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 Feb 2013 SJ
I love having no strings on
Don't mind old songs that prove me wrong
Loving the burning sensation down my tube of consumption
Leaving Thoughts through lips with no assumptions  

Halting nothing, not even the toxin
Welcoming each one that is approaching
The drowning is just so vacuously dry
In a switch between myself and I

In my possession there is no shell
Just drinking, falling and feeling swell
The confidence in my hand, my new companion
Expressing things, While still standing

Crying, begging for more of the fuel
Not feeling the numb that is so kindly cruel
In searching for it, My bringer of exposed teeth
Sipping, gulping for the underneath
 Feb 2013 SJ
Jacques Prévert
For you, my love
I went to a bird market
And I bought a bird
For you
My love
I went to a flower market
And I bought a flower
For you
My love
I went to a junk market
And I bought a chain
A heavey chain
For you
My love
And I went to a slave market
And I searched for you
But I couldn't find you anywhere
My love
 Feb 2013 SJ
Amanda Hoy
Debris was all she was, leftovers for his disposal.
Grime for the waste, left to feel empty again.  
Accepted worthlessness, accepted her defeat.
Too hollow for tears, but filled with sorrow to weep.
 Feb 2013 SJ
Blitz T
 Feb 2013 SJ
Blitz T
I wanted to know you like no one else
I wanted to tell you this all my self

But this country's so big
And so wide coast to coast
And this person im talking to is only your ghost

With suburbia behind us
Endless sky ahead and
With how close the clouds were you'd think we were dead

I don't know you any more
Wish I could say I did

I think I've forgotten
I think I remember
I think I should call you
I don't think it matters

I loved you,
Somewhere I think I still do
In the back of my heart
In a memory of you

It a fall like I have never seen it before
Its early
And its late
And it nothing in between

Fire in the sky and it skipping the ground
Voices and laughter and such beautiful sounds

A treasure is hidden
Just waiting to be found
A part of me missing
Now deep in that ground

I wanna run in the rain
But its to late
To cold

Left out in the cold with tail lights receding
A nervous but wonderful kind of a feeling

A sky full of colors
That gold that wont stay
I thought that I loved you
But only for a day

The stars still shine brightest from the roof of a car
And the seasons are changing as much as we are
That doesn't mean I don't miss you just the same

My Hero
My Partner
My Best Friend for a time
I guess I'm just selfish
I know your not mine

The acrid smell of cigars still hangs in the
Air where a beat up white
Cavalier once stood

Lay out on the hood
Let the sun bake on in
I've said my goodbyes
no more see you later
although this last moment I'm entitled to savor

In years to come this view will be gone
I want to remember you just as you are

Drive on up the street but please don't look back
You'll see what im saying is a measurable fact
There's a time and a place
And nether still exists
Screaming and fighting and raising of fists
To the flame in the sky wont help it one bit
Trust me id make him stop if I could

I breath out
The car fills with smoke
Hey, pass me another
Alright, but you buy next time.
N 42° 10.950 W 088° 26.470
 Feb 2013 SJ
Jaz Rhodes
 Feb 2013 SJ
Jaz Rhodes
Half an idea entered a field
disguised as a blade of grass.
It faced the others and spake
Have you not heard, this world it turns
and as my mind burns you rest,
but I’ve found a solution
and if you take heed, a book
at only 4.99 you can read
and be redeemed.
Now the grass stirred deeply in thought,
for this idea, that had seemingly just appeared
may bear some truithfilled bearing.
Then as the winds died down
the grass turned round, and said; Now
you’re wrong ‘cos we’ve found it’s the sky that turns round
and promptly killed him -
(Using a photosynthesis based telekinetic heat-ray)
Well the message in this tale could well be
to follow your dreams and be all your beings,
even in the fat face of adversity!
...but such a statement, truth has failed,
for the moral of this gruesome twist
is, more simply, if you’re an ideological catalyst;
don’t talk to grass.
 Feb 2013 SJ
Kimberly Rae
 Feb 2013 SJ
Kimberly Rae
Thrown aside shattered, broken…
I’m in tiny pieces
A reflection of a half lived existence
of one great big sad lie.

it’s funny what we settle for
in times where we want more.
it’s clever that your words are exactly
what my ears have longed to hear.
it’s sad that all they’ll ever be are meaningless.
promises you made but never meant to keep.

I’m in pieces here
you left me on my own.
I’m in pieces here
I gave you all my love
but you don’t want it anymore.

Ego bruised, Heart torn
the melancholy of me blows restless
on these winds of change.
I’m not sure how I can carry on.

it’s crazy the lengths we go to
just to keep from being alone.
it’s maddening how easy
you can walk right out that door.
it’s scary to fall so helpless
into the darkness of what’s no more.

I’m in pieces here
you left me on my own.
I’m in pieces here
I gave you all my love
but you don’t want it anymore.

you don’t want me anymore.

Unpublished work © 2010 Kimberly Rae Albright
 Feb 2013 SJ
Kevin Rogers
From this cell I count the days
From this cell I find new hate
For the world itself, for the boy I've made
Throw me a line, Throw me cure
To cleanse this loveless world that I've endured
 Feb 2013 SJ
Jacques Prévert
This love
So violent
So fragile
So tender
So hopeless
This love
Beautiful as the day
And bad as the weather
When the weather is bad
This love so true
This love so beautiful
So happy
So joyous
And so pathetic
Trembling with fear like a child in the dark
And so sure of itself
Like a tranquil man in the middle of the night
This love that made others afraid
That made them speak
That made them go pale
This love intently watched
Because we intently watch it
Run down hurt trampled finished denied forgotten
Because we ran it down hurt it trampled
it finished it denied it forgot it
This whole entire love
Still so lively
And so sunny
It's yours
It's mine
That which has been
This always new thing
And which hasn't changed
As true as a plant
As trembling as a bird
As warm as live as summer
We can both of us
Come and go
We can forget
And then go back to sleep
Wake up suffer grow old
Go back to sleep again
Awake smile and laugh
And feel younger
Our love stays there
Stubborn as an ***
Lively as desire
Cruel as memory
Foolish as regrets
Tender as remembrance
Cold as marble
Beautiful as day
Fragile as a child
It watches us, smiling
And it speaks to us without saying a word
And me I listen to it, trembling
And I cry out
I cry out for you
I cry out for me
I beg you
For you for me for all who love each other
And who loved each other
Yes I cry out to it
For you for me and for all the others
That I don't know
Stay there
There where you are
There where you were in the past
Stay there
Don't move
Don't go away
We who loved each other
We've forgotten you
Don't forget us
We had only you on the earth
Don't let us become cold
Always so much farther away
And anywhere
Give us a sign of life
Much later on a dark night
In the forest of memory
Appear suddenly
Hold your hand out to us
And save us
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