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 Feb 2014 Sir B
I  see us dancing
Your hand on my scars
Our first kiss
Holding my hand
Your smile
You hate me
You hate me
You hate me
You hate me
I ****** it all up
I had been so happy
You were my world,
My sun.
You were my everything.
I don't know why I did it
I don't know.
I told you I hurt everybody I loved
I told you that I would hurt you.
But then I lied to myself that I wouldn't.
And I believed that lie.
Until several demons knocked and
reminded me of the truth
I hate them.
I hate me.
I hate everything.
But you.
I don't, can't, won't hate you.
I love you...
But those three words
They are fragile, you see.
They break easily if meant to be broken.
I don't know
I DON'T ******* KNOW
I want to hold you
To kiss you
To see you smile
But I can't because I destroyed those.
And I don't even know if I can fix
them, no matter how hard I try.
I feel like my mind is going mad,
driving itself crazy
And in the middle
Sits the calmest, but the worst crazy.
It's called the truth.
I hurt you. And I don't know if I can fix you.
I'm so sorry.
I don't even know if they matter to you but
I am so so sorry.
I wrote this on the night I nearly broke us.
I'm still sorry.
Copyright @ Sadie Whitney
 Feb 2014 Sir B
JK Cabresos
My poem illumines the night like the harvest moon,
like the eerie gleams of fireflies reflect in the stream;
entrenched feelings, somehow are still unexplained
just like how bubbles of morning air kissed my skin.

It's not how our hearts intertwined all of the sudden
but of our language concurred; beautifully spoken,
when my mind awakens to reality, so slow, so slow
that's when I write those lovely words only for you.
All Rights Reserved © 2014
 Feb 2014 Sir B
tell me,
 Feb 2014 Sir B
does she
a c h e
for you
like i do?
 Feb 2014 Sir B
Dawn of Lighten
Ilion Gray:
my personal call sign, Kronos/Cronus
Obviously the Titan among the writers of the Hello Poetry,
He has probably the highest viewership, and most commented amongst the poets.
It becomes very evident after reading his work why he is the Titan of poets,
And reading his poem is like historical masters revisited among mortals.

Harlon Rivers:
my personal call sign, Poseidon
Poseidon was very fitting with Harlon River,
due to the symbolic nature of the water in their names.
I have only read few of this gentleman's work,
But I can assure you his work is very much a gift to the audience,
And like Poseidon that gift is fire to humanity.

K Balachandran:
my personal call sign, Zues
After thinking and pondering,
K Balachandran is the Zues of hello poetry.
His work is always top notch,
And it has so much layer of meaning in his ink.
I admire his compassion in his work,
And his generous response.

Nat Lipstadt:
my personal call sign, Apollo
Nat is this exciting charismatic youthful writer like Apollo,
And his vigor is unmatched with his writing.  
His writing is passionate,
And has such strength.
It is so hard not to notice his work,
But when you do read his work,
You will know why I had him as Apollo of Hello Poetry.

Soul in Torment:
my personal call sign, Hermes
His work is like a trickery,
When you think you got it,
You see another layer in his work.
To read his 10w poem,
As simple as it may seem,
You will do double take to see more meaning  in 10w.

my personal call sign, Dionysus
Probably the most festive,
and warm poems you will ever read.
Timothy not only write awesome poems,
But also gives lot of positive feed back to many.
More I thought about Timothy's work,
It just made sense to have him as Dionysus.

my personal call sign, Gaia
Another Titan among the Hello Poetry,
And like Gaia, KMae is like the Mother Earth of poets.
Her wisdom and knowledge is vast,
And her writings are warm and very expressive.

my personal call sign, Athena
Her 10w is so amazing,
I became Dumbfounded by her work,
Because it's so thought provoking.
She has vast repertoire of her style,
and it is unmatched by many I have read.
I can only wonder now a days how she is doing,
Since she has been Mia for awhile now.

Olivia Kent:
my personal call sign, Hestia
Very down to earth,
And calm resting of poets.
If you want a ink with purity,
Check her work out!

Sally A Bryan:
my personal call sign, Hera
Her work has so much strength,
And love with thoughtfulness,
It felt only right to align her with Hera.
Highly recommend to those who seek love and warmth,
And very hospitable response as well.

CA Guilfoyle :
my personal call sign, Artemis
Just like Artemis,
And her work is untamed beauty.
Graceful and amazing to read,
Her work is innocent,
But very strong.
Try to catch her work,
But beware, her newer inks are harder to come.

my personal call sign, Aphrodite
Her work is elegant,
And quite beautiful.
Has a perfect feminine quality about her writing,
And gives lovely expression that empowers love!

my personal call sign, Hade
Always great with darkness,
And convey disparity like no other,
Hade perfectly convey Noose's work.
If you ever want to read decay at it fullest glory,
Noose has this covered for you.

Atul 'Drona' Kaushal
My personal call sign, Cupid
Probably one with most profound love poetry I've read
And his work is dedicated love poems.
His work are marvel to gaze upon,
And strong display of Eros.
Highly recommend for those who like to read love poems,
If not, check his best poem of all "Angel?"

Pradip Chattopadhyay
My personal call sign, Helios
In my eyes poet Pradip seem to be the sun of the poets,
Always filled with bright energy.
Very mystical in this poet's ink of ray.
If you want a poem that will brighten your day,
I recommend Pradip's poems!
Please don't take it too personally to my call signs, just wanted to add dimension to my writings with individual characters, and by adding a layers to convey the best description with gods and goddesses metaphor.  Some were really hard to distinguish with the characters, and some were already taken by others.   With limited 12 gods, it wasn't perfect, while some were dead on!

This is to recognize some of the best poets I have met and read, and while everyone is good in their own rights, these few people really stood out for me as the pantheons of Hello Poetry.

This may change after 2014 review in 2015, and make a completely different list when the time comes.  Who knows, I might just stop after this one!

This isn't completely finished, but for now this will do.  If I want to add more stuff I maybe inclined to do so, but with limited times as of late due to work we shall see where my attention spanned will take me.
 Feb 2014 Sir B
Jonny Angel
Kiss me in space Darlin'
I'll feel it, want to taste it
on the same wavelength,
it will be lovely!
 Feb 2014 Sir B
Cameron Godfrey
If I were a boy for a day I'd feel what it's like to be respected
I could say whatever I wanted and I'd never be corrected
I could be the boss and no one would call me a *****
Because I could be assertive and they'd call it leadership
Maybe I'd run for office and I'd probably win
'Cause they'd judge me on my skills and not the body I'm in
Maybe I'd get a job and roll around in the benefit
Of workplace inequality and other patriarchal ****
If I were a boy for a day I could run around and 'score'
And no one would call me a ***** **** or a *****
People would finally listen when I took a stand
But they don't and they won't because I'm not a man.
 Feb 2014 Sir B
 Feb 2014 Sir B
You are my uniform
You give me confidence
You make me look sophisticated
Professional, and sovereign
I sport you with pride

At the end of the day
I crumple you into a ball
And toss you in the hamper
A new uniform awaits
Pressed in the closest
 Feb 2014 Sir B
I am a Spy
 Feb 2014 Sir B
I'm a spy
A super hero
Of your enemy
Watching, analyzing, construing
I know your strengths
But more crucially
I know your weaknesses
I have a license to break you heart
To destroy your world
I'm disguised as your
Best friend, your lover, your confidant
You "are stirred, not shaken."
This idea came to me while watching a James Bond move.
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