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542 · Jan 2014
Sjr1000 Jan 2014
Laughs last.
538 · Aug 2021
Sjr1000 Aug 2021
My trees have personalities
I know I must be going
a little crazy.

The dog wood howls at the moon

The Waxmertyl craves the river

The Monterey Pine flourishes
It'll know me when I die.

The Cybress is a youngin
Not quite sure

Under the plum tree many times I've cried
for all of the innocence inside.

The Elder Berry has an identity crisis
Doesn't know if it's a bush
Or a tree.

I'm not saying their trying to talk to me
And I'm not saying I'm trying to talk to them
I'm just saying
We're all here
Just trying to be.
Sjr1000 Aug 2016
In heartfelt
songs sung

Coming together
Tearing apart

Falling in love
Breaking up.
530 · Jul 2014
Sjr1000 Jul 2014
along the way
Get these together
much more to say.
Sjr1000 Nov 2013
It's a crazy rancid
dance we do
Hold On.

It's illusions fading
into illusions created
Hold on.

It's a solitary star lite
full moon night
Hold on.

There is laughter in an
empty room
Lover's shadows on a darkened
Curtains waltzing
in a warm wind night
Hold on

There is a woman on the
road tonight
running from this room
she had loved me then
she had loved when.

She turned up the music
Turning down desire.
Hold on.

Reaching and missing
at cross-roads passed
turn down the music
return to me.
Hold on.

The moon is fading
the stars are dimming
the sun is rising
the last note is played.

Hold On.
520 · Feb 2019
For my dear Stuart
Sjr1000 Feb 2019
My life long friend
Friendship which goes the distance
We stand on the edge of the great abyss
This last little bit we have to take alone.

A life long friendship nourished and encouraged
Learning from you how to love
each and every one
Learning what it means to be
I and thou

Heading downstairs for one more round

Looking in the mirror
Integrity or despair?

It's all been there

But this life is like jumping
Into Tahoe on a warm summer day,
And hitting mountain thawing snow
You could do it
I never could
The naked fisherman in the Golden trout wilderness

The Buddha on the road

We stayed so young
While we got so old
Couldn't have done that
Without you

The ocean is still out there with your footprints in the morning sand
Your molecules in the laps you swam
The poetry of motion

The healing brought

All of this and nothing more
Every day our friendship,
a blessing
In everyway.
517 · Oct 2018
Sjr1000 Oct 2018
Sleep baby sleep
It's been a rough go
without release,
your road has been a thorny one
Feels like you've been cut and sliced
Diced and dangled over high cliffs
And that fear of heights, doesn't help.

The sheets here are a thousand thread
The comforter, grandma's quilt,
Sleep baby sleep
Rest your head.

Life has its ups and has its downs
Streaks and slumps
All in one day.

Put your head down on my chest,
I'll do the rest.

Sometimes the tears are going to slide
Right on down your cheek,
The intensity of our grief is equal to our capacity to love, my own cliche I know
But it's okay
Your day is done

Sleep baby sleep
Rest deep.
The line "the road you walk is a thorny one", the  Gypsy said it to The Wolf Man, circa 1941
484 · Dec 2013
Found And Lost
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
There was an idea
I had last night
At the moment between
Consciousness and sleep sublime
An ephemeral ribbon
Of insight
That opened my heart
And my mind in parts
That had been blind.

My mind said "rise"
My body said "do you think that's wise?"

That ribbon floated on by.

"Get up write it down"
"I'll remember it word for word"
Of course that was a nasty lie.

In this morning's black darkness
It was gone It was gone
Like the moments of our lives
Floating ephemiral ribbons
Dancing in the breezes
Of  time. ..
Sjr1000 Nov 2013
I laid him down
In a playground
Upon which he could
Never play again

My son, my friend
My sadness overwhelms me
About what might have been

And the innocence in
Those eyes and the purity
That presence designed

It lingers across time
On the inside

I mourn for you my son
I grieve for all I have become
And left you so alone

"Daddy is that you"
You called in the night
But I was no longer there.

