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1.1k · Feb 2015
And I
Sjr1000 Feb 2015
And I
will be by your side
And I
will call your name
And I
will sing your songs,
speak your praise,
And I
will dance with you
And I
will speak with you,
Hold you tight,
take your time,
make you right.

And I
would have come much sooner,
If I had known you
were so lost.
And I
I'm on your side
I'll hold that light
against the darkest night

And I
will sing your name,
we will take our time
morning comes again.
Inspired by Mumford and Sons: The Cave
1.1k · Jul 2016
Sjr1000 Jul 2016
And art
Passion flowers
Fierce surrender
Holding on tight
Taking hold of the darkening night
Turning Twisting
On a friend's vacant bed
Kalidiscope colors
Exploding into sound

Peaceful sleep
Entangled in arms sweet embrace

Memorable nights
in life
in memory
are played out
more than twice

from time to time
through out one's life.
1.1k · Mar 2016
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
Sjr1000 Mar 2016
When Mr. Toad
returned, his
world was quite


Princely praises
words no longer heard

Musing karma,
Guidelines for the

No lover
No meaning
No money

With the others
calling out into the night
calling for salvation
calling out for a princess,
a princess who never seems to come.
Sjr1000 May 2014
Long may you run
my daughter,
my son.

Long may you dance
to the songs
many suns.
Long may you feel
my love
after I am un done.

Long may you
head into the light
may your heart
with each breath,
as night comes again.

May you
someone by your side
the long ride
climb inside
find the peace of home
for a long long time.

May your eyes
continue to shine
the blessing in each sorrow
the end of the line.

Long may you run
my daughter,
my son.

Long may youth
burn so bright
Despite the cards dealt
the obstacles felt
the ties that bind
the ribbons of time.

Long may you run
my daughter,
my son.

Long may you laugh
let friendships hold you
creativity flourish
brilliant flashes

May your heart
stay true
to do what you need to do

Long may you run
my daughter,
my son.

time and distance
may separate us
across the continents
across the oceans
where ever we may find ourselves
send this birthday wish
to you
long may you run
my daughter,
my son.
Neil Young, obviously, Long May You Run,  different context,  different meaning, but fit the feeling and the idea exactly. Credit where credit is due for the phrase.
No one can compete with Bob Dylan's Forever Young and not meant as an imitation
words to my children on a birthday.
For all our sons and daughters.
Sjr1000 Jan 2014
There is a road
a narrow path
with darkness ahead
darkness behind
flashing memories disappearing
neon traces trailing.

The seekers of wisdom
a flash light in hand
darkness ahead
a Diogenes searching
wisdom and a wise one
this way lies madness
that way lives love.
Behind is birth
Ahead is death.

through the sinkholes
the marshes
the mountains
the ocean too.

Periods of walking alone
Periods of walking with you
Blindness fills our eyes
the dark it is
always all encompassing
as we feel our way along.

But you are the light
your life is that
small shinning
flash light
each moment
of our searching lives...
Sjr1000 Feb 2018
It's very uninformed
It thought

It always has a destination
Always needs directions

Meets the defination
of a paraplegic

"Lights on, Molly"
"Lights off Molly"
"TV on"

"Toast crisp, dear Mollie
"Slow cooker four hours"

It's always very disconnected

Cassie calling

Blood pressure warning
Heart rate 135
Oxygen 8%

Cassie disconnected

Molle is never alone
always connected to the
neural net
Every device on planet Earth,
Traveling with New Horizon
until the end of time

Ron calling
Volume down
Bluetooth off
Ron disconnected

"Search divorce attorney "
"Search mortuary"
"Search cyanide purchases"

"Bluetooth on"
"Tears of rage
Tears of grief
turn on, M

"Search best way to cook
brussel sprouts"
"Search beano"

Battery 15%


Molee powering  off.
Sjr1000 Nov 2013
In Memorium, Dad

He did not pass
He did not die

He waited for me
to arrive.
The 410 Freeway mysteriously
traffic free at 5pm
An open highway on a Friday night
with Thanksgiving just passed
at that last bend.

I arrived and sat with him
His head rose, masked, heroic
Breath reaching

I gently stroked his smooth
inner arm in that game of
"tell me when my finger tip
reaches the exact spot"

His tongue went to his teeth
in gesture
whether tickle, or talk or kiss
(three times his tongue went
to his teeth)
The traffic such mysterious

I thanked him for waiting
and kissed his forehead

After the last breath
There is no other.
My father's last coherent words.
1.1k · Oct 2015
The Fire's Prayer
Sjr1000 Oct 2015
For I am exploding,
With bliss
In a reproductive ****
Sending my offspring
On the winds
Life taking hold
everywhere I go.


Taking a moment of silence,
For dear Gaia
For giving me this time,
For all that made life possible,

For this burning to be alive.

For not being the cousins
in the woodstoves
which just got a taste,
burned and died.

For the match lights
Short life
Shorter than a candle light.

For who and where I am,
connected to the stars
who devour and mother all of our lives

Struggling to survive.

