you into? She: I'm trying to get into you! He: The space between us is not free.... You don't have to window shop--- you can own me! She: If, I fall will you catch me? He: I'm your net... Free-Fall, Into me! I'm all that you'll ever need, and I'm down for eternity. I'm down for eternity.
Skyy Blu Dec 2018
I'm ride or die... If, We're down and I'm into you.... it doesn't matter if-- we're just friends or more....I got your back. I'm going to hold you down.... but like the lady said, got to be good to me! I got need to have me too...all I'm saying--- Real Talk.+
Skyy Blu Dec 2018
Today., I realized something about myself, it seems that-- I am always giving into the life's of the people around me. I go out of my way to help others and to truly be there for friends and family.I seem to always be pouring into someone  else..... emotionally, financially, spiritually, physically, mentally, it's like I'm a natural care-giver and I love it.... that's kinda who I am but today it hit me. The one person that, I never seem to go out of my way for or pour into--- is the only person who has really been there for me... no matter-what without judgment, wholeheartedly, through all of my madness, good as well bad times; through the joys and every pain.... has been and is myself.I somehow forgot to take care of me---I guess that, I've gotten so use to putting others before myself, helping  others get to their place of healing.... that I didn't think about myself and my needing to be healed. I've poured out so much I feel as though my storage is empty; and now in what seems to be my dawn.... I will learn to pour into me---for once I will put me first.... for once I will be down -- with me, for-better-or-for-worse.... I will put me first..... Starting Today.
Skyy Blu Dec 2018
No.... please take these empty boxes and leave me alone....I'm cool-with-it! You've never been real with me...and now I'm over you so please leave---and take your empty boxes of : love that you have for me, your I got your back and I'll never leave, I want you more than words can express, I'm giving my all and nothing less, you-know, that I love you and I'll never cheat: I promise I'll make it up to you, I'll never do it again, I told you--- we are only friends. I didn't mean to...that was the last one--- now I'm over you.... so gather all of these empty boxes and leave. Just Leave
Skyy Blu Dec 2018
I've been through hell and back. I've been abused, misused, neglected, rejected, torn,and served by those who said, that they loved me.... and had my back. I've been talked about, put down and kicked out, dehumanized, and despised by those I loved the most. I've been lied on and lied to, I've been hurt so bad--- I didn't know what to do; but through it all I survived. I forgave all those who hurt me...not because they deserved it but because, I needed to be free; and forgiving them saved and freed me. I survived..... through it all.... Still I Rise.
Skyy Blu Dec 2018
The song we all sing.... forget and sing again,  Body... Flesh-N-Bone... Natural our own.... We sing--- Love me... .make me your own. It's natural , Flesh-N-Bone.... Please... Love Me--- I promise I'll be strong... Truth-Is, We be natural.... Flesh-N-Bone... From-- Creator--- Til, we be back home.... We all sing... lets be natural-- Flesh-N-Bone.
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