I had laid him down
In a playground
Upon which he could
Never play again

"The world, " he said
"Had spun one way"
"Then ceased it's movement"
"And began to spin the other"

From this sorrow of
Abandonment, my son
My child, both inside
And out

I laid them both down
In a playground
Upon which he
Could never play
Again. ..
There are times in our lives eveytime we walk down
that line will lead to embarassment, anxiety and dread.
We already know the end of the line. It was once said instead of misery let's go eat pie.
Sjr1000 Nov 2013
Couldn't figure it out
Couldn't see it coming

was innocent once again
figuring out the ins and outs

Let's just get down
to the heart of the matter

Exiles stance wore him out
The glass house peering out
Hot breath on the glass
(Total disconnect when she left)

Let's just get down to the heart
of the matter

Lives roll in on the tides
Roll back out when time dies
While butterflies fly
all around me

Let's just get down to
the heart of the matter

In constant conversation
this isolation
Silence and words incessant
Don't talk about what
can not be
that one adoring touch

Nothing comes inside to
heal that fragile spot
Time's passing grace
Time's moment of adoration
Windy touch

Let's just get down to the
heart of the matter

Darkness, life and death....
454 · Dec 2013
Doing the hokey pokey
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
Love in
Love out
Jobs in
Jobs out
Education in
Education out
Youth in
Youth out
Unconsciousness in
Consciousness out
Consciousness in
Unconsciousness out.

You do the hokey pokey
You shake it all about
Blink in
Blink out
That's what it's all about. ..
449 · Apr 2019
Deja Vu
Sjr1000 Apr 2019
She lives this life
As if she had lived it before
Nothing surprises her
Nothing throws her off her stride.

she has places she goes to hide
In her mind
The craving she keeps in the basement
Darker still.

She knows already
Our shadows are everywhere
Hiding in the walls.

She knows everything.

She walks in the redwoods
The canopy above
The ferns below
Green in the light
Dogs running all around
Putting out her arms
Palms up
And wondering
While her heart aches
For all the innocence

The story's not written until the day we die.

The illusion of immortality
Makes us waste so much time

She already knew the end
She had walked this way before.
444 · Oct 2017
Sjr1000 Oct 2017
Post Traumatic Stress
Most of us
got it

Cortisol fear screaming through
our blood stream
Seeing or being something
people never should be

Adrenal Dumps
Road rage

Meltdowns in the
five to eight shot
morning or evening
it doesn't matter

Memories traveling
on the light of the day
scents floating in the air
the music
A ****** expression
in a crowd

Holding on tight
Jumping out of our

Feelings of rejection
Than rage

How to handle it today?

The walking wounded
walking on parade
no point in going to the circus
when we are the circus

Maybe it's always been,
What do they say,
The human condition
is the condition
we're in

If we do it right
(next time)
another way
to get it right.
437 · Jun 2019
The Gambler
Sjr1000 Jun 2019
The hound dog sings the blues again
Jumping into the probability  continuum
Finding bliss or frustrated suffering
Gotta keep moving
Cutting our losses
Honoring commitment

Of winners and losers
Letting the cards fall where they may
Finding peace where we can
While the hound dog sings the blues again.
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
If fire is life
than what are we?

The fire breathes
and feeds.
It eliminates
struggles to survive.
It creates its self
with every touch.

If fire is life than what are we?

The sun our mother father
gives all life.
The stars a population of beings
they are born
they live
they die.

If fire is life than what are we?
Sjr1000 Feb 2014
Cast my line
Each time
into the unknown
426 · Jan 2019
Evolution Laughs Last
Sjr1000 Jan 2019
I was the last physical human on planet Earth.
I really don't know how it worked out that way,
The luck of the draw, I guess
But it has.

My legs ache,
My head throbs,
My back hurts,
I'm so lonely and disturbed.

Instead of having physical children,
Bodies, life death, age, being what they are so challenging,
People started creating,
A different kind of children, you could virtually grow, more than a sim,
a "life"
As it were
As we know.

Taking on a life of their own,
A new generation way beyond me,
Leaving behind all physical vulnerability.

They could have 3d'd a body
Easy to do
But what was the point?
Evolution said to homosapians,
Of course you saved the last dance for me.

