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1.0k · Oct 2013
A world shrugged
Sir B Oct 2013
I remember
for less than a blink of an eye
a majestic V of forested *****
Far below it
A tiny stream
blue from the sky
Two low roofs
a yellow patch of
sun drenched beach

My fingers rasping across the wood
in a desperate effort
then I stood alone
in a cold and rain swept night

A ticket
Good, when validated, for
one trip to Verna

Behind it a date, gone,
long since, the ticket void,
punched in a pattern
of tiny holes
I read the story, "Of Missing Persons" by Jack Finney. A very similar read to "Atlas Shrugged" hence the title. I won't take credit for this poem, since I have used much of the story. But a beautiful write nonetheless. Wonderful day today. Better than most.. hope you had a good day too  :)
1.0k · Jul 2013
I am sorry
Sir B Jul 2013
I am sorry for being me
I am sorry for being a ****
I am sorry for being obsessed about you
I am sorry for being in love
I am sorry for being stupid
I am sorry for being a pain
I am sorry for being suicidal
I am sorry for being everything everyone dislikes
I apologize for everything that I have done.
I don't understand anything.
I am sorry.
I hope you can forgive me...
I hope you decide to forgive me and everyone who reads it too, if you don't... Well, I can't do anything about it.
991 · Jul 2013
Still awaiting your return
Sir B Jul 2013
Remember the time.
When we walked home?
It was so mucho fun
We just had talks
About love
Being in the air
All the time

I sincerely miss
Talking to you
Though you ignore me
More than often
You did help me through
And many others
So when you do have hard times
Don't shy
You listened to me.
I will listen to you.

That's something
I want to do
As payment for your help.

Written to a friend of mine.. Who isn't here as of right now.. Hope she does see it when she can... And yes. She is on Hellopoetry.
981 · Dec 2013
Senses lied
Sir B Dec 2013
I have this feeling again
in myself that
"If I do finish myself,
A lot of people can be happier,
they can get through their day
better and wont have to deal with
my sadness."

Just this feeling tells me that
everyone i know of.. frustrated with me
and they want to lash out
but they know what could happen
so they are keeping their emotions stuck
inside as well

I also know about the amount
of bull crap and swearing
that I get for not listening to someone

and also the amount of respect
that I had

Wait.. Did I have any in the first place?

If i did... doesn't vanish in a day now
does it?

People want me segregated
to be with the person of their choice
or for the person to be with them
and, I am told to move myself
because of inadequate space.

Since when did I become so bad.
That. I have no value.

*Note: This poem was written a while back, I am currently out of depression.
Just my depressed emotion. In math class, there are groups. I was at a seat and then the "intelligent" kid walks in. The table I am sitting at, kicks me out to make room for him. After he refuses their offer. I am told to get myself back to my seat. Like what now? Am I that low?? That you dont have trust in me? You think I am not as good as him? Just, depresses me. I already am depressed. I cant cope with the feeling of being a 'cheap' replacement for an "intelligent kid"
Sir B Dec 2013
Worst part?
I am no-ones first thought

****** ME!!
******** Me** -- A sub-entry.

Come watch the play,
murderous and horrendous it may be,
still one of the best,
come watch and learn,
rejoice for you will be never be,
one of my first thoughts,
come watch the play,
murderous and horrendous it may be,
come watch the play,
where we ****** ourselves,
come watch the play,
murderous and horrendous it might make thee.  

A sub-entry. Not exactly in the best of the moods now, am I?
968 · Jul 2013
Dream Killer
Sir B Jul 2013
Have I done anything
To appear in your dreams?

Are you positive?
I remember late might talks
My mind telling me
You dream about me
I have protected myself
From girls who like me
Because of my style
Not because of my personality

Personality equaling
True sense
My inner laughter
My real thoughts
Not my fake smile
The real me
Is known
To few

Not someone
Who would
Flirt and be thrown away later
That's not me
I am better
I can decide
You girls
Who will be unnamed
Don't you dare
Try anything
I know what love is
You don't want love
You just want fun
I don't
Leave me alone
And let me be
If I need someone to love
We shall see
In due time..
My friends know about the unnamed girl,
I feel this poem is better than the first one
951 · Dec 2013
My Shadows
Sir B Dec 2013
My shadow should be
proud of me
because I have done good things
Write poetry
Fall in love with amazing people
Who did break my heart
But it doesn't matter really
I am not a likable person
Done just as many stupid things
Try to **** myself
But hey
It doesn't matter
Sometimes, time hates us
Sometimes it doesn't
And sometimes
You gotta do it to relieve yourself

So in the end
My shadow should be proud of me
For I have done
Things which are stupid and things which
Are intelligent
So shadow please
Be proud of me
And don't leave me here alone
So yea. Wrote it while sitting in a car to DC. Hope ya'll are having a wonderful day... See you guys later.

