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Oct 2014 · 492
Sky Dionne Oct 2014
As she falls into a dream
Completely unaware
Of reality.
Her heart bounds,
And leaps into the night sky.
Takes a dive
Into the fathmless deep
Blue ocean of happiness
That drowns her.
Reminds her of a moment,
That peculated the air
From her lungs.
Made her breathless.
Stole the peices of her heart,
And mended them,
With the illumination of
A thousand fireflies.
As if though, stars aligned perfectly,
To form the stitches.
The the refreshigly,
Crisp night wind as thread.
Suddenly, she realised
That her lungs
Have turned water
Into air
And oxygenated her clouded thoughts
Into butterflies.
Her eyes open,
And the bliss,
Melts away when the spot beside her
Is empty of his warmth.
Said butterflies have left to leave
The enclosure of her abdomen,
Filling her heart
With those winged beats
Of love.

— The End —