I think I'm ready for my nap now
And it's okay,
there is no one left to wake me.
421 · Dec 2018
Sjr1000 Dec 2018
Car wheels on a dirt road
She turns off the bedroom light
Turns to face herself on a frozen night
It hasn't gone well
Two marriages two fiancees
One Too Many ****** addicts
Along the way

Please forgive me she tells her kids
Her mother goes to sleep never wakes up
Now their moving her to Tennessee
To be close to a father she never did see
A hard luck story from beginning to end
Molested by a neighbor way back when
Eleven years old, they said he was a friend
My father was a **** beat me with a stick
Children are to be seen not heard
So he said
Respect him
I wanted to wait until he was sleeping,
The cast iron and his head
Bye bye

But I didn't

Prison bound eventually
Trusted a woman undercover
Not too bad
Safer than I've ever been
Worked my job
Did my shift
Otherwise never had to get out of bed

A twist of fate
A neighbor decided I was the one
Took me to a Colorado ranch
Five hours from Santa Fe

Staring into the wood stove
I've never really told him about my past
He never seemed all that interested
One more beer and he'll be fine

Car wheels on a dirt road
The night is slow in winter
She turns off the bedroom light.
417 · Jul 2018
(she had a dream
Sjr1000 Jul 2018
she was)

The vessel embarking at the sudden light

Empty as an infant

The eyes, the windows
The sonar, the ears
The propeller, the legs
The hull, the skin
Equpped with hands to grip and collect
Drifting into the great unknown

(She stirred)

The vessel predisposed to doldrums
basking in the sun's golden light
Mother moon at night
taking the vessel in

In warm embrace

The vessel learning from experience
storing its hurts, resentments,
sorrows, regrets
fears and guilts
in the hold

Susceptible to changing weather
And lightning strikes announcing who
she is

This vessel voyages the seas of time

Forming beliefs about self
telling stories and reminiscing

(She headed to the bathroom
Couldn't help it
Was so into the dream
Tried to keep it with her,
eyelids half shut
The vessel on the high seas)

(She dreamt)

The vessel was stuck at the Cape
Rockin and rollin
in waves of self pity
hanging on to the mast for dear life

Dear life.

Deep love
Slices of delight
Happiness coming
The weather calm.

(She awoke with a start
Her breath taken away
"What a strange night"
She had to say,
The moon was setting
Dawn's twilight had not yet begun
She searched the high seas)

The vessel reached its port of call,
It had weathered many storms

The hold was bursting with forlorn
she carries with her,
in every breath she takes,

And, she proceeds -
proceeds to disembark

Fully alive, arriving at her destination

(Awakening, she is in a mood,
her dream, the waterway to the moon,
The vessel remained
The dream had ended too soon
As all wonderful dreams tend to do

The alarm clock went off,
She thought about calling in sick
She got on the computer
Started looking for ports of call.
Heading to the Sierra's for awhile, be well, one and all.
417 · Jul 2020
The lost year
Sjr1000 Jul 2020
Missing the drive to Truckee,
Graegeagle/ Almanor fantasies
Missing the front deck
Bears & squirrels
Jim and Marylee
So happy

Missing Jim & Marylee

Packing up the old VW
Take you anywhere

Missing Eric & Anne
Missing Eric & ?
Katie Doug and Cheyene
James & Amanda
Sarah & Hannah
Emily too
Frank and Susan
What are we going to do?

No fish to be caught
They rarely were,
No smokes in the morning with the lake out there

Missing the view of the lake

Being out on the water

The music always playing
Missing the dogs in the water
The colors of the afternoon
Changing into the night clothes
While the camp fire begins to go
And later, 1950's radio shows
After several days the mind begins to change
Panoramas and vistas
Restore perspective

Missing Cheese Camp
Yearly healing

The lost year when there is
just a covid snow and no where to go
goes and goes...
405 · Jan 2014
We Can Break the cycle: 10W
Sjr1000 Jan 2014
at a
396 · Nov 2019
The Gambler's Luck
Sjr1000 Nov 2019
She passed out
between the Game Makers
The Rancheria's casino
I was playing Bonus Deuces Wild
She was playing a penny a line

