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228 · Dec 2013
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
The sun rises
In the east.
The sun sets
In the west.
I run to and fro
And never find my rest.
212 · Sep 2019
Life in a Moment
Sjr1000 Sep 2019
My life is an onion peeled by time
An artichoke one leaf at a time
The heart of the matter lays within
Where the tears, the love and acceptance reside.
210 · Feb 2021
The Self Pity Rag
Sjr1000 Feb 2021
Misery misery misery
Longing longing longing
Regrets regrets regrets
Doin' the self pity rag

Dragging through the mud
Mired in the dregs
Taking selfies in the mirror
in the bathroom

Raising my arms
Doin' the self pity rag.

Complaining complaining complaining
Why can't reality be
The way I want it to be

Spinning spinning spinning
Doin' the self pity rag

A dust devil
A tumble ****
Blowing down a desert highway
Looking at the ground
No water no sanctuary around
Bowing down
One more time
Doin' the self pity rag.
201 · Sep 2020
Decisions 101
Sjr1000 Sep 2020
Love it
Leave it
Fix it
Be miserable

Which contentment
Which misery do you prefer?


Honor commitment
Cut your losses




I guess that's the way
It goes.
Sjr1000 Dec 2019
You say
There are no answers
You bray
Time you catch when you may
You'll end up on your knees
There is nothing else to do
But pray.

I don't want to get home
Too late
There are many obstacles in the way
Romances and dances
Which lead us astray.

Hungry states of mind
184 · Jan 2020
Why Oh Why
Sjr1000 Jan 2020
Why oh why does the song sing
Why oh why does the sun rise
Why oh why am I?

Why oh why am I alive
Why oh why does my ear ache
Why oh why do I feel so sad
Why oh why?

Why oh why Mommy
Why oh why Daddy
Why oh why my brother
Why oh why my sister
Could you love me so well
And hurt me so bad
Why oh why?

Why oh why is the sky so blue
Why oh why do I love you
Why oh why do you love me too?

Why oh why am I getting too old
Why oh why am I still so young
Why oh why is there time?

Why oh why is there slaughter
On an microscopic planet in the milky way among billions of galaxies
Why oh why?

Why oh why is the darkness
The perfect screen for the imagination?

Why oh why does the poet know
And I don't know nothing at all.

Why oh why, you probably have your own
The timer is ticking down
Why oh why, time to go.
182 · Aug 2020
Sjr1000 Aug 2020
We are invincible
Until we're not
We are immortal until we are forgotten
Discomfort joys
Uphill walks all pass.

Time is a wind
Blowing fast and slow
Time is a wind
Blowing slow and fast

Moments of peace and contentment
is all we can ask.

Truth may be beauty
Beauty may be truth

The present is forever the past.

That's all we know
Maybe that's all we need to know.
180 · Dec 2020
The Listening
Sjr1000 Dec 2020
Tonight in the dark the trees
Are talking to me
The leaves chattering in the imperceptible breeze

Their telling me
But I don't understand

The starlings like a river flew from one tree to another

Their telling me
But I am in awe of their choreography

The redwoods a thousand years old

Their telling me
But speaking from under the soil

The ocean never silent

It's telling me
There is no mercy

The stars endless

Their telling me
I'm here now

This life it's a breath

It's telling me.
And that I understand.
177 · Sep 2020
Fire is life
Sjr1000 Sep 2020
Fire has all the attributes of life
It reproduces, it feeds, it evacuates
It struggles to survive.

Fire is life
The sun
The stars
Are alive.

They are born
They live
They die

Is consciousness an aberration?

Are the sun and the stars fully conscious
What are they thinking about?

Black holes
The great extinguisher
Guess they must be death
Get ****** in
Lights out.

