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So what is it?
It is the only type of insanity
that's socially accepted.
How much this strive really cost?
I keep asking, but she keeps paralyzing my thoughts.

She stared at me for the longest until she finally asked
''What was this promise you speak of?''
For the temptation and doubt are wounds
and you never reached her.
There are some bottles that cannot be filled enough.
They sit there every day, every night stabbing us and reminding.
All day we try to replenish them, but it wont matter.
Let us go then, you and I
hand in hand
like a father and child

everything looked so
promising, early
in the day

drops falling on my head
scent of a coffee mixed
with perfume
in the hall

as we approached the world
with chilly winds on
our faces

we offered our heart,
for the heart is truly
all we had- believed in

but heart was too pure,
too foolish to face
the night

after the heart, we
offered mind, mind
started to judge and
turned back on us
.               .                .
day is slowly turning
into the nite, vapors
of reek is all I see
.                .                .
lastly, we desperately
offered our soul

nothing happened

After the countless
suns and moons
reek turned into mist
sand into grass
we into I
chaos into

as I am finally leaving
the chase behind
I feel immeasurably
at peace.

— The End —