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We sit on a tailgate pointed toward
the hills, where life ripples down the slopes
gathers in pools of the creek and begins again
to climb up the peaks and tree trunks on the
other side. It colors the breaths we take
Children run here, learn their legs, as stalks
graze their shoulders and block their
view. They get dizzy as rows rush by.
We rein in our bovine friends here, watch
them jump and kick, see them call in


We walk between rows of highly stacked cement and exhale smog that drifts
upwards to
join the cloud of soot.
We walk among so many abrasive shoulders. We get
hung up on abrasive personalities.
A gray wave in a black sea we’re vapidly
drifting. Legs move quickly to stay afloat.
swimming. Swimming always. Swimming further.


We sit for pictures with clogged eyes and stuffed chests
We coo at portraits of masks and dummies
We write books for laughs and money and friends
We read a little to find the romance and sorrow
and lay cold on the slab while our own pages turn.


We pass out of porcelain faces with their tightly
drawn eyes that cast gazes over shoulders, homes
of last night’s kisses. We pass out of the electrical
current of youth
numbed and still alive
with eyes that look like stained glass windows of the
Church of Holy Suffering.


We wait for Sunday night to turn the dial to the Blues. We keep throwing something for an animal to pick up and return.  We string beads and sell them for redemption.


We think of our friends. They’re draped in a future,
warmed with hot blood rushing through their veins,
slamming fists to tables, pronouncing their minds.
ripping off dresses, sharing their madness.
tossing paint to canvas, showing their hearts.
asking questions to startle, proving their love.


We think of our parents.
dead and gone, dead to us, dead by self-proclamation -
Is their blood cold and still in their withered veins?
Have they their fill of slamming fists and ripped dresses and tossed paint and startling questions?


We are sad.
 Jul 2013 Skye Applebome
This use to be a day of great pride
This use to be a day of celebration
This use to be a day of strength
Now it is a day of reflection
Now it is a day of great guilt
Now it is a day of regrets
Regrets for our arrogance
Regrets for our weakness
Regrets for letting down our fathers
First come up with a catchy title
One that will draw the crowds
Throw in a bit of Mojo
A little pizzazz, a lot of Wow

Give it a twinge of what people want
A slight tweak of what people need
That can stand on it's on, slap them square in the face
How about you call it FREE MONEY!

Now that you have the hardest of parts
Tightly locked in place
It's time to spin the ultimate rhyme
One that will blow them all away

Throw in a little love for all the ladies
One or two car chases for Dad
So as not to leave anyone out
Dinosaur's and bunny rabbits for the kids

Now take it and mix it together
Slightly shaken but never stirred
Till you have them eating out of your hands
Devouring your every word

This will keep them coming back for more
They will always be waiting in line
For your next junket through
The world of mysterious rhyme

I hope that this has been helpful
And in a way has enlightened you
Now go out there Mr.and Miz Poet
There's a line outside waiting for you
 Jul 2013 Skye Applebome
 Jul 2013 Skye Applebome
This desire takes over
and I don't know what to do,
when my mind starts racing
and I think of only you.
 Jul 2013 Skye Applebome
this feeling is so overwhelming.
I can do nothing to make this ache subside.
There is a hollow feeling within these bones,
and I know the only way to make it go is to be close to you.
We both know that is not possible, as you see me as a friend and I see you as a lover.
 Jul 2013 Skye Applebome
Just give me one kiss
with those saltwater lips
and I will give you my soul.
You can drag me out to sea,
the water heavy over me,
and watch me gladly drown.
As the water fills my lungs,
I'll look up to the sun,
reminded of your beauty.
The red spots that color my eyes will
be a memory of those lips that
brought me to my gorgeous demise.
 Jul 2013 Skye Applebome
Just Me
Forever In Our Heart:

That fateful night when everything as We know it changed
The call late in the night
The weeping that followed
The lives that were forever changed

That was the night He passed
It was the night We lost a class mate, a friend, a brother, a son
That was the night We lost a young man so full of life
A young man who sought only the truth

We miss His bright happy smiles
We miss His care free attitude
We miss His presence
But most of all We miss Him

However life must continue
We must continue
But even as We continue
A part of us will never forget Him

He will always remain in that part
Never to be forgotten
Always to be rembered
May You Rest In Peace Dear Friend
In memory of a friend to us all who passed 3 years ago on July 4th in a car accident. . Forever  are you in our hearts. Rest in Peace Alex.
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