Hitting five of a kind on the first play in the continuum
She acknowledged my luck
Then lay her head down between the machines
as if looking for something
She could not find

Time passed
Banging along
Credits up and credits down
I asked her if she needed help
She was comatose
Remembered it far later
Her bottom gum was pink,
Where her teeth
Should have been

We laid her down
I held her head
I forgot 17 years of CPR training
I remembered it later

Her breath would stop
Then sputter back to life
Life trying to find away

Help arrived after a while
Disorganized for a while
and ill prepared
for an establishment frequented with old people and another addict
worked hard at it
got the hang of it
brought her back to life several times

It didn't matter
Emily dressed in black leotards
Balancing a drink tray
told me about her a while later
She had been alone
an anyuerism
She died.

wouldn't have mattered

But before I left that afternoon
I told Security
I didn't mean to be crass or crude

But could he please push the button
To get my ticket
I had money in that machine

He said to me
I guess we're all lucky today

I know what he means
heading out the doors
To the sun and the winds.
394 · Dec 2013
5 word
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
Where does
This parade
394 · Sep 2019
Songs make you sing
Sjr1000 Sep 2019
They give you the wings
To fly,
Music makes you smile
Allows you to glide
Allows you to cry

The old man with the dementia
sings along with every lyric
He remembers from the prom

Music takes the mood
turns it into something new
Blows the emotional weather

Music gives you Grace
Takes you into it's embrace
Songs say what you mean
reveal what you see
reveal what you've seen

Every break up
Every getting together

God comes and goes
in gospel tones

Every one knows
About war and peace

The rhythm of the heart
is the music before sleep
The sound track of our lives .
390 · Nov 2018
In Between the Poetry
Sjr1000 Nov 2018
You're not alone when you are the poem
It's the silence after that's deafening

You're not alone when you are in the zone,
You're finally home
It's the silence after that's deafening

When the rhythms and rhymes flow
And time puts its head down and goes
It's the silence after that's deafening

When dancing in the night
Doing the tango with words
Dancing down old hallways
Listening for old echoes
Sometimes delight
Sometimes the ruins
You're never alone

It's in between the poetry,
that's when we can hear it
the solitary silence that's deafening.
Inspired by Traveler Tim,  he's the arsonist, igniting poetry all around him.
378 · Aug 2019
Another Dusty Baker Year
Sjr1000 Aug 2019
Have you ever had a Dusty Baker year?
We're talking baseball for a moment here.

Went from .320
To .230
Forty homeruns to three

Every decision made was the wrong one
Every one you should of made
You never did.

Reoccurring themes pop up
Like fireworks on a low cloud night sky
Your dancing on fire
Burning up inside

It was all so right for a while

Now out of the groove
Out of the zone
It all feels so wrong
A Dusty Baker year if I ever saw one

They all kind of end in the end
But every time
You leave that man on third
When you coulda sworn that curve ball
Was going to be outside

It makes you wonder
If it's going to begin again
Not quite that bad for Dusty, .290 to .260 (1977) poetry not history
Sjr1000 Mar 2014
Are we there yet?
We're always there.
This is true. Thanks to the infamous and legendary Masked Sleepyz for reminding me.
Sjr1000 Nov 2018
I don't want another Vietnam,
Iraq or Afghanistan

I don't want another wild fire
Flash flood
Or hurricane

I don't want another mass shooting
Circumstances which are dire

I don't want to hear
All these cries
I don't want to hear
All these lies
I don't want to know
All these scams
No, I don't want to come over
And hold your hand
I don't want no stinking badge

I don't want a see a magic
I don't want to wake,
Out of this slumber

I don't want to know
What I'm supposed to do
Supposed to see
Supposed to be

No, I don't want to
be your friend
I don't want to have to extend
No, I don't want to have this conversation

I just want silence
And the end.

What then?

Blessings they come everyday
In everyway
There is beauty in the lullaby in the winds
The starlings, a river flowing
From this tree to another
The woods green in the fall sun

Which way is it going to be today?