PS - Thanks for the all the support. VERY MUCH appreciated
Sir B Mar 2014
It is hard
living for another person
knowing that if you lose hope
then they will as well
You are their lifeline
The external soul
of a dead person
trying to keep them
alive and make sure
they are good and
don't try anything stupid
That's tough.
And to top that off
you only have one chance
and you cannot afford to fail at your job
one mistake and both of you tumble
and it might result in the end of one of you
It's hard living for someone else
But some people still do it
and we need to help them

easier to die for someone

Its actually easy saying you will jump
in front of a bullet or a roof
to save someone else

**Hard living for someone else
I don't have anyone to live for.. this poem was not the desired end result, but I just wanted to put it out there that its hard living for someone else.. the post was on tumblr
945 · Jun 2013
Secret Keeper
Sir B Jun 2013
Tell me your secrets.
Don't be afraid
People have done before
Its not hard
We are only going to talk..
about secrets

Everyone is welcome.
Because secret keepers need to.
So stop being a spooked
And talk.
*About secrets
I talk to a friend often, and I just talk myself out. Tell the friend my secrets and the ones that I found, we have a jolly good time, also its late at night
Sir B Aug 2013
Water dripping
drip.... drip...

No food
rumbling tummies

Everyone is sad...
Government can't do anything

People are jobless
Very close to today

**Why can't we do anything??
Inspired by The great depression, and the movies Atlas Shrugged (both parts)

This may be stupid..
902 · Dec 2013
What is love anymore?
Sir B Dec 2013
I haven't done
that I like or love
in so long
it feels like an eternity

I don't know
and have forgotten
what it even feels like
being in love anymore
its that bad.

Do you still get butterflies
in your stomachs?
Does their image keep haunting you?
(In a good way)
What exactly happens anymore?

So lost,
and unloved
that I am feeling sorry for myself.
Apologies for writing a poem, not really a poem. Just something I realized was wrong with me when reading "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green. I just found out and realized that I don't understand what love feels like. Feel sorry for myself..
899 · Jul 2013
Time traveller
Sir B Jul 2013
I realize
I made mistakes
One too many
I wish to change them
Apologize for them

I can change them by
Time Travelling
I see nothing wrong with it
But I hope
I make the right choices the second time...
Thank you for reading the above poem. Means a lot to me now.
893 · Feb 2014
Mortal amongst Immortals
Sir B Feb 2014
That's who I am
I feel like
and probably will remain

You don't read about mortals
becoming Immortals
you remain a mortal
and die as one

is a walk like Mortal
amongst Immortals
who are better than you in everything
Goddy Omnipotent freaks

I won't ever be an Immortal
I will be just another
derogatory mortal


Whil­e the Immortals will steal
all the glory that I give them
and they will shun me more
because you know

You cannot live in a world
like this.
You just can't.

It's too much

The Immortals are just good
at everything
and will remain so
and be jealous of a mortal
a foreigner
a regular
If the poem is not able to express my emotions of being left out and always being considered a person in the wings of a stage who has the glory but is stolen from him.

I don't know how else to express this mess of emotions which hurt me everyday and the pain which I just have to trudge through because no one wants to listen. Just another regular mortal in a world of Immortals.
891 · Aug 2013
All life comes to an end
Sir B Aug 2013
It does. It does. It does.
You can't help it
You can only prolong it
I don't know why you would

WHY! Does it have to come to an end!
A pet fish which was supposed to be a present, died right before I could give her the gift.. I guess I am traumatized after the death of something so close to me..
884 · Jan 2014
No-matter my words
Sir B Jan 2014
No matter the words i speak of
No matter what i would want

nothing getting accomplished
and nothing's going to be good

its a messed up world
with another messed up person

who can't think right
and cannot differentiate
the wrong from right

No matter the talks i talk about
No matter which scenes i play
cant dream.. so its invalid really

No matter the hymns
or the chimes of birds

No matter the flute melodies
or violin cries

No matter the world


bu­t worlds the matter
and i am unable to do anything

not able to talk
not able to do nufin!