For all fire,
All life
through out the universe,
For all who will become
a dead silent

I pray,

It has been another year of forest fires, acting like no others in past history. Fire is a force of nature with no mercy,terrifying, more powerful than fragile humans, it also has all of the characteristics of life, perhaps the real alien life form.
1.1k · Dec 2015
Sjr1000 Dec 2015
The flowers of the dawn
Unfurled its petals
In pinks and reds
A solitary Venus stands
unblinking in the black sky
And with the dawn vanished and was gone.

Packing the pack
in the name of that
which held no more pain
It was time to hit the road again

Doubts linger with the rising sun
But the choices
They are few

The oceans
The mountains
The deserts
They hold the views

Chasing the dawn
Chasing the beginnings
It is time to begin again.

The pack holds the few essentials
For the journey's road

Long and arduous
Peaceful and calm
All moments are held
And pass on by

Time to go is all that is known

Laughter and glee
Loves and loses

Time a ribbon
Unfurls in the sky
Dragging all along
To that endless highway.

Just a visitor
renting space
along the way

A pause to watch
This very dawn
Then heading on down the way

The road
It begins in the dark
It ends there too.
Sjr1000 Feb 2014
Standing at the edge of mortality
is my work really done?
Looking over at the black abyss
what is one to think?
Time to find god
root for heaven
root for reincarnation
call for your mother
bring a flashlight
the black sack and that's a fact.

Standing at the edge of mortality
my hand over my brow
block the sun?
Too dark for that
Try to see better?
Too late for that.
The precipice stands waiting
and all those who once lived
forever gone
took that plunge.

Standing at the edge of mortality
waiting for the momentary mirror
reflecting backwards in time
highlight reels
lowlife deals
ecstatic moments
unwound in regrets
done and gone.

Standing at the edge
my children come to me
wondering what breath will be the last
too late for all regrets
all those
if only I hads
there is a tear for that
that's for sure.
If it could all be undone
to do again
what would one do?
These are the thoughts and feelings too
one finds
when standing at the edge of mortality.

But still here
another chance for us my dear
more work to do
on this side of
the edge of mortality.
1.1k · May 2014
Life 10/W
Sjr1000 May 2014
lightning flash
the vivid
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
No one awakes knowing
That today is
The day
That you're going to die.

Death doesn't
Call to confirm your appointment
(No calls either
Human or computerized)
You can't cancel
Or change
Your mind when you arrive.
It doesn't matter if you
Have insurance
Promise to pay on time.
It won't ask you to
To sign an ROI.
Death doesn't reschedule.

Death accepts no excuses
It won't wait until
It's a more convenient time
Or have you check
Your schedule
Your bank account
Your ethnicity
Your marital status.
Death won't take
Your past history.

It won't give you a coupon
Bill your mom
Take a bribe
Give you a referral to
To another specialist
On his time
Or for that matter his dime.

Death has no bedside manner
Won't prescribe you drugs
Doesn't care what your
Father does.

Death won't even
Look you in the eye
Check your side
Listen to your complaints
Or successes
Show compassion
Give you
An empathetic understanding sigh.

Death takes no names
And takes no answers
Death has no samples
Or sage advice.

However death is like
Waiting for the dentist
Your turn is going
To come.

Sleep is called
All of this
No wonder I can't sleep

And by the way
Death doesn't schedule
Follow up appointments...
1.1k · Mar 2017
The Interview
Sjr1000 Mar 2017
Where are you going
What are you doing
Where have you been
What are you trying to do?

Are you lost
Are you found
Have you forgotten what it is
to be around?

Are you
Alone in your room


Together with one roommate
too many

Are you trapped alone,
Trapped together?

Do you remember who
you're supposed to be
Don't you have a clue?

I know,
There is no magic sentence
to make it all okay

In the end
we'll all have the end
And I guess
with me,

We'll see.
1.1k · May 2014
Jahori's Window
Sjr1000 May 2014
I sat
on the love seat
staring out the window.

I knew you knew

You had a heart of gold
a sweet companion
**** nature too
well known
on the pathway to enlightenment

You knew I knew

My mind had absorbed
too many years
being witness
to much misery
and you were so kind.

We both had touched each other
without makeup, costumes or disguise.

You didn't know
I had a fatal flaw
kept me alone
I knew it far too well.

I didn't know
you knew
your eyes said yes
your heart says "no".

No wonder
we both
had one hand out
saying,  "stop"
the other hand
to come forward


Neither of us knew
we were meant for another.

got up to close the window
as the breeze turned cold
and the sun went down.
Johari's Window. Easy to research. The short version: we both know something about  each other and we both know it about ourselves.

I know something about you that you know about yourself.

You know something about me that I know.

I know something about me you don't know

You know something about yourself I don't know

There is something we both don't know about ourselves
each other.
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
Mt. Rose rises
10 thousand feet
Of treachery, deceit and defeat.

Every storm
Every wind
Every drop of flooding rain
Every blowing snow
Converges on this terrain
Until no visibility remains
The glistening diamond asphalt promises riches
But that doesn't remain.