It's going to be
What it's going to be

I don't know

I don't want to know
But it's all a blessing
So they say
Which is it going to be

Surely one more breath and to our present,
We'll keep on fighting
while we
361 · Mar 2014
Rules of the road/Time/10W
Sjr1000 Mar 2014
good and bad
keeps on passing.
Sjr1000 Feb 2014
the spaces
the promise
Sjr1000 Oct 2019
How is it being you?

Everything ok?

Up or down
In or out

Feeling forlorn
Intimate with sorrow
Dancing on rainbows
With love in your eyes

Struggling with aging
Far too young

At the intersection
Sanity & Madness

On a streak
In a slump
Is your next move
The right one
The wrong one

Sometimes we just gotta have the space
Think these things through.

How is it to be you these days?

Chronic pain
Smooth sailing all the way

If you check on in
What would you say
How is it to be you these days?
"The corner
of sanity and madness"
Todd Snider, Peace Queer, 2008
355 · Dec 2013
"We have issues" 15W
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
Like tissues
When the box is done
You just open up
Another one..."
Sjr1000 Mar 2014
Ate lunch
alone in
high school
That was me.
347 · Jan 2021
Mortality's Lament
Sjr1000 Jan 2021
Coming to the end
Not much else to be done
or said
Except for
Integrity or despair

Always tried
to be the voice in the darkness
Holding a flashlight
This way.

Sometimes leading to an entrance
Sometimes leading to an exit
Sometimes leading to
No where at all
347 · Nov 2013
I look for you
Sjr1000 Nov 2013
I look for you
You look for me
I breath the air
You breath.

I hold you close
I feel your touch
I watch you move
I hold you dear to me.

I found you there
When my life was scared
I found you here
When my life was more than
Half over

If I could unwind the time
Knowing that you were here
I would have searched
Each and every soul to have made
You mine.
347 · May 2019
Hanging out with the poet
Sjr1000 May 2019

Talking to the poet
You never know
He can be cruel sometimes
Funny other times

Repeating his cliches
Over and over
Controlling like a blackberry bramble
"Time to write this down"
"Put it up"
He says like some kind of

We walk
We pace
I smoke

We sit in the sun
He's a stoner & a drunkard
Sometimes it's the ocean
Sometimes it's a lake
Sometimes it's the backyard
Alders trembling

We stare off into space
And wonder
what's next
He disappears forever
He reappears down the road

Best friend
Worst roommate
Couldn't live without him
He writes these poems in a composition book
Progress notes
States of mind
Whatever it is he's trying to find

We talk
We pace
I smoke

We'll do it all over again
Like it was the first time.
345 · Mar 2021
The Delight of Lightness
Sjr1000 Mar 2021
Come to me now
I will just hold you
I won't say a word
Except to remind you
You're not alone.

The curtain to your past has been lifted
Your storage unit cleared out

In a dream you kissed
Your corpse goodbye
And left her there in peace

In the end your parents were there
filled the van
With contractor bags
The past on the road to the dump.

"We've got it" they said
"You've done your work
Rocky times no doubt
But now you can cruise on through."

Melancholy Unburdened
The delight of lightness
Beginning anew.
340 · Feb 2019
The Question
Sjr1000 Feb 2019
How did I end up here?
I asked the darkness
There was no response

How did I end up here
I asked the sun
Fell asleep in its heat
There was no response

Running down to the river
I fell to my knees
The river talked non stop
But I couldn't understand a word

I ran to the ocean
to find the heart portal
at the last log
Though I looked
I could not find it anywhere

Drove the long desert valley to the petroglyphs
Ten thousand years old
Written in a language
I would never understand

The full moon rises eclipses and moves on
I open my mind
How did I end up here I ask
In the dark silence of the rising sun
desert red
By the river running to the ocean
There is no response
335 · Mar 2014
Rules Of The Road/10 W
Sjr1000 Mar 2014
If your
in line with reality
no rejection.
All my little 10 W's are rules of the road,  wish I had thought of it sooner.
331 · Dec 2019
Depression 101.
Sjr1000 Dec 2019
The stars are out
The storm has moved on
It was just like the darkest hour
When it all feels so out of control
But now the storm is over
Time to relax.

