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 Feb 2014 Sheryll H
Betty Ponder
You were the dream maker lacking impediments and I the wanting of nothing.
Hesitant heart of mine leery of blissful nature of love thou bestowed upon me.
Whilst thou who is handsome of face and perfection of body lay in slumber's state,
took flight in night and prayed I would not waken the keeper of frightened heart.

T'was you my gallant knight who stole  my heart when least I wanted or expected,
t'was you who brought light to the darkness of dreams and made night terrors fade.
You who never questioned where I'd been but sought to bring out the best in me.
Life with you my kindred spirit was near perfection with never a dull moment.
 Feb 2014 Sheryll H
Betty Ponder
Originally posted 10-7-13 Deleted repost*

Forever standing by a princess trapped in the primative land called "Killer of Dreams".
In you "she" sees that light at the end of tunnel of darkness sent from heaven above.
To you "she" is the sun, the earth and all in the galaxy that's right in your world.
To "she" you are that one of a kind and rare being who is deserving of eternal love.

You sit by shore in palatial abode atop mountain but not part of valley's kingdom,
patient like no other since the creation of man brave descendant of Adam's Eve.
Against odds, "she" finds small rays of light in desolate land filled with raw hate.
Jailer dares only visit desolate place of hate briefly but keeps "she" captive resident.

Sharing life's continuing dance of when will she re-start and if he will stop loving?
Enchanted day(music's fading), "she" will at last finally select life's destined partner.
Burning question; Will it be you handsome brave knight who sits upon his charger?
Unknown! She loves you but "she's" the searcher and seeks what feels right to her.
 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
Dezi Marshall
I think I'm YY's 4 U
I know we R not meant 2 B.
U asked me,
"Y, Y, Y  U don't love me?"
I asked U,
"Y do U text & call 24/7?"
I need space.
I want 2 sit on the beach alone.
I want 2 walk alone.
I want 2 go dancing with other men.
I don't want U n my face 24/7.
Breaking up is hard 2 do 4 U.
Breaking up isn't hard 2 do 4 me.
Phone rings.
I.C. caller I.D.
No surprise! It's U!
I don't answer.
Changing digits?
EZ on both of us.
If U C me,
walk by like U don't know me.
U go 2 Europe
I stay home.
U meet a new love?
Good for you!
EZ 4 me 2 meet a new love
if U R happy with her.
I meet a new love?
very easy 4 me.
EZ 4 me & all like me
because we R women. : )
 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
Betty Ponder
I admit it, I kinda sorta knew that since childhood,
what your title implies might be the gospel truth.
The day that thought made entry into my head,
was one warm rainy day in my a kindergarten class.

Very content was I playing games with the others,
many young men of age five and six did appear.
Shy were they mainly but some were quite bold.
Said one, "You're pretty Betty, we like your bow!"

The boys went not to far away and along came girls,
who wanted that bow because the boys liked it.
One girl went so far as to take it out of my hair,
my tidy ponytail was no more when it was removed.

Thankful for the boys who acted as gallant knights,
they came and took back bow, then off went the girls.
Later in day I told me my mother about the incident,
she said, "Jealous girls and the boys like you Betty!"

My father was informed, he smiled, kissing my forehead.
He said, "Never change who you are and always be you.
No matter what you gain in life somebody wont like you."
He hugged me then we went outside to look the clouds..

All went well with the producer
g2g, smiles to you and peace out!
 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
T Stevens
Another day of long hours ahead  for me

Good morning gorgeous!