Nothing works

Bad luck
bad luck
bad luck

that's what follows me around

death, suicide
sleep forever

****** my soul already
Have to go to another debate tournament with a senior and he is going to count on me being good and advantageous, because he wants to go to nationals... I, am probably going to be his downfall.

Just have to have hope that i don't break
his dream and another person's
who also counts on me.

just. don't want to be a another cause to a sad ending!
876 · Jul 2013
Sir B Jul 2013
I am already sleepy
It's not even midnight
Lord Hypnos has already cast his spell on me
I am tired of staying awake
Can you forgive me?
That ways I can rest
No, it's not meant to be taken that way. And yes. I still ask for forgiveness.

Sir B Jun 2013
There stands a lonely warrior
Unheard of.
Unknown of.
On his ships mast on the Mare Nostrum

He dared to endure it.
He dared to land into the sea of the Gods.
He dared to fight back their demons.
On the cost of his life.

He was the most daring of them all.
He was the beginning of his kind.
His courage was unmatched. He was better than Ares, himself.
He was going to defeat those demons. NOW.

He would defeat them,
but not just yet.
First he had to go through the sirens.

Their beautiful music
ohhh, it would enchant any sailor.
His first test would begin if he could get past them.
Their music would tear his heart apart
and if he landed on the shore
He would be ripped apart.

Next would be a few water monsters
Hydras, few land monsters
Then the demons
He would be prepared for them.

HE would take them down like.. Julius drinking his wine
But until he reached them.
He had time
Time to *prepare himself for what lay ahead
Inspiration from Percy Jackson series, though changed if you read the book. Also symbolizes my life a tiny bit! :P
872 · Jul 2013
Memoirs of Memories
Sir B Jul 2013
You wanna know who I saw today?
I saw two people in a convertible
Girl and Boy
Of course
and it reminded me of myself
Not the part where hate came in
But the part where love was strong

It gave me a futuristic vision
That we would be like that
You on the shotgun seat
Me driving down
Flooring the accelerator
Just zooming past everyone
And skipping our college classes

All of my imagination
Running wild
Due to free time and music
Dreaming and sleeping
For the dream being so pleasant

Thank you
For being present
In my life for a brief part
It still gave me hope
To look forward everyday
Thank you

*I do hope
To see you
Later in life
When you do love me
With your whole heart
Just a hope.. But what is there to not hope for? Doesn't hurt trying..
870 · Feb 2014
Please walk with me
Sir B Feb 2014
Do so,
I require of you to
to keep me sane

amongst the shadows
and feel the cold and haggard

amongst the real humans
and feel warmth and joy
from their wonderful and perfect selves

Walk with me
we can go on a journey
maybe it'll help me
recover from the crazyness
and help you too...

Please, Walk with me
I require this of you.
Something I thought about in my English Class today, certainly wasn't paying the usual amount of attention, not feeling right either. Headache is getting more frequent... that's strange.
865 · Feb 2014
This is the ultimatum
Sir B Feb 2014
I... lied
for the first time in my life
a true lie

I regret it
and want to cleanse myself of the guilt
and this horrendous evil

This time
my lie was not a deceiving answer
I saw the pity in her eyes
and I knew that she already had her information
she was trying to confirm it
and i lied.

I. lied.

I didn't even look at her eyes
Like i usually do
I just
looked down and around

She knows
She knows
She knows

I cannot hid it
the guilt will ****** me
but the lie

oh, such a stupid one

but the way she asked me

"is everything alright?"
It made me jump
I knew it would happen
I knew she would ask me
not come close and whisper with sympathy

I have never lied before
and this is the last time
i will lie

the guilt is unbearable
I cannot keep it from her
but also
I don't want to do anything stupid
but the only way to clean this guilty
feeling off

is to tell her
I will not lie
because the sympathy and kindness
reflected in her eyes so brightly
a quasar would be dimmer

oh, this guilt
it truly is the ultimatum
The way she perked when she saw me
close enough to come bounding to me
then to say a whisper and leave

that just killed me
i wanted to break down and cry my heart out
but i couldn't
not in that place

