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 Jan 2014 Sir B
Strange Chameleon
The glimmer of the ocean

Rush of the trees

Grandness of a mountain above

We all have our dreams
Destinations and paradises in our hearts.

Many of us may see a place as were they belong
even though they have never been there

Despite knowing it may not be for me
My dream is a small cottage by a bay in Maine

Silly isn't it?

These little dreams are what we hold on to
as motivation, something to keep us going

Wether they are ever realized or not
They become a part of who we are

A little fantasy no one can take away
Just a little thing I wanted to share
 Jan 2014 Sir B
maybella snow
crackle rumble boom*
power and strength
rolls through the sky
as water falls
either the gods are
angry or simply
having one hell
of a party
maybe heaven
is trying to dampen
hells flames

either way
I love storms
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Gwen Johnson
Its funny how friends can be
So close but so far away
Or so far away but so close
Its funny how
Some friends talk forever online
but barely say a thing in person
And some talk forever in person
But barely say a thing online
Its funny how you can miss a friend
but feel them with you all the time
It was February 14, Valentines day
When I first saw her
Dressed in red
And her enchanting smile taking control of the room

She looked at me and smiled
And before even knew it
I was in love with her
My first love

She was sitting near the crystal clear glass
And the moonlight made her enchanting
I asked her whether I could have a seat beside her
She said "Why not?" and giggled.

I sat beside her
And was carried away in her beauty
She was like a god
Who was born to enchant people with her beauty

I was engrossed in her blue eyes
Which was deeper than any ocean
Her nose was so perfect
That even make Aphrodite jealous

Her glossed lips
Shimmered like diamonds
Making them precious

Her snow white skin
And her blonde hair
Made her look as beautiful
As golden sunshine on a winter morning

Her hands were  small and pretty
And it looked so dainty
With her painted nails
picturesque and perfect.

She asked"Dude where are you?"
I was a bit unprepared
She asked my name
I asked the same, and the reply was Cassandra Black.

Even her name was so beautiful
That even "Black" could not shun its beauty
I asked her out for the dance
She said Yes.

We danced and I was again engrossed in her
The alluring maiden
The captivator of my heart
And my first love

It was all going too perfect
I never wanted it to end
But all stories does not have a happy ending
And neither did mine

The door blurted open
And A man entered
Seeming rather angry
And unfortunately was Cassandra's father.

He came in
And dragged Cassandra out
And I never met Cassandra after that day
She had disappeared.

And my first love
Only lasted Valentines Day
And as people say
Valentines Day is a day of Happiness
And the day after is of sorrow
And that saying became true for me.............
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