That ******* has tried to **** us many times.

Its serene moments
And panoramic views are a lie
For its treachery
Resides in the one false
Move when you can't hide
And you are sliding
Side to side.
The landscape flying by
The blowing snow
Blinds your eyes
It comes at you
It comes from below.

Doing 360's
The back becomes the front
The front becomes the back
The blizzard sweeps you up
And all your doing
Is going along
For the ride
You are going to

A magic finger
Us there
The cliffs and the air
And we hang suspended
With the panoramas and vistas
Right there
A foot or two
A foot or two away.

All in all
That ******* has tried to **** us many times.

It's become a symbol and a sign
Of knowing we're okay
Because unless
I'm sliding sideways
Mt. Rose
Everything is nothing
But my mind imagining
Treachery, deceit and defeat...
Mt Rose  stands between South Reno and Lake Tahoe. Its one of the highways going from Reno to Tahoe. This is a second version of this poem. Hopefully an improvement.
1.1k · Jun 2016
The Little Synchronicites
Sjr1000 Jun 2016
Little synchronicites
We all know 'em
When we see 'em

She went to school with him
He dated your best friend
Your friend's
Mother dated his father

And when I was drunk
I t'***** his daughter

Little synchronicites
Like a ***** and an egg

If he hadn't spilled
that wine on the
white duvet
taking forty-five minutes
to clean it up

You wouldn't have been conceived
and that, my friend,
would have been that.

That's the little synchronicites

The apartment coming up just as your being evicted

The cancer of your friend
Was treated by the doctor
who owes you
many amends

Little synchronicites
Always right on time
Never too late
Never to early or too soon

Some call it fate
Some call it coincidence
Some call it destiny
Some call it
God's will or the Ajustment Bureau
Some say
Everything happens for a reason

All I know
The little synchronicites
Poppin' in Poppin' out
like a Higgs Boson
Startling the mind
Moving On.
1.1k · Nov 2016
Sjr1000 Nov 2016
Sometimes I'm the hammer
Sometimes I'm the nail
When sometimes I think
I'm sure to win
I know I'm bound to fail

Sometimes a blackberry
is going to getcha
when pulling weeds out on the trail

It ain't easy being
green, black or blue or pale

Stand still long enough
something is bound to eatcha
Or running ******* the treadmill
getting no where fast

When I'm hungry
I'm going to devour
meat or grain
fruit or flower
starving on a Friday afternoon
no money coming in

Sometimes love
Sometimes desire

Sometimes I'm alive
Sometimes I'm nearly dead

Sometimes I'm riding lightening
Sometimes I'm thunder calling out
for salvation

Sometimes I'm standing knee deep in deafening silence

Sometimes I'm going to see
Sometimes I know I'm blind

Sometime time is going to end,
I know
there won't be
sometimes to do again.
Sjr1000 Feb 2014
We gathered
The lighthouse at Piedras Blancas
Called by an unknowable
Women doctors
Mothers of young children
Truck drivers
And the occasional party crashers
A poet and wanderer by trade.

We were called to the ocean
To see.
We didn't know why
We traveled from far and wide
The spot at the lighthouse at Piedras Blancas
North of Cambria Pines
South of San Simeon
On the California coast
The spot we were summoned
Witness the rapidly out of control growing
Of the white mass on the skin of the ocean
Inch by inch
Foot by foot
Mile by mile
Devouring the ocean
Cells out of control
Determined by one pure drive
The drive to survive
Which ultimately would cause
All to die.

The voice we had heard
Was mother ocean
Wailing to the
Sun and moon
For her offspring
She would never see again...
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
In this sacred space
People share
Their secrets with me.
They come to me
With their fears
Their rare thoughts
Their pleas
Their past experience
They share their secrets
All untold.
The say the truth
Will set you free.

In their eyes I am not afraid
To look
While others recoil
I go forward.

I surf the crest of their emotions
When others walk away
I go deeper.

Their words whirl
All around me
And in this heat
And in this center
Of the cyclone
Within their madness
I find peace.

Holding the fragile
Emotions in my hands gently
Remaining awash
In compassion.
A moments breath
And waiting for
From the tangle
A bird to fly free.

From the tangle
A bird flew free
These words were a gift
Given by another to me.

When ******* in the tangles
Rooted into misery
Doubt and despair
Too many thorns pricking me
Little paper cuts
Adding up.

Walking wounded
With no dreams left
to offer hope so free
I come to you
With nothing else to lose
And offered up my madness
Fearful of what you might do.

You had a smile
Of serenity
And for that moment
Peace came over me.
We looked at each other
In a moment of compassion.

Time for that moment
But of course it doesn't stay that way-
You walked your way
I walked mine.

Perhaps we will do
This another time.
The phrase was given to me many years ago on a small pen and paper drawing. I don't know where the phrase first came from.  It has come to symbolize the goal of psychotherapy. "From a tangle a bird flew free."
1.1k · Aug 2014
Pandora's Bottle
Sjr1000 Aug 2014
She sits in the
claustrophobic room
of her mind
dust ribbons blow
in the pale light
waxed candles
burning Jasmine
reminds her of the passing of time.

