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 Feb 2013 SJ
Victoria Mogolis
From head, to toe
A balance beam of life
Angry hands shake with
The regret of death,
Large feet take baby steps,
Retracing his feats.
For a moment,
Dropping to his knees,
The man cries,
A lonely heart
For humanity to recognize
His kind-hearted
An intelligent mind
Looking through soulless
Knowing not why
A poem I wrote depicting Frankenstein's monster.
 Feb 2013 SJ
JJ Hutton
six-inch heels abandoned
in lampless corner       grimy pennies embedded in carpet

rent's due

wedding band girl "fab polka dot frocks"
waterfalling past knees        outta place
on casino bus destined for rest under Ft. Worth stars
now, now    ******* borealis speckled dice

true love waits

socialite lip balm and bourgeoisie hips compete
in bidding war over which black face triggerpulls
which black face eyes the ground
passerby the red light      the green light
all night diner    egg on chin   coffee-stained porcelain   teeth

"I forgave, I think. I forget."

crowded and paranoid in the left lane    the right lane
empty and weak and surrender and soiled underwear in ammonia nursing home
children is a word     time is a lie the polka dot and the interstate ain't selling
divorce the consequence of acoustic shadows

reblog   undo   #sotrue    reblog

living through x-ray radiotherapy the dotted gown
never the veiny calves or the blush or the eyeliner
somewhere in North Texas shawtys are in the club
shawtys are backin' it up    shawtys are dropin' it down

hit me+hit me+hit me=blackjack mishap

the marvel of the wind and of wind turbines
cognac decade brides     the epitome of class and natural elegance
standing like oil derricks and treated like oil wells
so secretive and philanthropic

this taxon remains nameless

casino turned dance hall   dance hall   skinny ties still a thing
this wine is good. is it a merlot?    no.    this is purely recreational
for birthdays   for weddings    and Ft. Worth missionaries
10-50 passengers   we've got 53, no 54 #hahahaha #whoops #party

who needs unprescribed drugs? me, me (!)

decomposing mascara sweat on brow the interstate no longer lit
polka dots has got the suicide by Manet pulled up
on her iPhone the financial stress   which shudders warm-blooded moms
on her lips    every mother a librarian   every mother a swing-pusher

but digression    next to bitterness   the lowest sin

edging the cultural gateway of the old west
miracles in and miracles out of tradition following
the slender bends of middle ancient Trinity River
children a word   pattycake a game

and time   time a lie we left to museum panoramas
 Feb 2013 SJ
Spring (Tanka)
 Feb 2013 SJ
Little buds open
Birds sing from the tall green trees
And daffodils sway
In the gently blowing breeze
Cats watch dancing butterflies.

This is my first Tanka!
 Feb 2013 SJ
Erin Lewis
My Sight
 Feb 2013 SJ
Erin Lewis
Close my eyes,
Breathe soft and deep.
Feel the music
Wash over me.

Release my worries
Step away from life
Sway with the rhythm
Dance in the light

Close my eyes
I don't need to see
The music surrounding
Shows the world to me

Music is my voice
When I cannot speak
Music is my sight
When I don't need to see
 Feb 2013 SJ
You’re on your way

Although you may feel this way
Because you were left behind
Cascade will your tears

Does it hurt?
Eventually it won’t
Forever is such a long time

Grieve shortly, for this will pass
Have a laugh and a smile please dear
I just happen to care

Just go on your way
Kings don’t rule forever, they will die
Long time awaiting for you
Momentarily has been forgotten

Never more shall you weep
Or stand alone in your fight

Please just listen
Quietly as you walk

Resist the temptations appearing
Stop questioning yourself
Trust in me please my dear

Unwilling you are to move on
Vacant your heart will become
Wade into the waters of the vast world beyond

Xenophobia is what you have contracted from this, you can’t meet new people for fear of being hurt yet again
You need a new beginning
Zero people can hurt you, as long as you don’t let them
 Feb 2013 SJ
Let me be the one to lift your spirits,
to tend to your injured ego.

Allow me to mend your bleeding heart.
to dry your salty tears.

I wish to be the one you find comfort from.
I want to cause you to forget the cruel past
and to forget old fears.

when your faith & confidence are strong,
when your smile and laughter are abundant,
when your eyes & spirit sparkle again,
when your happy and strong.

Will you fly away on your merry way?
Will you let me be the one?
 Feb 2013 SJ
Daniel Kenneth
Two hearts beating
Strangers, yes
But we're so much better than the rest
A connection running wide and deep
Better than any with the company you keep
Darling stare into my eyes
Choose to make me your only guy
Two beats one
This is true
Which is why I'm stuck here staring at you
 Feb 2013 SJ
Hannah Sabine
 Feb 2013 SJ
Hannah Sabine
And on the days
He lacks to shave,
I find it right
to compromise,
The only way
I'll feel his scruff,
is rough against
my thighs.
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