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Shyloh Hatfield Mar 2016
When all my thoughts left me
Alone and impaired
When all we could carry
Were lies so unfair

Stares turned to glances second chances removed
Heart beats diminished to unknown values
My love for you is torn, I am ****** and scarred
Why did we let this go so far
Why can't I rekindle you

Our lives like campfires
Burn bright but never stay
Our love disappeared on the darkest of days
Who's farther away
I'm guessing it's you
As I write these poems
I'm guessing it's you
As I lay awake
I'm guessing it's you
Who keeps walking away
As I continue loving you
Shyloh Hatfield Mar 2016
What if all I could give you was a kiss and a poem
What if all I could give was a love
no one's known
Before I continue, close my eyes
and escape
Listen to the wind and the waves
as they break...

All we've got is this moment to consider our fate
Only love is aloud to devour and taint

Eyes like the lies you would whisper to me
In spite of the nights you surrendered your peace
Before we embarked, as I spoke of its sting
"My world, it is dark, you won't like what it brings"
Shyloh Hatfield Mar 2016
Heart hurts a lot when its heavy,
buried in fear.
Touched by the burning bush extinguished by her tears,
Ashes of a low class that she passionately breathes,
She lies behind the last tree,
lost beneath the leaves.
She possibly believes in anyone she comes to contact.
But trust is just kind words
and love, one night stands.
She is bashful and defiant,
defiance exhumed.
She exhales her poison
but she can't see past the fumes.
Ready, never ready, been rambunctious and loud.
Her hearts not been so heavy,
deadly rain seeps through the clouds.
I wrote this about a girl I only knew for a moment. But that moment was a moment of sadness, but it was beautiful as was she. She told me so many secrets in such a brief amount of time that I cried and wrote this.
Shyloh Hatfield Mar 2016
What if I've never been had
Never been loved..
Would you like that?

With a mess of bruised brains
Will I maintain my frame of consciousness
To sustain some life, to contain this pain
To remain inside insanity invited to my veins

What if we will never meet
Beneath the hallow tree
Determined to believe that love is never to be freed
Buried like seeds, the hope we had succumb to
Wait till it bleeds again, I'm breathing in, ready to exhale but holding it, another hit, another high, it's safe to say that if I die,
It won't be by your side.
Shyloh Hatfield Mar 2016
Who walks my way
Timidly decaying in the decadence of keys
Touched on the piano
That is tortured by me

the pleasure is forever burning
Like the fire of a soul who never ceased yearning
For love.

My eyes are never dry anymore
Colors never dim
Lives are only dullened by the cries of giving in
I'll forgive them
I have been where they fall

Let me take you to the place where I once met my soul
Where the water was crashing
Down down on the shore
Where my body was shaken, weak and hallow
When my tears couldn't drop for a heart who could smile
Now that it's been a while
Now that we've been freed
Now that all the pain has left me, the hatred, the greed

I will kiss you before you collapse, ms. accident prone
I will miss you before you ever let me go
But I'll be happy
When I see that you're clean
Never happier will I have ever been
Shyloh Hatfield Mar 2016
Before I awoke, it were her lips that I craved
I felt her feet stomping as she danced on my grave
And in this moment frozen, was a promise she made
"If I give you my love, you will forever be stained."
This woman so beautiful, with all of her grace
She erased my sickness
For a time, unafraid
So without a glimpse, and away from this place
She would be gone forever,
I will forever be stained.
Tears that turn words to ink blots on pages
Drained out of this place like the blood in my veins
I cover one wound, as to bleed out in stages,
The roses they bloom as I savor the pain

A love all alone, dimming life into darkness
A journey we've known, only to crave.
A boy that has died from a women so heartless.
Came back to life, as she danced on his grave.
Basically I wrote this about love and how it dies. Sometimes only to be reborn
Shyloh Hatfield Mar 2016
At first glance, petrified
Our love was unknown
Wounds yet to be, cut open and sewn

Alive were my fears as you walked up to me
We met every day, only our eyes came to speak

Tongue tied by beauty
Speechless by grace
Of a young love that truly knew me only by face

Silent and awkward
Stumbled stutters of sound
We're the first words I spoke
Falling out of my mouth

So quickly she stopped me
With a confident sway
She stepped in closer and to me she did say,

"Lend me your love and I'll take it away, the pain of your life it will dry and decay. Tell me the stories you've kept all this time, the secrets that heavily weigh on your mind. But never mistake me, I'm not staying for long. One day, my darling, you will write me a song. The title may be ever lonely and dark, but I'd rather you call it "The Weight Of My Heart"

— The End —