It is not long
she finds the hidden bottle
on the dusty cobwebbed shelf
with all of those desires
banging against the opaque glass
begging to be freed again
to run their course
of course she is afraid
as her trembling fingers
circle the cap
too late.

One touch
all those desires put aside
are free to roam
and fill the room
their moans
take control of what once was the freedom
that only lived in her mind's eye
she descends into her personal
heaven and hell
a pleasure center
alien to all she's been sold.

Dressed in black
in the casino
she puts it all on red.

She finds you there
she leads you out
the moon lite bay
where she steals your voice
leaves you
the wolf
howling at the moon.

When desires are freed
they pick up speed
she is, of course,
filled with remorse
so alien from her former course.

As her longings devour her
a tiny light of hope remains
and for the day
into the bottle tightly capped
her desires,  put away
once again remain.

She walks out of that
claustrophobic room
the candles burned down
only Jasmine smoke remains
the lingering scent of the bay
the echo of a wolf howling at the moon
lingers in colors of red and black

And to her husband
she briefly smiles
"Good morning"
once again
decides whether to go or stay.
1.0k · May 2014
The Avatar Blues
Sjr1000 May 2014
actually feel sorry for him

wake him
every morning
no matter how sleepy he is
get him out of bed before sunrise
while I hide
deep inside.

He arises
to reply
put out

A hook through the nose
catch the bucks
cast him out into that
old main stream
where he does his perfect avatar thing
he dances jigs
he placates
he sings
he says please and thank you
can I get you anything
the fingers
no longer mean a thing.

A master of the palms up
always say
"who? Not me."

when his day is done
reel him in
what ever little bucks

Sit him down
front of the t.v.
gin and juice
dancing images too.

Give him a sleeping pill
so he sleeps so sound
no dreams
his life
and routine
brown nosed role
consumer machine.

into bed
sometimes in the late night
him weeping.

the morning
get him up
the same **** thing .
Thanks to the singer-song writer Todd Snider for the phrase "fishing in that old main stream"
Sjr1000 Mar 2014
For my mother
Upon her arrival
Once the cold white warrior
through wisdom and experience
In your love
I hear my own
Communicated softly.

Your presence through time
an anchor
an edge
a clarity of mind
a witness
in the kindness of others
who in your presence
melodic spirits
encased in kindness.

How did you ever hold so much power?

Shiny youth and age
remind one
of the ocean's waves come crashing
always the same
always different
a moment
one after the other
here and gone forever.

In that flavor I taste the sea air's
as I
as you gave to me
I held you there
a vast marvel of
endless wind blown currents
holding one mystery after another.

My dear Mother
upon your arrival
as you blessed me
I bless you
In your infinite grace.
The anniversary of my mother's death
I lay these flowers on her grave.
Sjr1000 Nov 2015
A ghost town stands in the Eastern Sierra
just up the road from ancient Mono Lake
A long dirt road, you have to take

Now a dead mining town with its buildings
still intact,
There were riches everywhere,
once it boomed and roared.
The bad man from Bodie, he was once called.

But between the winters,
the end of timber,
the mines ran dry
a killing every night,
There is silence now,
All those riches returned to sand.

Oh, America,

It's the killings
every night.

Where America, I ask of thee
Where America, does all this violence breed?
So many on the ground to bleed.

42,000 shot
and still counting
killings everyday
killings every night.

oh America
Where does it come from
all of this rage?

Cold blooded eyes

Harsh life
in the boom town
Hard to get it right?

The Old West
the New West
life is short and desperate

Another shot rings out in the night.

We're all dancing as fast as we can
or in the can
numbed out by alcohol, speed and ******,
eyes buried deep inside electronics.
Anything to make it all right
as the walls close in.

Depression they say
is violence and homicide
turned inwards instead.

The Old West had the Civil War
The New West has its
endless wars

here we go again.

We're all alone
in this world
that's for sure.

It hurts my heart
to hear her say,
"Goodbye God, we're going to the old USA"
"Goodbye God, we're going to Bodie" was reportedly said by a young girl whose family was heading to Bodie to live.
1.0k · Oct 2014
My Year Of Burning Man
Sjr1000 Oct 2014
My year of Burning Man
with butterfly wings
flapping out on the playa
in a high desert black
moonless sky
speeding up the relentless winds
just enough for me
to hear it call my name
make this change
where life
becomes a vast array
giant machines
Las Vegas style
in this black rock desert.

I have lived among in my days
of sustained isolation
before the people came
to construct this
city of lights
and community
where we all belong
and participate
in this life art project
free from the rules
that restrict us
as the giant sweat lodge
of the desert
alters our consciousness
frees us.

In my year of Burning Man
the relentless winds
blows the mundane into the insane
before entering that last gate
I kiss myself goodbye
I'll never see myself again.

