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Sir B Jan 2014
I shall step away
from your life
and the life of others
and from the life of
who find me stupid
and crazy

in short.
the life of everyone..
Because i am not accepted in anything..
I dont know what to be doing
I am at a loss
for whatever I do correctly
because its always wrong
No one likes being around me either, just gah, my recommendation would be that you do the same..

An old poem..
Sir B Feb 2014
i am a kid
i will remain a kid..
Sir B Jul 2013
Remember the time.
When we walked home?
It was so mucho fun
We just had talks
About love
Being in the air
All the time

I sincerely miss
Talking to you
Though you ignore me
More than often
You did help me through
And many others
So when you do have hard times
Don't shy
You listened to me.
I will listen to you.

That's something
I want to do
As payment for your help.

Written to a friend of mine.. Who isn't here as of right now.. Hope she does see it when she can... And yes. She is on Hellopoetry.
Sir B Sep 2013
Right at this moment
I wanted something to fall on me
To feel true pain
I haven't felt it in a while

Strange feelings

Time - 17:30 pm
Date - *September 3rd 2013
I am.. not being a good person.. am I? I should try positive poetry..
Sir B Oct 2013
I see you go by everyday
I come close enough for a hug
but refuse to take it
It won't be good..

I remember the time
when we gave the other a hug
I would have kissed you away
but stopped myself
Don't even try.

I remember the times
I decided to not do anything
about it
and then it hurt me more
and no matter what I think
I can't bring myself to a conclusion.
Just something to write down my emotions for a person. I am in the middle of reviewing for a test. I still don't find myself good enough, but I shall go with the flow.. I feel like today (october 17th 2013) was a VERY good day which just equates to the fact that tomorrow won't be as good. You guys will have a better day, and the sun will shine again and you guyz will rejoice for its Friday. Enjoy while you can.
Sir B Sep 2014
The world is a weird place
once you believe in thrashing your body up for a day*
other times
you just don't want to risk it

sometimes you want to punch through walls
sometimes you want to just sit next to people
and talk

other times you just want to be yourself
and sometimes you dont want to be ostracized
the world be a weird place
*This refers to today's Cross Country meet, I wanted to just go all out and see how badly i would get injured (I didn't) but this week's been so crazy with emotional pain (at times), psychological and physical (full time) and just broke me down this time. Can't let this happen..
Sir B Jun 2013
The stupidity of these people is unknown
I treat them so well. Yet I am mistreated

Why? What have I ever done??
Someone needs to tell me, please

I listen to every rant
I listen to you more than often
I am your "accomplice in crime"
Why am I not liked??

Am I doing something wrong again??
You can correct me.
I don't mind being corrected
You know how I treat you and your opinions
I won't judge you, I never did.

You were my outlet to reality
But now, I am being treated like the rest.
I have lost everything
Dont make me suffer
I suffer a lot
Nothing more

I beg of you.
This was a draft for a while, I needed to post it. I.... still cannot express myself properly.
Sir B Dec 2013
Please do it,
I am literally going insane
I need desperate assistance
I am very serious about this

My dreams are becoming reality
and reality..
I don't know where that is going
But, Very seriously
I am being troubled
I am asking you
to tether me down
so reality doesn't escape me

Please do me a favor
So i can live..
Very true thing, hence I was sick for the past few weeks and wasn't able to write as regularly. Now, its a little less but its still there mildly.
Sir B Aug 2013
I know..
It may be cliché
You made me
Find happiness
Showed me a true path
Reverted me
To my old self
The one who made
Really scientific jokes.

I really hope
You feel better
After another round
Of thanks
Because you really did
Make me
Get back on the right track

I don't think
Just saying this much helps
I can't thank you enough
You changed me to normal
But added a twist
A good one of course
Now I am better
And happier!!

**Thank you, again.
For all you've done
I felt a need to thank my friend for bringing me out of "depression". Can't thank enough, I hope to be this way (happy) for a long time, can't do much but keep saying..

Thank you for saving a lost soul
Sir B Mar 2013
Do you remember that day?
When we first met?
It was beautiful..

The sun was shining bright
the sky was clear...
the trees were being green and lush
The flowers were blooming

And we were having a fun time
We danced a bit
Talked for everr

And we stayed together,
to watch the sun dip below the horizon
Promising each other
That we would rendezvous
at the same spot and the same time

The next day
I waited for you..
And you never came
I waited for you the day after..
staying for more than 3 hrs after the rendezvous
Yet you never came

That day my heart burned through my skin
I never found out why you didn't come
But what I did realize was that
Trusting people too much
Doesn't end well
One of my best friends actually did this to me.. To this day I haven't forgotten it.. Nor will I ever.
Sir B Aug 2013
Late at night
When everything has stopped making noise
I start to fall asleep
But soon after
I wake up
In cold sweat
I look around and
Realize that my heart is stolen

By that special someone
They dared
To come at my house
Just to steal my heart
How brave
Yet foolish
To only take my heart

You should've taken me too
I wrote this to be a somewhat happy poem, hope you enjoyed it.