February 4th 2014, 14 years old. I told my first lie. First true lie. I have never been this guilty of lying, but this time. When I saw her face and read her expressions and her eyes, I saw that she knew already about me... but yet came to talk to me, and I refused it. I am no deservant of her sympathy anymore, she shouldn't be suffering and worrying over a shadow. But the point is she will.. until i can either a) lie more and cover up or b) say the truth...
865 · Sep 2013
Todays a happy day
Sir B Sep 2013
Happy day, today is
Reminds me of myself  
fourteen years ago
being born in a hospital
fun times
enjoying life
high school
tours of europe
having a blast with friends
unable to hold your excitement
for when you can drive
fun times indeed
and they call for a celebration
a celebration of a birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Enjoy it, and remember

"You only need to live once, but if you work it right, once is enough."
Mae West
Happy Birthday to you, i hope you are having a blast because tomorrow is monday.. and.. its going to be boring.. lol
857 · Dec 2013
Sir B Dec 2013
Tired of keeping everything
inside of me
this is annoying
and just wrong
in so many ways.

I would like to tell you
but i dont think i will be able to
because you are so perfect
in your own world
that i fear my intrusion
of problems and worries
will destroy your wonders
hence, i refuse to tell you
not about anything else either
just, the fact
that your wonderful world
will be in broken pieces
should i share my worries and problems

Its too much to keep inside though
and people tell me to get help from you
and i try
I honestly try
I cannot bring myself to tell you about it
no matter the amount of persuasion
done by the girl i have a lot of crush on
it wont bring me to a conclusion
of sharing my distant and evil plans
with you and your wonderful world
that i occasionally peek into
to try to replicate

but, as previously said
I am unable to do it
because of my ineptness
of doing anything
A person, tells me to share my depression and similar thoughts with my best friend.. I can't bring myself to it. As previously mentioned even if he is my best friend. I don't want to ruin it for him as well. I know for a fact that he will have a tougher time handling it than I do, and I fear everything that happens during the therapy and things alike. Apologies if you, best friend, read it.
856 · Jul 2013
Warm feelings
Sir B Jul 2013
I just read
Our old conversations
Before becoming bff's
Before even knowing each other
It's just
Such a warm feeling
To know you made it
So far
Home base.
I had nothing else to do but read our old conversations (I talk to lots of people so I read a lot for a day) it's beautiful how you transform!

Sir B over and out.
Smile without the care in the world.

(Kinda long note, sorry!!)
837 · Sep 2013
We danced in heaven
Sir B Sep 2013
We danced tonight
I fulfilled my promise
Of a better dance
A better day
And a good time

I didn't know
I would do it like this
But I did,
And you enjoyed
You made me smile
For a whole night
Hugs and kisses
Slow dances
And beautiful company

We danced in heaven
And enjoyed the company
Of the other
Smiled and laughed
And were hinted
By our friends
To dance,
So we did
And we danced
Yea.. Homecoming dance.. I had a beautiful date who likes me.. I think... And we enjoyed every moment holding hands and dancing with my best friend, Jack.
827 · Aug 2013
Yes. you
Sir B Aug 2013
You know
I learnt the ways of writings from you
Yes.  you

I did have to read others poems
but that doesn't matter
It really doesn't
What matters.

Is the way
You portray yourself
Not through negativism
But through positiveness

Yes.  you
had positive poetry
long agoo
way before time began

But what matters
Is whether you keep it that way
Yes  you
have been through many conflicts
We understand

But we can only
sympathize so much
That doesn't mean you dont talk to us
It means

There are people who have felt
the exact. same. thing.
You find them
and talk
Yes.. it might take a while

*Isn't time a huge complex
where finding a way gets
easier when you ask people..
The result of me brainstorming for a motivational poem, I do hope it helps... (most likely isn't motivational..) but hey! I tried. =)
820 · Feb 2014
Closed Eyes
Sir B Feb 2014
I realized that
i am becoming this
attention requiring
love desperate kid

only because i am letting myself

what about those who do
love you? you are doing them an injustice

to those people
i know i am
i have messed up
so much of that
that i cannot face it
i cannot
which is why
another conversation with my friend, a real friend
813 · Jan 2014
Dark Blue Eyes
Sir B Jan 2014
I looked into some
Crystal clear blue eyes
Yes. They did remind me of you
But I decided not to dwell on that

And.. I have also realized that
Loving someone..
Isn't the same
I realize that you read
These well-penned verses
But, you are missing the point
These aren't all of my emotions.