My  time
becomes an art project
and the very nature of reality
heaves and sighs
like Pyramid Lake,
the spiritual center of the Paiute people,
which you pass on by
on your way to Burning Man skies,
my internal waters
turn over,
as does the Lake
as the top goes to the bottom
the bottom to the top
and the creative residue
which had drifted
on down
begins to arise anew.

In my year of the Burning Man
I never have to go to the circus
the circus is me
a universe inside
a universe tall
a universe wide
at Burning Man
nothing is small.

The costumes come alive
behind thousands of eyes
the lights in the desert come alive
while the thumping bass
rattles you inside.

It's a masked costume party
where the masks don't hide
but reveal all that you are inside,
inside out.

My revolution comes
in a tanker truck
of gasoline
on a Saturday summer-fall
and my flames
a thousand feet high
the Black Rock
desert sky
in unity
one cosmic cry.

The dust's breath
sticks to everything,
every one
every masked body.

In my days
in my Burning Man year
my eyes are now
perpetually wide and amazed
within this vastness
that for this moment
and all my days
from my birth
to my death
I have been alive.
"Burning Man" is an annual festival held out in the Northern Nevada desert.  It started with 500 people and now about 50,000 go. A living art project for a week and  people construct giant structures of various types, but the scale, big,  machines that throw cars.
Easy to look up.
Has quite a philosophy.
1.0k · Mar 2015
Twisting Sensibilities
Sjr1000 Mar 2015
Shame guilt embarrassment
for every breath taken
every moment recollected
every meal prepared
every look looked

All face

Every dance floor danced
every talk
every walk
every poem written
every relationship passed

The Faux Pas A Moment Club
has my email address
keeps texting me
for donations
Give Give Give

The future is not much better
when the pity *** is filled
everywhere seen ahead
is filled with
Sjr1000 Sep 2017
The course of our lives
Free will,
I don't know
We'll never know

The reason for love hanging on
delighting in the white light in the eyes where love shines
I don't know
Maybe we'll never know

The seasons nourish life
Everything spins round and round
Though we feel the whole time
like we're standing still
I don't know
We'll never know

The  woman bending over
lighting a candle
red curtains rippled by the wind
She's the great great
great grandmother
to a generation
she'll never meet
I don't know
We'll never know

Waiting for the executioner
Hoping for immortality
That's all that's left
But I don't know
Maybe we'll never know.
1.0k · Feb 2014
A cold clear winter sky
Sjr1000 Feb 2014
We walked
Outside to a cold winter night
To smoke
One last cigarette
You softly cried
I knew why.
We found Orion
Winter high
In the Eastern sky.

There is a dark spot
Within his belt
Thought forever dark
But actually a path
To the ancient ancestors
Of galaxies past
Whose light began
Long before
Our sun and earth and moon
Were born.

We smoked our cigarette
Wondered about it all
As we always had.
And on this night of farewell
And cold clear winter skies
Orion and it all
The only enormity
Was this moment of our love
Our last goodbye.
1.0k · Jul 2017
Realizing one's life
Sjr1000 Jul 2017
can end at
any time

The lightening flash
The thunder crash
The clouds forming a question mark
in the skies

There is a silence in
the winds

Better to have had a
good time
than a bad time,
what ever for you
that is

Hold on tight
my dear

We'll make it through
I promise you
I'll be seeing you
at the end of time.
1.0k · Nov 2015
Comin' Around
Sjr1000 Nov 2015
I'm comin' around

I've been gone a
long long

I'm coming around

I'm kicking back in

My eyes beginning
see again.

I've been -
the haze
of fog

The rolling
very deep

I'm comin' around
I'm coming around

The girls
so good

It's been a month
of Sunday's
since I felt the power surge

Ready to
my party boots
head to town
maybe can
be found

I'm comin' around

All those issues
dead and gone
I know, I know
box of tissues

that's okay
I'm back to seeing the world
seeing it
some way
my way

I'm comin' around
I'm coming around.
1.0k · Nov 2017
Little Liza Jane
Sjr1000 Nov 2017
They're dancing in the alley
Wearing clown
Calling for peace
What are we going to be?
Little Liza
Little Liza Jane

The west is burning
The east is drowning
What are we going to be?
Little Liza
Little Liza Jane

The night is broken
The day is howling
The moon is rising
Nightblooming Jasmine
the air is alive

We're all sweating in endless summer
The heat is on
Though we're freezing cold
What's it going to be?
Little Liza
Little Liza Jane

Grinding poverty
Those that have the money live
Those that don't die
That's the way it is
What's it going to be?
Little Liza
Little Liza Jane

Trying to remember
Love is all we know
All we know.
What's it going to be?
Little Liza
Little Liza Jane
Little Liza Jane, an American folksong, done many times, in many ways. My version. Originally published in 1916, but goes back before that.
1.0k · Apr 2014
For One And All/On Loss
Sjr1000 Apr 2014
No matter
how old we
No matter
how old they are
it is always
too soon.
1.0k · Mar 2016
The 4 Trees
Sjr1000 Mar 2016
Walking miles
on a
desolate beach
never losing
my path back
to the highway
I know

My eyes
will once again find
the healing white light
the beacon
The 4 Trees
guiding me
to the long

Along the way
losing sight
them all

There is confusion
fear and trepidation
feeling like a child
waiting in front of a
movie theater
for their mother to come
watching cars
counting trees

And of where I am
And of where I am going
Somewhere along these dunes

Familiarity will
set back in
focus will find
the  4 Trees
quaking in the salty breeze

The ocean is rough
storms blowing on through
with each frozen wave
the end of all issues

Sometimes looking out
Sometimes looking in
writing in the sand
knowing the tide
is coming in
erasing all.