Sir B Feb 2014
"My thoughts are stars that can't fathom into constellations."

“You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.”

“Some tourists think Amsterdam is a city of sin, but in truth it is a city of freedom. And in freedom, most people find sin.”

“I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.”

“What else? She is so beautiful. You don’t get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers.”

“You do not immortalize the lost by writing about them. Language buries, but does not resurrect.”
Oh the book, its a wonderful creation. I appreciate its existence.
Sir B Oct 2014
That night
It was so cold
But i was so warm
We had just finished dancing
Had a hug after
And more and more
I didnt feel like letting you go
But i knew i had to

But that dance
Your hands on my shoulders
Mine around your waist
Just us slowly turning
While watching others
Its a dance to remember
And the picture after
One that shouldnt be forgotten
October 18th 2014 - Homecoming
Sir B Sep 2013
Is it just me
Did someone decide to make me happy?

Either, Or

Doesn't matter
It made me happy
to know

someone recognizes me
not as a shadow
but as a person
Can I thank you enough? No, I cant. These words that you said.. made me happier.. and gave me another reason to not **** myself, and think about it.
Sir B Feb 2014
I have become the shadow
that i definitely didn't want to become
well, that's just outright depressing.
True shadow now. Nobody is going to miss me, i am a true shadow now. Hardly have anyone left to talk to.
Sir B Sep 2013
I hope that
Your lips are
On my lips

Not just for homecoming
or school events
but for an eternity
so we can
each other
and our love
for the other
Just something to cheer a dull. grey sunday morning..
Sir B Mar 2014
I don't know what to talk about
my insanity?
my horrible lack of confidence?
my beautifully hated self?

The problems come
after I figure out a way to overcome
the aforementioned things

Once they are good
I don't know what to talk about
and I am left lonely again...
...and I lose myself
and become insane
and oh joy!
*we are back at square one.
I don't know what to say.. I am lost in the endless sea emotions again.
Sir B Feb 2014
I... lied
for the first time in my life
a true lie

I regret it
and want to cleanse myself of the guilt
and this horrendous evil

This time
my lie was not a deceiving answer
I saw the pity in her eyes
and I knew that she already had her information
she was trying to confirm it
and i lied.

I. lied.

I didn't even look at her eyes
Like i usually do
I just
looked down and around

She knows
She knows
She knows

I cannot hid it
the guilt will ****** me
but the lie

oh, such a stupid one

but the way she asked me

"is everything alright?"
It made me jump
I knew it would happen
I knew she would ask me
not come close and whisper with sympathy

I have never lied before
and this is the last time
i will lie

the guilt is unbearable
I cannot keep it from her
but also
I don't want to do anything stupid
but the only way to clean this guilty
feeling off

is to tell her
I will not lie
because the sympathy and kindness
reflected in her eyes so brightly
a quasar would be dimmer

oh, this guilt
it truly is the ultimatum
The way she perked when she saw me
close enough to come bounding to me
then to say a whisper and leave

that just killed me
i wanted to break down and cry my heart out
but i couldn't
not in that place

February 4th 2014, 14 years old. I told my first lie. First true lie. I have never been this guilty of lying, but this time. When I saw her face and read her expressions and her eyes, I saw that she knew already about me... but yet came to talk to me, and I refused it. I am no deservant of her sympathy anymore, she shouldn't be suffering and worrying over a shadow. But the point is she will.. until i can either a) lie more and cover up or b) say the truth...
Sir B Sep 2013
My theory on time
Is that it's relative
To your surroundings
And you

This may sound weird
If you are spending time
With someone/ something you don't like
Time will pass slowly
On the other hand
If you are someone/ something you like
Time goes by way too fast

Try it out
Just a thought that's pondering me for days now.. I sincerely believe in this.. I so occasionally though.. Not all the time
Sir B Jul 2013
I realize
I made mistakes
One too many
I wish to change them
Apologize for them

I can change them by
Time Travelling
I see nothing wrong with it
But I hope
I make the right choices the second time...
Thank you for reading the above poem. Means a lot to me now.
Sir B Jul 2013
A child holds his father's hand
His little hands holding on to bigger ones
He is scared..
So young
Yet having to face such stuff..
As natural disaster

Having to go to school
And being as innocent as possible
Loving everything
But things change..
And so do people

Everyone I know
Has turned
Finding every possible chance
To take his/her revenge
Murdering in cold blood

But being innocent isn't the way to live
So I changed
And now..
I am *different
No-one from my family was hurt.. Fortunately.

