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 Jan 2014 Sir B
Katie Lawrence
The air was cold that night
Our breaths thick between us
Like the clouds forming above
I shivered, letting you draw me in
My skin burning hot from your touch
Raindrops fell around us
Making me ****, wincing in pain
As the droplets hit my arms
Sizzling and turning to steam
Discomfort and unease filled my mind
As I looked at you for the first time in a different way
But that smile that played on your lips just pushed it away
I placed my hand within yours
And it was as if I was shaking hands with the devil in disguise
I let you lead me down your path
Only to be left alone in the dark
I was not afraid
There were no tears pooling in my eyes
My pride fought hard to stay afloat
And now I'm just making my way down my own path
I just wish I knew then, what I know now
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Taking a moment to breathe
Reminding myself
Of the reason
I have strength
I will not break
Even though it's late
And my heart is bruised
Damaged and used
And left by you
To rot and die
Left myself asking why
Why am I more dead
Than alive?
You left a hole
I can't fill
I can never be whole
You have my soul
Wish I gave it to the devil
At least he'd use it well
Unlike you, my dear
You left me in fear
Of love and life
I am dead inside
My feelings collide
And I lose my grip
I let my dignity slip
Into the cracks
Of sadness
You saved me
But left me
Even more
Alone and empty
Than I was before
Before you entered
That faulty door
Now I feel despair
The love is here
But you aren't near
 Jan 2014 Sir B
baby in the crib, turns closed eyes into dream-light
young boy at the window, eyes on the calf
woman with the cow, flies milling around the eyes

every morning, with a penchant for rising before his hour
           he stands, sees the calf at the wooden-fence
           watches with the fawn-coloured beauty of sea-shell heartbeat..
                              the rising-eye
while his sister, nearly a young-woman, washes dishes with eyeballs
                              out the tiny-window
           heifer passes by and he looks straight into eyes – gentle eyes –
                              soothes calamity

in the cold morning on the farmstead, the baby curls in its warm-folds
     she chases off the flies from the horns
     and cleans gummed-openings
yet deity’s crown falls from splendour this day
      as moments devoured by need eventually bear witness
to warm dripping in the sand
the bowl is filled

                                           *(high-scale horror)

and the boy has seen it, too
he holds his arms round him to stop the wholesale-shaking.. bites down hard
     as his face contorts baleful.. in impotent-anger
     his silence bought decades ago.. in another life
no price on his shock
and the bird on the branch flies off.. glint-eyes on another branch

it’s that time once again: she takes the old-cow to town
they await her before nightfall
she never does return

I’m begging you
        leave it be, this is how it is
go pick up the baby, please
(the baby won’t stop crying)

your fences, I’ll rip up your fences with your very own whip
while them wolves howl on and on
I got oppressive-time to suffer your unmatched-law in the crush-of-daylight
now, kindly.. get outta my face!

S T – 22 Jan 2014
A day.. is a day is a day.

sub-entry: one day

it ain’t so far away.. one day is just the day
after this

see it.
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Cameron Godfrey
Forgive me, Father, but I'm no sinner
Crossed the finish line first but I'll never be the winner
And it burns like fire and stings like dry ice
To be a god ****** virtue disguised as a vice
To be an ant in a farm full of cows and sheep and pigs
To be kindling in a fire, burning like a twig
Forgive me, Father, if I'm not who I should be
But I'm not a sinner for just being me
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Katlyn Orthman
I asked myself,
why am I proud of being a Human being?
For a while I didn't know
I could only think of all the wrong I'm seeing
painted in blood on the ivory snow.

I thought to myself,
humans are weak and afraid of the truth,
we hurt others to appease ourselves.
People use lies in place of solid proof,
for golden trophy's placed on their shelves.

I watched
as people laughed and hurt one another
for something as invaluable as fame.
And as I did I felt guilty
to be apart of a race put to shame.

I watched
as bravery was described as a man behind a gun
killing in the name of "peace"
I saw people hating and judging for fun
because that was what looked good at the time.

I saw death
on the news, in the papers, on the streets
and cried as the blood was spilled
I watched people fighting one another
for a position so irrelevant being filled.

I watched gangs go to war
because he's black and he's white
I saw people excluding one another
because she prefers dark while she prefers light.

But when I flipped to the next page
I saw that they held out their hand
to people in need
They gave their knowledge to those who didn't understand
and take in those that they feed.

I saw a smile in the crowd
when hope was not in sight
and I saw a warring man
put down his gun in that fight.

I watched them build a neighbor's house
when the going got tough
I saw them lend a shoulder
when the days got to rough.

I saw another man preach
when we needed a change
and I saw another one accept
when the other was strange.

We'll never be utopia
no but we can try to be
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Asch Veal
And I think growing up had more
to do with the struggle of validating
your pipe dreams and protecting your
worlds virginity, than it ever had
to do with transcending your naive mind.
It became difficult to hope for
something figmental, let alone comfortable,
so you accept reality as only concrete.
Perhaps that is why you began to
digress through third grade
crushes, because it was the closest
thing to impossibility but borderlined
on the edge enough to authenticity
and tangible reality that it was okay.
And that was when you definitely sensed it,

*that hundred to one feeling.
 Jan 2014 Sir B
I remember much
Too much it would seem
But some things are better burned
Others perhaps buried…
Somewhere along that forgotten highway
But still,
As the images continue to flicker
There are foul tastes
Disguised underneath all the splendor
Hidden amongst carefree smiles
Deeper than any smoldering look
Lies the darker truth
Built to be whispered ever so slowly
Against disbelieving lips

By all means,
Tell me my own story
You seem to do it so well
I’m sure you’ll be singing so sweetly in hell

© 2014 Peach
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Skye Applebome
What will it take, for this old mind to break?
How much stress is too much?
Do I dare find out?
This is actually really stupid and nobody can convince me otherwise
 Jan 2014 Sir B
 Jan 2014 Sir B
He is thunder.
His laughter booming. You hear him laugh and you want to know the joke. He is hi-fives and gum and lucky pennies and songs and light and stars and dreams.

She is lighting.
She extraordinarily radiating. Lose her and you'll miss her. But catch her and you will never regret waiting to take that picture. She is pinky promises and chocolate and rain and sunsets and kisses and sand.

They are the definition of imperfectly amazing.  They are reason for Friday. They are old photographs with memories brimming at the edge. They are bonfires and hands fitting together like two long lost puzzle pieces finally reunited.

They are often mistaken

They are usually  forgotten

They are moments, they are time.

They are you, they are me

They are **us.
Any feed back? I would love to hear it.
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