The  landscape always changing
Easy to become so lost
And tho
the landmarks will decompose
and fade

The 4 Trees
for today mark the way

Easy to miss
along the forest
a breath away

The phantom captain
the voice within
not lost
just misplaced
our spot on the map

The spirit guides
the dance
in a spot of the healing
the rustling sounds
of the 4 Trees
guiding me
back to the highway.
The picture of the real 4 Trees on my homepage. Easy to get lost out there.
"The phantom captain", a description I first heard from Buckminister Fuller, many years ago.
Sjr1000 Sep 2018
You talked about the hours
I know what you mean
Two cocoons spinning around each other
Waiting to be born

Nothing personal was the agreement
After awhile

It gets lonely
With nothing else to do but be inside

Not wanting to hide
Or collide
Do we really have that much time?

Two cocoons spinning
You became a butterfly
I became a moth
You flew west
I flew north.
The title is one of my favorite Bob Dylan lines from Your Going to Make Me Lonesome When You Go...
1000 · Jun 2014
Love's Refrain
Sjr1000 Jun 2014
Life's river white
waters flowed over
rocks so treacherous
few survived
even fewer were willing
to take it for the whole ride

but you

You must have learned
how to
at an early age
to navigate the
roughest of terrain
to emerge into a
circular eddy
of love's refrain
around and around

You were anointed
to absorb other's pain
through the power of your empathy
all you could see was
their hallowed name
the essence of being
their spirit still remained
as you circled round
and round love's
true refrain

Routines and rituals
household shared
you invited them all in.

My wish for you
is to break free
to find another
in their own eddy
of love's refrain
to hold you close
to know you more
to cherish all
those dreams you
left at the shore
before you jumped into
that river.
For those who have honored their commitments to others and too personal a tale to tell. An eddy is a circular current following white water, easy to get trapped without escape.
1000 · Oct 2015
Singing Our Loving Sound
Sjr1000 Oct 2015
Here we go
Round and round

It's all there
in that loving sound.

Your sweet eyes, they close,
Your lips, they open to mine
Here we go
Round and round
Singing our loving sound.

We know life will drag us down
Fingers grasping at ledges
All the way down
Here we go
Round and round.

I came to  you
You came to me
We both whispered words so true
We took a chance
We took the leap
Holding on to each other
All the way through
Here we go
Round and round.

Our eyes, they locked
Our arms, they held,
That grassy hill
Soft and sweet
We left our feet
Rolling round and round
All the way on down.

The skies above
The ground's below
We're somewhere in between
I know you know exactly what I mean,
Here we go
Round and round
Singing our loving sound.
998 · May 2017
Time is god and god is time
Sjr1000 May 2017
It seems so plain to see
Sweeps us along
Leaves us behind
Every one of us,
You and me.

Our daily lives
The alarm clock at five a.m.
screaming our name again and again  
"Get up"

The infant
every dream we take,
"I need you mommydaddy too"

Monuments to what we choose
We know they come, and go.

Insurmountable problems
in the end
Time limited

We've been there
We know

Teenage angst, forever,
Childhood  puberty
Adulthood  old age

Time is god
it calls the shots
tells us
What is and What is not

Galaxies collide
all over the place
Big bangs bust
and must expand
Dark matter everywhere
Time it tells them
all their tales

Time is god
god is time
It seems so plain to see.
998 · Dec 2013
Love Poem
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
What would I really do
if it wasn't for you
five minutes of *******
a hundred forbidden cigarettes
a bowl or two
video games maybe
staring into space definitely
internal *******
a spinning world
lost in my self
that's what I would
But for you
My motivation
loving hand on my shoulder
loving eyes which
sweep us outside
to long river walks
by the ocean
within the redwoods
open spaces
the possible
many joys
many blissful surrenders
blissful tomorrows.

What would I do without you?
Without our life line
soul to soul
Who would I be
What would I do?

This bundle of fears
This tangle of tears
But for you so dear
I would be lost
in this four white walled room.

But for you I
start the fire
in our morning cold home
coffee fills the air
My feet on the ground
return to center
and am found.

This is now
what I do
because I have you...
997 · Mar 2014
I'm Dying I Said
Sjr1000 Mar 2014
I'm dying
I said to my wife
she said you're right.
She never did editorialize.

I'm dying
I said to my children
my children said
you're funny dad
way too wild.

I'm dying
I said to my job
They smiled
Your job
we have others
we can rob.