Fictional, of course.  =)
Sir B Sep 2013
Happy day, today is
Reminds me of myself  
fourteen years ago
being born in a hospital
fun times
enjoying life
high school
tours of europe
having a blast with friends
unable to hold your excitement
for when you can drive
fun times indeed
and they call for a celebration
a celebration of a birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Enjoy it, and remember

"You only need to live once, but if you work it right, once is enough."
Mae West
Happy Birthday to you, i hope you are having a blast because tomorrow is monday.. and.. its going to be boring.. lol
Sir B Apr 2013
Difference cannot be taken into account.
Not right now.
Right now we must learn to survive together.
There is more strength in the two of us combined.
I believe in you,
I believe in myself
We can do it.
You and I together can finish it together.

Trust me.
Sir B Feb 2014
Should I love you
and send you an
blush of roses
just a box of chocolates
or maybe
just a simple card
expressing my deep desire
to love you for an infinity


I could just hope to be loved
by you
and expect roses
and chocolates
or just a sincere card
expressing your love to me
for an infinity

But we both do know
that it won't happen
we are "forever alone" people
nothing good happens to us

so the end question becomes

should we love?
just wait to be loved?

Hard question that is.
A poem made for valentines day. I expect nothing from anyone, i mean. I have no reason to.. unless someone is generous enough to.. I don't think they are.. Well oh well. Hope you guys have a nice valentines day with whomever you are planning to spend it with. Its beautiful that its on a Friday, you can go on a movie night or something. If you are just going to be alone like I will be.. Send a message, maybe we can chat...
Sir B Jun 2014
To my plentiful nights
Where i shivered
Even with a blanket on

To when i cried
Because i understood my flaws and irrational thinking

To when i forced myself to sleep
So as to prevent further harm

To when i thought of you
Because you are you.

To those nights and more
Constituting me and my celestial being
Emotions, emotions, emotions.
Sir B Sep 2013
For once
We shall reside
in Heaven
and live for the eternity
and enjoy the bliss
of a friends company

Love each other
and combine souls
for tonight
We shall reside
in Heaven
and enjoy
the morning sunshine
and moonlight at dark

We dance with each other
and learn about the other
love till the sun rises
for tonight
We reside in
Parade and bonfire before homecoming, enjoyed it. Band rocks, so does she and my friends.
Sir B Jan 2014
The universe doesn't care
what you are doing to yourself
It doesn't want to **** you
because your time isn't over yet
It has no emotions
so if you keep cursing it
for never ending your life
its fine.

Universe won't feel a thing
because it has nothing
no emotions/no feelings

we should all up a decision
since the Universe doesn't care
we shouldn't care
but we still do!

We have emotions
we have feelings
we want to help each other

or do we?

hence, i decided to do this to myself.
*torture, with hauntings of your face
or just
plain torture
Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
I am tired
very tired
very unhappy
very sad
very unlikely
to do anything
besides cry myself
to sleep.
Sir B Mar 2013
How did I not know about this?
Why do it from me?
Am I evil?!

Please tell me so...
It will relieve some curiosity
But hiding from me
That's not kind of you..

I hope you understand
But hiding something,
Will make me sadder
You know who you are.
Sir B May 2014
i really just want to leave,
Sir B Dec 2013
Tired of keeping everything
inside of me
this is annoying
and just wrong
in so many ways.

I would like to tell you
but i dont think i will be able to
because you are so perfect
in your own world
that i fear my intrusion
of problems and worries
will destroy your wonders
hence, i refuse to tell you
not about anything else either
just, the fact
that your wonderful world
will be in broken pieces
should i share my worries and problems

Its too much to keep inside though
and people tell me to get help from you
and i try
I honestly try
I cannot bring myself to tell you about it
no matter the amount of persuasion
done by the girl i have a lot of crush on
it wont bring me to a conclusion
of sharing my distant and evil plans
with you and your wonderful world
that i occasionally peek into
to try to replicate

but, as previously said
I am unable to do it
because of my ineptness
of doing anything
A person, tells me to share my depression and similar thoughts with my best friend.. I can't bring myself to it. As previously mentioned even if he is my best friend. I don't want to ruin it for him as well. I know for a fact that he will have a tougher time handling it than I do, and I fear everything that happens during the therapy and things alike. Apologies if you, best friend, read it.
Sir B Jul 2013
I just read
Our old conversations
Before becoming bff's
Before even knowing each other
It's just
Such a warm feeling
To know you made it
So far
Home base.
I had nothing else to do but read our old conversations (I talk to lots of people so I read a lot for a day) it's beautiful how you transform!