Most of them.
This is driving me crazy, even before it started. Knew it would be a failed plan either ways, I think i have a good relationship with failing and doing things the are proclaimed impossible and un-do-able
800 · Apr 2013
How I suck at this shit
Sir B Apr 2013
I open my laptop and type a few words
But they don’t fit even one bit
Tap, tap, tap, I delete the phrase
and I think as I sit how I **** at this ****

I can't find the letters that would work together
I try to say the things that I need to
but all that I write is as good as a broken kite
and I think as I sit how I **** at this ****

The lights glare around me and I try to focus on the screen
I lean on the soft sofa sitting so still
The words are just devils trying to **** they poke me with their horns and claws as they scratch me from hell
and I think as I sit how I **** at this ****

I spell out a rhyme and it just takes all my time
I might be my own worst critic but **** this **** is pathetic
the words are as bumpy and misshapen as guards
and I think as I sit how I **** at this ****

I work and work to no avail
I type a bit and then I stop and restart this cycle
click click click then delete, tat tat tat then delete, tap tap tap then delete and start over again
This is harder than making a dandelion turn into a roaring lion

I look around for advice and find someone to ask
I show my mom what I've written 'it's great' she responds
***** please I say nobody will be blown away
and I think as I sit how I **** at this ****

I focus on making the poetry about me
and some things come to mind and I begin to poke at the keyboard,
a blind man trying to make his way on a path
I look at what I've written and then I say aloud
aww **** its about a duck
and I think as I sit how I **** at this ****
A poem by my friend Sean. I thought I would publish it. He wrote the whole poem mind you.
799 · Oct 2013
We won't know
Sir B Oct 2013
We may never know
who people write about
and how they can keep writing

I know I write for someone
I also know the chances are
deathly low

But I still try
But I still try to reach the unreachable

And I can trust that you
the person reading my poetry
can understand and relate to
yourself and others
about changes
I was reading some of my old poetry, and the poetry of my friends and how we have changed over the years.. weird... how it happens
797 · Dec 2013
Tether me down to reality
Sir B Dec 2013
Please do it,
I am literally going insane
I need desperate assistance
I am very serious about this

My dreams are becoming reality
and reality..
I don't know where that is going
But, Very seriously
I am being troubled
I am asking you
to tether me down
so reality doesn't escape me

Please do me a favor
So i can live..
Very true thing, hence I was sick for the past few weeks and wasn't able to write as regularly. Now, its a little less but its still there mildly.
796 · Dec 2013
Any particular weapon?
Sir B Dec 2013
"What weapons may I use?"
He asked,
"Anyone and anything you like,
knives are in the front,
guns in the back"
He replied.

"They are the sharpest,
can cut through steel."
"Sir, I believe something is wrong.
Please..., be quick"

He said and then fainted
Shopkeeper put him on a bed
and found scars on the boy's arm
long scars,
going from shoulder to wrist..
..they were on both hands
and the part between the wrist and elbow
were scarred so bad,
you were scared to touch the skin
then.. it hit him
The boy wanted to run away
from this world
and he didn't know where to stop and lay his head down
and he had chosen the shop
to symbolize that it had given him
relief in times of stress and horrible emotions
he wanted to be back from where he started
thus, he had laid, fallen, while talking
and there was nothing that could be done
793 · Jul 2013
My Pleasure (10w)
Sir B Jul 2013
It was my pleasure
To serve you.

Something out of the ordinary. =)
Sir B Jan 2014
It's happening again
I am spiraling down
Feeling like I am losing memory
Feeling like being a useless
Oxygen consumer

It's happening again
My life being ******* up
Me going and knocking
On the doors I said I wouldn't

It's finally happened
I am there
Everything was blurry
But I am there
Just to sadden everyone.… I am never okay, never have been… everyday feels horrible.… no sleep just study and stay up never sleeping because I fear losing my memories.
Sir B Mar 2014
Its always the conclusion that matters
because if you don't have a strong conclusion
then you won't have a strong effect
on the people who just read it

and thus;
in the conclusion

It was I
who ruined me
I messed with the minds of me
while myself was busy being myself
it ruined itself too
myself hurt himself
so badly
it was never to be his own self again
myself became suicidal

while I kept ruining me
me was getting bullied by I
but myself did nothing to help me
because it had his own self to worry about
I tortured me
with thoughts of unrelenting pain
and loss of memory
me had to oblige because it
couldn't overpower I without the help of myself

In the conclusion,
I ruined me
myself ruined himself.
*Might not be the best*

I found a quote on tumblr and I took inspiration of it..
I have homework and school to manage
write another poem later...