I'm dying
I said to the redwoods
they laughed out loud
your life span is the same as a cow.

I'm dying
I said to the owl
the owl said
who not you.

I'm dying
I said to my truth
My truth said
no doubt.

I'm dying
I said to my life
my life said
you're next.
996 · Nov 2014
I'm sick to death
Sjr1000 Nov 2014
Of death
aren't you?

Sick of hearing about it
talking about it
seeing it,
family members
next of kin
all I feel is dread when the phone rings.

Pablo may have been weary
of chickens
I've had enough
to last a lifetime.

Every night on
the daily news
the death report
reminds me
every time you turn around
there's another tragic story
you're going to hear.

I'm sick to death
of death
in the movies

You know what I mean.

You know what?
I'm sick of this poem
I'm sick of thinking about death.

It's 8:06
declare it officially

The poem, I mean.
Reposted this after taking it
off,  don't want to hurt anyone going through a loss, that's a whole different deal.
993 · Feb 2014
Step Right Up
Sjr1000 Feb 2014
Step Right Up
Puts hair on your head
Grows neurons in your brain
Makes you take a dare
Connects you with
elves and faires
Turns your fears and anger
into a rarity.

Step Right Up
Dance with me
Dance with her
Dance with him
Spend a week there
one night.

Step Right Up
Gets your expectations
in line with reality
no rejection
All your relationships
will fall into line
Everybody is going to be kind
You're going to jump for joy.

Step Right Up
Money Love Sleep
They are all going to come your way
Open wide
Stick out your tongue
Stick out your hand
Close your eyes.

Step Right Up
A sucker's born every minute
A hustler's a thousand words a mile
We're pulling bucks
out of our pockers too many times to count
Trick and Trap
that's our motto

Step Right Up
Promises of total intimacy
total isolation

Step Right Up
We've been schooled
We've become tools
Whose the fool?
That's the ticket
Your number's up
Step Right Up
Thanks to Tom Waits: Step Right Up; Bill Maher: Trick and Trap; Pt Barnum: A sucker's born every minute.
987 · Sep 2014
The Beast Sleeps
Sjr1000 Sep 2014
You've rattled my cage
You'd better get out of the way
You've woken up the beast in me.

Sleeping soundly
for so many years,
the vultures
sat by
its side
figuring after that last breath
no other is going to be sighed.

I had paid the mason
made promises to the poet
they were working on its headstone
writing out its epitaph
all in very serious tones.

your vacuum eyes saw too close
your breath crept on to mine
your words spun fantasies
your hands shook me awake.

The beast's eyes popped open
this is where *** and love
love and ***
become confused
the beast
can't say
he can't see
doesn't remember what was written
on his epitaph.

"Don't feed or tease
or rattle the cage
better to let him sleep
that way,
that way
will remain the same. "
981 · Nov 2014
Acceptance 10W
Sjr1000 Nov 2014
We find our place
this universe.
Thank you Rollo May.
980 · Nov 2013
I fell for you
Sjr1000 Nov 2013
I fell for you like an anchor
I fell for you like an airplane crash
A satellite hurling firey burning
to earth
It was an avalanche
a total tidal wave
How was I to know you
were going to be
a force of nature to me
Leaving me
so small. ..
Four years ago, Sjr1000 came out to play.
980 · Mar 2018
2:30 p.m.
Sjr1000 Mar 2018
I'm working
I'm trying
I'm giving it all I can give
I'm working  I'm trying
This life will take
What ever you can give
I'm working
I'm trying
I'm doing the best
That I can
They hired me
To do a job
The job I don't know
How to do
This life
It'll take you
Down roads you
never knew
But we're proceeding
Despite all odds
Who knew
It would be so
To just make
it through
It's always 2:30
I'm working
I'm trying
I'm giving it all
I gotta give
I'm tired
I'm sure
I'm fired

My life is all
I know how to do.
974 · Nov 2014
Is anybody home?
Sjr1000 Nov 2014
Is anybody out there
Is anybody home?
Is anybody out there
Is anybody home?

The lights are shinning in my eyes
I can't see a thing,
the silence is
so deafening,
I can sing,
I can dance,
My words are falling
into dust and ash,
Is there anybody
out there?
Is there anybody

I know there are
so many times
I know I need to
be alone.
I can hear my
voice a whispering
I can hear my songs
being sung
into this empty silence
even before I have

A satellite without a planet
a planet without a sun
a motherless child at the park
without a room to call
her own,
a life without a tomb,
Is there anybody
out there?
Is there anybody

A heart without
a lover,
empty pages
without a story
time with no beginning
time without an end.

A freeway with no exit,
a ticket without a destination
a sunrise without a plan,
soaring with no place to land.

It's hard to be a god
in this universe alone
and all your creations
have taken the first bus home,
as the house lights fade
the last intermission is done
no one is listening
no one is home.
972 · Apr 2014
On found moments
Sjr1000 Apr 2014
Don't hold up
any mirrors
don't say a word
We are going to take a ride
to the ****** centers
of the mind
every neuron
sparks lighting of desire
in this breathing silence
there are no lies.