Sir B over and out.
Smile without the care in the world.

(Kinda long note, sorry!!)
Sir B May 2014
Here was a world
a serene world, calm
with an eternal summer
where trees have leaves year round
the sun shines silently
people fall in love and
its never a heartbreak
only a successful story
failure isn't in a dictionary
and tropical paradises are resorts for people

There however was another world
a world within the minds of people
it lay inside those who hadn't been so lucky
it was chaotic, upsetting
with an eternal winter
where trees stood naked
looking dim
the sun couldn't illuminate it
and people felt more heartbreaks than successes
failure was a regular occurrence
and therapy hospitals always had a long line

The war, was more of an exchange
similar to where
both sides exchange prisoners or
let families reunite
it was a quick war really
the "darker" side gave up
"lighter" side won

With the lighter side winning
there came great festivities
great power and honor
therapeutic centers didn't have long lines
tropical paradises grew exponentially
and it the end

It was a peaceful exchange
and a pleasant dream.
A poem that I wrote for a school magazine and if it gets published you get extra credit points in your english class. i don't know what will happen but its a try..
Sir B Sep 2013
We danced tonight
I fulfilled my promise
Of a better dance
A better day
And a good time

I didn't know
I would do it like this
But I did,
And you enjoyed
You made me smile
For a whole night
Hugs and kisses
Slow dances
And beautiful company

We danced in heaven
And enjoyed the company
Of the other
Smiled and laughed
And were hinted
By our friends
To dance,
So we did
And we danced
Yea.. Homecoming dance.. I had a beautiful date who likes me.. I think... And we enjoyed every moment holding hands and dancing with my best friend, Jack.
Sir B Jul 2013
Reside in me.
There is a void here.
There is no life here.
The doors are completely open.
But I don't remember keeping them open for you..

With your face covered in darkness
It is unforeseeable to look at my future
And yet.
You stand tall with your sword
On your left side.

You are not welcome here.
I never said I desire death.
Though I do, inside my head.
So leave.
A poem for those who think I am on the verge of self destruction, there is hope. I haven't committed to it, yet...
Sir B Feb 2014
We need to have
another word
for saying
"I am sorry for everything I have done"

It kind of gets repetitive
and then the meaning is forgotten

We need a new term
This idea just came by randomly… I am sorry for so many things and I feel repetitive saying "I'm sorry". I feel like a new term would help alleviate the pressure off of Sorry.…
Sir B Oct 2013
We may never know
who people write about
and how they can keep writing

I know I write for someone
I also know the chances are
deathly low

But I still try
But I still try to reach the unreachable

And I can trust that you
the person reading my poetry
can understand and relate to
yourself and others
about changes
I was reading some of my old poetry, and the poetry of my friends and how we have changed over the years.. weird... how it happens
Sir B Jul 2013
What can we do?
For the souls
lost in eternity?

We can't do anything for anyone anymore.
Sir B Jul 2013
I watched the sun.. set
It fit in so beautifully
Being bright orange
As if the world was
Using fireworks
At the same time

It was beautiful
Nature's beautiful
And so is everyone else in it..
In a way, I suppose
The sun turned bright orange for a little bit, was beautiful to watch.. Someone must've seen it besides me..
Sir B May 2014
What is love?
Its such a simple question
With a much complex answer

What is it?

Is it something that holds two people together?
A mother and her child?
Or is it something
Between a god and his followers?

Is it an unbreakable bond constraining or freeing people
Something someone people are indifferent to?

What is this thing "love?"
I dont understand it
Is it magic, fiction, surreal?
Real, live, active?

What is love?
What does it do?
I sincerely don't know the meaning and can't fathom if either.. This one is out of my reach…
Sir B Dec 2013
I haven't done
that I like or love
in so long
it feels like an eternity

I don't know
and have forgotten
what it even feels like
being in love anymore
its that bad.

Do you still get butterflies
in your stomachs?
Does their image keep haunting you?
(In a good way)
What exactly happens anymore?