Read your full disclosure and I admire you even more.
Whoever said all creative people suffer from manic or
clinical depression was out of their minds because you don't.
You prove you don't need to be depressed to write.
Like the you don't smoke and you are no ******.
You are careful what you put in your body
I know you don't do drugs.  
The more I get to know about you the more the butterflies
in my stomach tell me I'm right.
You read that part right.
I still have butterflies when I think of you
but at the same time I feel at ease when we on net chat.
Big confession coming up.
I've always wanted someone like you in my life.
A woman who's gorgeous, highly intelligent, has her
**** together, doesn't cake on make up, has confidence,
loves herself and life, laughs at life and herself, doesn't bore
the hell out of me with drama and much more.
Quite frankly I've always wanted a woman
other women hate and she makes them feel insecure.
That's the woman that has confidence and can
enter a room alone without being self-conscious.
That's how I know you're the woman for me.
Your stalker has been freed but you are not in hiding
I commend you for taking your power back.
I'm guessing you are set to stand your ground if necessary.
I mentioned your name and they know of you
mainly from what they've heard from friends.
Hope you don't mind they did a Google search.
I didn't tell them we were dating it's how my parents are.
They can tell when I'm interested in a lady.
With your images on screen my dad agrees
with me. You are gorgeous!
My mom said "I haven't seen anything
that lovely in a long time!"
My folks have unprejudiced hearts like  me
and yourself and would love meeting you.
Bringing them out to hear you when you
tell me you will be singing.
Hoping you will feel more at ease with my parents
sitting at the table and we finally have a real life
conversation longer than me telling
you how amazing your singing is.
Hope your meeting with your producer went well.
You venturing out in bad weather speaks volumes
about your dedication to what you do.  
The more I know about you Betty Ponder
the hungrier I am to learn more.
I have no doubt you would never keep me
waiting for an hour for lack of something to wear.

 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
Betty Ponder
By the time you read this post I'll be extremely busy as usual.
The kids, long conference calling, mtg with my producer, etc.
It's a fun and exciting life; but, much hard work and long hours.
The hard worker you are knows well the full picture I'm painting.

Thanks so much for sharing and trusting that I'd understand;
in this very public way no less, I do believe you to be truthful.
I read your warning about what she was saying on cl about you.
Rants isn't the only section where people post twisted truths.

Hard to believe anyone is still so bitter after nearly three years.
Did find amusement in her belief she's entitled to your cards.
Been to or know of  many of those places she mentioned; unreal!
Her time would best be served seeking higher wage employment.

To answer your Q regarding: how many marriages and my stalkers.
In prison, one is released, others: now dead like my first husband.
His father passed, he disconnected and became a very broken man.
Been engaged four times and actually walked down the aisle twice.

Being engaged is one thing, me saying the I do is different story.
I've been asked for my hand in marriage countless times.
If you've forgotten my views on celebacy: re-read my poem on that topic.
Hope that answers your questions regarding what you asked.

g2g! Have a good day and w.s.u.i.w.l.m.
 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
do over
 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
Requesting do over
you ******* me over.
Thought you were cool when we met.
spoiled happiness
Your short attention span.
Your hurry up and finish.
even ***
Knew short attention spans
mean impatience.
made excuses
You were cute but mean.
Your I'll get back to you.
Never did, did you?
You into money.
Your hand was glued to my wallet.
Should have offered to pay you by the word.
Would have made you happy
but me
I would still be miserable.
 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
Sometimes you do something so well, you chuckle inside.
Pat yourself on the back, give yourself a high five.
Who the **** cares if anyone thinks it's great but you?
As long as you know you done your best, you gonna be all right.
 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
When you wrote a short poem, you were in the mood for a quickie.
Meant you had no patience for me and didn't want my attention.
You got a short attention span, lack of patience and you hurl insults.
Wish you really loved me like I loved you, what you love is money.
Felt dead for years and missed the sweet you that went slow making love.
You lost interest when I lost my job for a few months, you hurled loser.
You did not want to be tied to a frigging loser, died inside dozens of times.
My heart ache was his gain, you met your lover boy in the stables.
Tried like hell to keep you happy, you did not want that from me.
You only wanted it from him, he had a good job but not like me.
I can't get back what I felt for you once you hurled insults at me.
You got dollar signs for eyes and money centered.
 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
Martin Luther King's dream means:

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