The sun is red
The wild fires are Screaming & Howling
Filled with vitality and power

I hear the wood stove singing
On a frozen winter morning
while mother madrone
nurtures her young.
171 · Jun 2020
Being Present 10/W
Sjr1000 Jun 2020
When cooking the mind concentrates,
Washing dishes the mind wanders.
168 · Jun 2020
Steve's Last Dream
Sjr1000 Jun 2020
Death was sticking a gun
in the back of my neck
It hurt like hell
I started to beg.

I realized than
If death pulled the trigger
There would be nothing,
The deepest dark
Just like before we were born.

I became totally calm, peaceful


All that remained
Was a whisper
And the endless silence.
The end of fear.

The dream it knew.

My days were never to be the same.
166 · Dec 2020
True Love
Sjr1000 Dec 2020
I know I love you
But I can't say why
I know I love you
But I can't say how
I know I love you
But I can't say when

I know I love you
We keep doing another day
again and again.
164 · Apr 2020
Our Days of the Plague
Sjr1000 Apr 2020
It's snowing covid
We've all had to take shelter from the storm.

We're wearing gloves & masks
As if it were freezing cold
We can see everyone's breath
Friends lovers strangers
Our own
carrying death.

Dangerous to go to the store
Apocalyptic vibes

We're like magnets staying polar opposites
pinballing around the room
To avoid each other

Total intimacy
Total isolation
Perfect relationships for the 21st Century
Everything's slowed down
Tahoe blue skies
Carbon ****** away
Coyotes running through the streets
The whole planet on furlough
Creative projects
Free at last
The agoraphobics *******
Rich in time
Poor in money
We're reminded once again
Nature bats last.

Ever since it started snowing covid.

Where we're going from here,
We don't know
Wishful thinking
Careful planning
It's all in the cellular snow
And it just keeps on snowing
its been said before
The one thing we do know
There's a bad moon on the rise
The seasons come and go
Wars they come and go
And the snow eventually blows away with the winds.
(Or at least when the vaccine blows in).

"Bad moon on the rise"
"Bad Moon Rising" John Fogerty, 1969
154 · Jun 2020
Falling Asleep 10/W
Sjr1000 Jun 2020
Dissolving all our thoughts  
Becoming one with the night's darkness.
147 · Jun 2020
Insomnia (When Awake)
Sjr1000 Jun 2020
The stink of stress sweat & cigarettes
A small bird in the jaws of a cat
The last snow when the sun comes out
At the market covid dust everywhere
I used to have grandiosity,
Now what I have is humility.

A shower is due in the afternoon
Too many nights, sleep deprived
Rooster crowing at two a.m.
Still trying to finish this one last ride
While a voice calls out,
Give it up
Time to get inside,
It's time.

Another day comes and another day gone
Change the sweaty t shirt and head inside.
147 · Mar 2020
The End of the Relationship
Sjr1000 Mar 2020
We've come to tell you
We've fallen in love
She's going away with me
We respect you too much
To leave you hanging
You've done so much
But this is farewell
We've fallen in love.

What could I say?
"Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
You've saved my life
I'll see you again sometime
Somewhere down the road."
Sjr1000 May 2018
There was grandma
Sending me
All the way back.
A near death experience.
141 · Nov 2020
2020/ The Lost Year
Sjr1000 Nov 2020
I was awakened through out the night
It wasn't anxiety
It wasn't nausea
It was waves of horror

The pandemic
The fires and the apocalyptic skies
The hurricanes
One after another
The Donald Trumps for which
There is no medication
For the cultures that go psychotic.

Sleep waves of horror
Wake up.
121 · Jan 2020
Panic Attack
Sjr1000 Jan 2020
Like a fish out of water
I'm gasping for breath
My heart is a shaking
Like there's a 300 pound ***** dancing on my chest
My hands are a dripping rivers of sweat
My legs are all whobbley
Like walking on drift wood
My stomach is a churning & turning
Like Mr. Toad's wild ride
My thoughts are of failure
And death.

I'd better pull on over
This car isn't driving itself
My hand lets go of the steering wheel my hand's on the door ****
My head is still pounding
rivets of red
I'm heading back to bed
I guess I'm not going out today

— The End —