Have a good day!

*March 6th 2014, 20:44*
777 · Sep 2013
Strange craze
Sir B Sep 2013
Right at this moment
I wanted something to fall on me
To feel true pain
I haven't felt it in a while

Strange feelings

Time - 17:30 pm
Date - *September 3rd 2013
I am.. not being a good person.. am I? I should try positive poetry..
Sir B Oct 2013
Yes, I understand.

My presence does nothing
I know
Just. Why are you after me! I am not good enough. (I am sorry for comparing myself) Please. I am not in a good situation to deal with it right now. I have addressed it to you multiple times. If it doesn't suffice. Read the link below.

Just. I am not okay with this thing. Yes. I would like to be loved for. But its a fantasy for me.
765 · Jul 2013
'Tis me
Sir B Jul 2013
A child holds his father's hand
His little hands holding on to bigger ones
He is scared..
So young
Yet having to face such stuff..
As natural disaster

Having to go to school
And being as innocent as possible
Loving everything
But things change..
And so do people

Everyone I know
Has turned
Finding every possible chance
To take his/her revenge
Murdering in cold blood

But being innocent isn't the way to live
So I changed
And now..
I am *different
No-one from my family was hurt.. Fortunately.

Fictional, of course.  =)
758 · Jan 2014
No more fantasy, please.
Sir B Jan 2014
I need to stop thinking in fantasy
and stop with the books
they provide an escape
to a different reality
where everything is better and good
but it's only for a short time

I come back to my own reality
and cannot face it

The problems,
my dreams, which will never come true
they just become snow
and stay there forever
and it starts to get cold
and hurtful

I cannot keep living in fantasy
it starts to hurt
but fantasy is the only true

*its the only highway
that starts where ever you want
and goes where ever you want
Thursday poem.. TFiOS becoming a movie and its official trailer has been released. Very excited, because its a wonderful book and will be a wonderful movie. Stay warm, another snow storm expected!
756 · Sep 2013
En route to Love
Sir B Sep 2013
Let's go
Let's get it going
We are en route to lovecity!!

Everyone loves each other there
and they enjoy it
Everyone's beautiful
Including you
Yes, you

Over there
In lovecity
I can be Romeo and you
can be Juliet
or any other characters from
a romance story

Over there
In lovecity
You can have dances
every weekend
to celebrate your love
and to celebrate the occasion
Oh man. This poem. You decrypt it, because I am already there.
756 · Feb 2014
Feel dead
Sir B Feb 2014
I feel dead with the pain
that i am going through with
no dreaming
no sanity
only pain
relentless and numbing pain

I am going dead
I am dying with this
i don't want to die.
The pain.. its troublesome and I don't know what its doing to my mind.
755 · Feb 2014
To love or to be loved?
Sir B Feb 2014
Should I love you
and send you an
blush of roses
just a box of chocolates
or maybe
just a simple card
expressing my deep desire
to love you for an infinity


I could just hope to be loved
by you
and expect roses
and chocolates
or just a sincere card
expressing your love to me
for an infinity

But we both do know
that it won't happen
we are "forever alone" people
nothing good happens to us

so the end question becomes

should we love?
just wait to be loved?

Hard question that is.
A poem made for valentines day. I expect nothing from anyone, i mean. I have no reason to.. unless someone is generous enough to.. I don't think they are.. Well oh well. Hope you guys have a nice valentines day with whomever you are planning to spend it with. Its beautiful that its on a Friday, you can go on a movie night or something. If you are just going to be alone like I will be.. Send a message, maybe we can chat...
749 · Jun 2013
A kiss
Sir B Jun 2013
Its supposed to be beautiful
Its supposed to enchant you
and make you want for more

But.... *does it actually?
744 · May 2013
Sir B May 2013
So here we are again,
sitting by our fireplaces
waiting for yet another story to be told
waiting for yet another mystery to be solved
a mystery of politicians corrupting the world
and while you are wondering the answer to the above questions
I will start the story for tonight....