So lost,
and unloved
that I am feeling sorry for myself.
Apologies for writing a poem, not really a poem. Just something I realized was wrong with me when reading "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green. I just found out and realized that I don't understand what love feels like. Feel sorry for myself..
Sir B Mar 2014
The matter starts with the way the country is
No blame going to anyone

You see
America has established itself
as a country that works forever
tires out, stresses things
which are unnecessary
The people work
till they fall down dead
They aren't given as many
have to work, remember?!!?
This leads them to more stress
harms their health
creates a place which is unfriendly
where, you cannot show up
at someone's house without calling before
You don't do that in other countries
you just knock on their door
and they let you in and its friendly

America, oh noes
You have to call to let them know
you are coming over
its friends
its family
its supposed to be informal
they are part of you
they make you
they needn't take an appointment with you
  meet  you

I find too many things wrong in America
Once I have noticed them
I cannot remove them
and just keep seeing more faults
It's not like something is wrong with me
Not anymore.

It's the society now
They have to take blame for ******* over thousands of people
They manipulate you,
It's about time that they take blame
for telling how
has to live and be a total working place

It shouldn't. Its just another country. Even Europe is better off!!

I have exhausted my topics, but in the end
its just that America might need to change
maybe, for the better

I know my voice will be unheard, but I want to express my opinion
now, I have finally realized.
I am fine, its the society
This new culture
This new standard of living

*This isn't for me.
*Might need more work, criticism is appreciated*

If this write is controversial for you, please mention how. Otherwise, try to help out the other poets who are in similar and worse conditions than me. I don't want to let go unseen. I have to make an effort to make the snowball effect happen.
Sir B Nov 2013
They have left us scared
They want us under their
societal pressure
They dont want us together
They are disliking our thoughts

Society doesn't want us
to be powerful
so they can remain unopposed
thus making their unfairness proven.

They want you to conform to them
So you are better kept in control
But no one wants to be similar to another!
Society, has ruined a lot.
I am certainly ****** about stuff. Also, feel free to give me ideas about themes, I will do my best.
Sir B Jun 2013
What do I do??
Its summer I get it
But what to do?
I want to spend this summer with you
But you said you don't want me around
I suppose this summer will be like the few lonely ones

But hey
Admit to it that you had fun last summer
I am bored
Sir B Jun 2013
Where are you??
Better yet
What happened to you?

Scars and bruises covering your face
It scares me off to death
Thinking someone could harm you

So now,
You will tell me what happened to you
So I can reassure you
And so we both can laugh and make merry

Inspiration from a few songs
Sir B Jun 2013
Where are you when i actually need you?
I am actually smiling when I look at you.

I like that smile, and your hair

You are one of the best friends of all time

Though you hate me, haha

I still prefer you over most people

Can you be back soon? please?

Pretty please with multiple cherries on top?
The last line is from the book "Flowers for algernon"
Sir B Jun 2013
He is a human
He would like the best for you
He would do his best in front of you,
or.... rather try to
because he is horrible at everything
including life

He seems to have gained a respect
in a gaming world
He wants to gain respect
in a world that matters
not a world with people
who are in front of their computers!!

either ways
His life is ruined
Everything falls apart in instances
He can't get anything right

He cares so much for others
That sometimes he overlooks his own problems
For the same reason
Of protecting that special someone
But this new century world
Has lost everything and all meaning
Of the word sacrifice
I fear for it
And still feel lonely for not being loved

Lets highfive and kick reality in a hole, because the above will never happen!
Sir B Aug 2013
Water dripping
drip.... drip...

No food
rumbling tummies

Everyone is sad...
Government can't do anything

People are jobless
Very close to today

**Why can't we do anything??
Inspired by The great depression, and the movies Atlas Shrugged (both parts)

This may be stupid..
Sir B Sep 2013
Why and How...
Am I even in these "advanced" classes
I don't understand
I know I am not up to it
HOW am I still in those "honors" classes

Was it a good idea?
Lost.. losing sanity and my own sense
Help is welcome
Sir B Jun 2013
At the park
I realized how wrong I had been about life
It is so wonderful
And so....

I saw a person
walking their two dogs
I went biking
Talked to a couple of friends
It was just so..

I realize now
Why everyone tells me to cheer up
Its because
Of the beautiful world
Always smile, it changes your mood drastically
Sir B Mar 2014
I imagined that you jumped off a cliff
with a smile on your face
and telling me
I can survive this fall
but i knew you couldn't
it was too high
told you to stop, but you jumped anyways
the whole world turned dark and
spirits invaded my mind
I awoke and didn't sleep again
and it was hell all over.
This dream came to me around Late November 2013. It's my worst nightmare till record because that person who jumped off the cliff was Jack...
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