Until the next low
Blows on through.
328 · Jun 2021
One More Time
Sjr1000 Jun 2021
Momma Momma
Don't let me down
I'm on a road to nowhere
But I'll be back around

Tell your friends
Tell your sister
Your hooked up again with another twister

Momma momma don't let me down
I'm trying so hard
My feet never touch the ground

I'll meet you over at Elk Head
Where the ocean meets the rocks
We'll just watch
The shooting water's
fire works

One on one.
324 · Mar 2014
The Revolution Begins/10 W
Sjr1000 Mar 2014
I am hungry
tired voice said.
321 · Aug 2019
12 Step
Sjr1000 Aug 2019
My name is Robin
I'm an alcoholic
I'm a drug addict too
'May cause drowsiness '
I'm coming for you

I used to be sexually addicted
****** from the Motel 6
On Hollywood boulevard

Long nights
One more web site to go

I'm a compulsive gambler
'The game ain't over
The cigarette money is gone'

QVC & Christianity
They had my number
The fourth bankruptcy was denied
My parents, they had died
Where does salvation come from

Ran a rehab
Functional as a goliath
Never had any excess funds
Ran the fine line between
playing it straight in supermarkets and certifibile madness
The oldest living road show in America

I'm ready to turn my life over
I surrender
I thought I knew it all
My best thinking got me here
I don't know much about anything
I'm ready to learn about everything."
Sjr1000 Sep 3
Time to take a forest bath
I don't know about you
But it's been a while
Surrounded by silence
The oxygen bar
The dogs chasing chippes
The redwoods dominating
Taking a deep breath deep finally

The dinosaurs were big
But the redwoods are forever.

What are we taking in
That feels so good
So healing to the soul?

The winds in the canopy
The freight train coming
The leaves dancing in the winds
Time to take a forest bath
Time to call yourself even.
309 · May 2021
Sjr1000 May 2021
Hoping that something
Will come your way
Awaken you to the joy
of living.
306 · Mar 2014
Rules of the road/Truth/10W
Sjr1000 Mar 2014
no fiction
which is
than the
280 · Oct 2021
The Dead Man's Suit
Sjr1000 Oct 2021
Hangs on a hanger at Good Will
Among many others
Whose time has past
Out of fashion out of time
But their scent remains alive
The pheromones of their lives
The dopamine
The cortisol
The chemistry of our experience
The pleasures the stress their pains
remain & linger in the scents
A lifetime come & gone
Doesn't get much notice
We mostly pass it by
Though you may feel it in the air
from time to time emanating from
The dead man's suit on a hanger at Good Will.
269 · Nov 2018
Life as we know it
Sjr1000 Nov 2018
Life as we know it
Life as we grow it
Life as we flow it

It'll punch you in the face
Hold you in a warm embrace

It'll tell you what to do
It'll leave you hangin'n
A hound dog singing the blues
Howlin' at the moon

Life as we do it
Days as we do'em
Never really thinking about what we're doing

Just doing what we're knowing
until it goes.
254 · Nov 2020
Have You Seen My Beloved
Sjr1000 Nov 2020
Have you seen my beloved?
I have been looking for her everywhere

The first time I saw her face
It was the most beautiful flower
I have ever seen
A mandala of perfection
Bringing me absolute peace
How could I not
But love her

She once brought me
Alders swaying screeching in the winds
salmon running
skies Hale Bop eclipse Tahoe clear
She brought me beauty to the sunrise in the sky
Have you seen my beloved?

She always has been the same
Though she's known to be extreme
Shaking the earth I walk on
Sending rising tides
Stilling the wind in the center of a cyclone

She always knew what it meant to dance
Sings every song
The music of the full moon
She once believed life would find a way.
Have you seen my beloved and
Do you know where she is bound?

Her breath has become firey hot and dry
Her tears shed microplastics
Her paths are white with toxic snows
Where is my beloved and what does she feel or know?

She once loved me dearly
Nourished my way
Until the winds began to change
Have you seen my beloved?
And do you know
When she'll return?
228 · Dec 2013
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
The sun rises
In the east.
The sun sets
In the west.
I run to and fro
And never find my rest.
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