This story begins from a myth that is made by the story tellers worldwide.
Its about cats...
If this raises suspicions then it will be all the more better.
Cats are the feline masters
Smallest in their family of cats
and the most agile pet they roam where it pleases them
but this one cat Oscar was very different
This cat liked to drink blood instead of the usual water
It killed more mice than ANY other cat in town
This was very strange because, well... its a house cat
House cats don't **** mice...

But because the cat loved blood so much,
It sometimes went out of bounds and killed a few humans.
And once a person saw him attack a human
He rushed to his help a little bit late
The human died on the spot
Though it was considered abnormal behavior
it was ignored.....

Months later people kept reporting being attacked by CATS
everyone who owned a cat was supposed to either exterminate it
give it to the government
EVERYONE chose the latter thinking it would save their "precious" cats' life
Little did they know those cats would be used for experiments

Years later,
The Government published their article of "Why the cats behaved the way they behaved"
All the previous cat owners read it over and over
trying to console themselves saying - "It's just a disease, it's just a disease"
But the Government had forgotten to take ONE cat
The very cat that had caused this trouble
They had forgotten to test...
And it was this cat that managed to ask the other cats to help it overthrow the Government
because of its wrong publications about science on cats.
Their plan was almost immediately foiled because the cats were killed on the very day their plan was supposed to take effect.
and while this cat (Oscar) isn't remembered today
We need to remember him,
because he was one of the first of his kind of rebellers.
The first...
A reply poem to sean. He likes cats apparently... hmmm
737 · Nov 2014
Does this relate?
Sir B Nov 2014
Being so happy for once
on a monday that too,
that you forget about everything
actually get work done
and talk to people
but then end up lying
and talking about things
and breaking promises

On a monday too,
and realizing the grave mistake that you have made
just before sleeping
and then staying up all night

Going to school on tuesday
understanding the full extent of the mistake
and then refusing and preventing yourself
from talking to anyone
you know!
that you will ***** something up
be in worse trouble

just the magnitude
of the mistake is unrecognizable
unless seen from the eyes of the person
that actually spoke to you
and seeing tears, barely
about to fall and understanding
that you ****** up
and its not the first time either
I ******* up again, like **** it. November 18th 2014
It was a great monday, until I realized my mistake at 11pm.
737 · Jun 2013
Sir B Jun 2013
Those people
Who have look alikes
Not twins, I warn you

Are evil
They possess powers
A vicious smile

Their eyes are empty
They ****** with inhumane speed
And they live...

.....with us, amongst us here
on the
Just a quick poem put together about doppelgangers from "172 hours on the moon". The book is pretty scary..

Another poem will be up soon, inspiration from the same book.
733 · Oct 2013
Flames rise
Sir B Oct 2013
Tall flames,
bright red and orange
blue in the center
and white in midst
they burn till dawn
another object
has fallen

They burn
bright and strong
for a couple hours
then just die
For no
Sad and not so joyous, i suppose. There's just so many people trying to get me. Tough with school and life clashing.. but whatever. Not intended to show any figures.. but anything you perceive.
732 · Apr 2014
I am a bad friend
Sir B Apr 2014
I let my friends cry
help them cry

depress them
everything but make them happy

i am a bad friend.


I wish i changed some things
so i was better
just thoughts..
728 · Sep 2013
I shan't. I promised
Sir B Sep 2013
I told them
not to love me

I told you
I shan't love
anyone else

**Of course
Something quick, short. Hard times with school.. and little sadness... nothing major though!
Enjoy the weekend, pax.
728 · Aug 2013
Just a mistake
Sir B Aug 2013
Another mistake
That's all I can do...
Can't do anything right
Only mistakes
Happen from my hands
Fatalities and über mistakes
One of them
Meeting people

I  have met so many people
They all move around
Like they know their purpose
Me being lost as usual
I mean
When have I done anything right??!???

Nothing I remember of..
Not that I remember anything either

May everyone enjoy
Their life
Whilst watching me
****** myself
It shall be a grand show
I am deleting this poem sooner or later, not that it matters... Really, it doesn't
719 · Jan 2014
Sir B Jan 2014
Sorry for the lack of anything.
I am going crazy
you know
new year
and other fun stuff

Enjoy your year

The page is 1/365
Write a new story worth reading. I promise it will be interesting, and also trudge through another year again, please. Don't **** yourself. I know i want to. But, again. I made it through you can as well. So, please. Go onwards to glory and live another year! *DO EET!!!
How ****** evil am I you ask. Oh you know. Not much... definitely not much.
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