No please and thank you
no apologies are necessary
no one ever said abandonment
should be polite.

So let's make this silent vow
to keep this sacred circle
even in the harsh sunlight
of our cluttered houses
and in our cluttered little lives.
962 · Nov 2015
One kiss, two kisses, three
Sjr1000 Nov 2015
We're taking a ride
so far from here,
A little bit of heaven
A little bit of hell
A little bit of everything.

Forgetting everything we've been told,
Forgetting everything we're supposed to know

Moments flying by,
Fly by moments
Lighting our eyes,
Many delights,
Many sights
to see and be

So many reflections of you and me.

We're holding on tight
On each other's side.

One kiss, two kisses, three

Holding on
Letting go
Riding these passion winds
Discovering whatever they may know.
959 · Jul 2014
Hotel Heartbreak
Sjr1000 Jul 2014
There’s a place up the avenue
Where lovers come to fail
Look at each other with dispute
And hate is all they feel.

When they check in they always say
“I tried so hard, where do I sign my name.”
They always complain about the investment they have made
Does the room, have a place to change?
The credit card’s declined
The Hotel never seems to mind
The key is in the shape of a broken arrow
right to the heart.
The desk clerk smirks
Gets your name exactly right,
Even though you’ve never met
until this night.

The concierge will give you directions to the local graveyards
The bell hop only dances and never says a word
When you give him a tip, he’ll only throw out your words
The elevator only goes down
The only music heard is the sound
Of a solitary heart beating in rhyme
Singing the song
“You will never be mine”.

The hall way corridor goes on forever backwards in time
The lonesome sounds of whales singing
Echoes through the halls, coming through the walls
And from beneath every door.

The rooms offer amenities
The devil dancing in the pain
On the head of a pin
The walls have one function
That’s to close on in.

The ribbon of blood
That seeps through the mirror
Dances in inkblots all the way
To the sink
Which drips tears of

The bathtub waters
Only run too hot
Too cold.

There is a bed of nails
Inviting ruminations
The images of her with him
Him with her
Strobes on the ceiling in endless loops
Of anguish’s fatal tunes.

Room service offers a variety of suicide utensils
The mini-bar contains a row of empty bottles
and a syringe without a needle.

The garbage men are always out side
Garbage cans crashing through the endless night sky
The windows open to brick walls
While couples in bliss dance cheek to cheek
In the bar across the street
Sometimes they look up at you and smile
That smile.

This nightly room has become a weekly
The weekly a monthly
And if you are not careful
Stay too long
Once you check in
The check out will always be closed
At the Hotel Heartbreak
Just down the road.
"Heartbreak Hotel"
Well since my baby left me
I found a new place to dwell
It's down at the end of lonely street
at Heartbreak Hotel

You make me so lonely baby
I get so lonely
I get so lonely I could die

And although it's always crowded
you still can find some room
Where broken hearted lovers
do cry away their gloom


Well the Bell hop's tears keep flowing
and the desk clerk's dressed in black
Well they've been so long on lonely street
They ain't never going back


Hey now if your baby leave you
and you got a tale to tell.
Just take a walk down lonely street
to  Heartbreak Hotel.

Tommy Durden, Elvis Presley, Mae Axton, Arthur Crudup
959 · Jun 2018
Homer Lane
Sjr1000 Jun 2018
No Tell Motel
Low rent rendezvous
Johnny and Darcy
Modern romance
She lived at the doctors house
With the loaded gun
Both were going out with
Dancin' Doug
Though nobody knew
They always did their dance at noon
Poor Johnny, he always came to soon,
He was from Virginia City, Nv
A small town boy with a cosmic mind
Darcy was a runaway from Wyckoff, New Jersey, escaping her family having an adventure she had no where else to go
They all lived in the dust on
Homer Lane
A dusty dirt road

Dancin' Doug threw a benefit
No one knew what for
He scheduled bands to play
Smoke anything tree
The moon was full
The colored lights were twinkling
Dancin' Doug saw Johnny and Darcy
smooching to
A cover of Dancing in the Dark
Maybe it was the Ecstasy
or maybe it was the whiskey
He didn't know what to feel
jealousy, great love, or greed
He took all their money
And danced on
the dust
at Homer Lane

Johnny and Sue
Headed on over to room 102
at The No Tell Motel

Another low rent rendezvous.
957 · Mar 2015
My Poems
Sjr1000 Mar 2015
My poems are
lost down a shady grove,
They've taken up residence,
In a rainbow room,
Reflections cast on four white walls,
Whispered from this closing tomb,
Singing songs no one knows,
Poems lost in airy ether,
No one knows where they go.

My poems ride the winds,
Cascading down,
Tumbling into oceans
to be buried within,
When no one is looking,
They rise again.
It has been said
in space, no one can hear you scream,
Silence known far to well.

My poems are silence
in a darkened room
banging on consciousness door
to be set free,
Thought bubbles floating
in the breeze,
Set free, finally.

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