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 Jan 2014 Sir B
I am    
color blind, my kind
number in the millions  
yet nobody has made a secret
language to sign to us, to ensure
we don’t miss the rich laughter
of the living
no filter, no prism
has been divined to bend light  
to our pleasing,
no lens to hug
the eye, to make the gray rose red,  
the black sea blue, or imbue a sunset
with more than mocking,
shocking streaks of white
before the hapless night
I do not  know what
I am missing, for blood,
when spilled, is but store bought paint,
and how would I get the blues
if hues are emissaries
of another world  
one where hearts bleed red  
with songs for the dead  
I am color blind, my kind
number in the millions  
who will never see
Still working my way back from writer's block
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Mike Hauser
I live in a state of perpetual change
Most always...

You can find me there without a care
On most days...

As I loosely hold on to the tight
To what I perceive to be the last of the light
Borrowing what's left from the wrong side of right
Most always...

Letting loose the perpetual groove
Most always...

What I like to do is as old as it is new
On most days...

With no breeze I like flying my kite
In the bright  sun counting stars in the sky
Secretly hoping and wishing I might
Most always...

I find the old in the new with perpetual clues
Most always...

Then I sell them all back to the youth
On most days...

I pull on the string that lights up the sun
I make number two out of two number ones
I'll add a dab of not yet to a mixture of done
Most always...
 Jan 2014 Sir B
maybella snow
what's the space between space called
what makes the darkness darker
where's the highest height, lowest low
how does light lighten up things
how is there a place between places
how does a smell stay smelly
what gravitates gravity
why can't I stop loving and needing you
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Mike Hauser
Daddy somebody shot that man
I heard this eleven year old say
I didn't really understand at the time
I just knew a man was dead

But with the years that followed
I came to learn how much he meant
To this world in its great need
And how well that time was spent

He preached of equality he preached of peace
As he spoke of man as one
He marched his way down city streets
Facing adversity with the face of love

He was done with all the hatred
That fills so many lives
To him color was a vision
Of equality in his eyes

A life so young a life cut short
By the wicked in us all
Will you stand with me and follow him
Will you heed his righteous call

To call every man your brother
The way Martin Luther King Jr. did
To keep the vision of this visionary alive
A reality in which all mankind should live
I was that eleven year old boy so many years ago and still remember that moment I heard and told my father the news...
We even visited the tragic site where this great man lost his life that day in Memphis. The thing is he knew his days were numbered but refused to give up on equality for all people...
Happy Birthday my friend, my hero...long live your memory.
 Jan 2014 Sir B
River Raras
Don't worry.

I'm here to tell you what you need to hear.
And it's not what you thought you would hear,
And it might not be what you deserve to hear.

Don't worry, it's me.
You don't know me well, but
You should know that I am kind.
I am gentle, and I think about you in that fashion.
My thoughts are not barbed wire,
Nor clear sky.

When I think of you, I think this:

You are foolish.
But so was I,
For years
For the same reasons as you.

And nothing can judge you
But the years,
And the years are nothing if not judgment's mirror.

Lonely years.
I would write poems of hate.
I tattooed my life onto the skin of so many notebooks.
Letters only exist on paper--
How badly I wished my depressing poems would be emblazoned proudly on my soul for all to read.
How cold I felt when I realized nobody wanted to get close enough to see them.

The only tattoos my mind bore
Were freezing outlines of emotions
None of which could burn hot enough to melt the ice they were etched into.

Then something magical:
Neurons. Synapses.
I realized that my mind is not a metaphor.
My mind is not a tangled mess of hyperboles and adjectives.

My mind is not poetry, and life is not scripted.
Nobody's brain is made of prose,
Much as some would like to believe.
Depression is not more noble because it is written well.
And if you have written it, believe me when I say that the way it flows when it is read aloud makes no difference either.

Do you understand?
Here it is, simply:
Step back if you find yourself a step too far into the world of the over dramatized.
Burn your depressed poetry.
It serves no purpose but to remind you of the state you are in.
It dwells in your long-gone years without thought of any future unless that future is your past relived until your future's end.

Poetry is not a coping method.
Poetry is an excuse to linger,
And "coping" is a very poetic way to euphemise that fact.
I have found this out the wrong way.
Poetry is as addictive as alcohol, as drugs, as depression.
They all go together well.
And they don't like to let go once they've started to hold hands.

What I'm saying isn't "stop writing."
What I'm saying is that if poetry is an excuse to linger, you have a choice.
What i'm saying is I hope you choose to linger on joy before you dwell in sorrow.
Because the longer you stay somewhere,
The more it feels like home.

Try to grasp the idea of just stopping,
Letting every idea go
And leaving.
And not coming back for a long time.
And doing it right now.

1. The longer you stay sealed inside your mind, the longer you'll have to live with only words as company.
2. Words make terrible company when they're written in sadness.
3. The stars don't give a **** about words anyway.

Be like the stars.

Be with your friends. Make yourself laugh. It'll be hard at first. Then it will be easier. Then other people will be able to make you laugh too.

And one last thing to you specifically,
To you, the person reading this,
The person wondering silently,
The person I've been writing to this whole time--

I don't know you.
But I love you.

This is not a joke or a ploy.

I love you.

Somewhere out there, there is somebody that loves you, and it is me and I am not afraid of it.
Find me,
And I will love you openly.
Because if you have the strength to find someone you don't know, you have the strength to find yourself too.
And then you won't need a stranger's love anyway.
 Jan 2014 Sir B
 Jan 2014 Sir B
I surround myself with those
who shine so much more brightly
than I ever will and then
somehow expect people to see my faint twinkle
A dying candle next to a bonfire,
only appearing bright when they are dim,
only fully daring to breathe
when there is no greater claim to the oxygen
than mine, only ever appearing strong
when there are none to be stronger
and demonstrate through example
how weak I truly am.
(And though I would love
to shine brightest, I have been caught up
in heady pyromania)

January 19, 2014
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