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 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
T Stevens
I can't tell you how it feels to be discriminated against
but I know how powerless feels.*

I watched as a man was hit until he was badly bloodied.
I wanted to shout stop hitting him but
my mother covered my mouth with her hand.
Did not know why my dad stood there
clinched fist and very angry but silent.
Man collapsed on the ground he looked unconscious.
Ni - a's breathing heard a southern voice say.
Man was kicked and the bullies walked away
proud of themselves.
Ni - a got taught a lesson!
Saw spit on the ground from the one who spoke.
They walked past us.
Dad had a angry look I never saw before.
Bleeding man lay on the floor
his family came and took him away.
Dad took my mom's hand.
Mom took mine and we left the area fast.
In the car mom and dad said nothing.
We got home and they explained it to me.
Happened in the early 70's years after M. L. King was shot.
My dad said nothing because
he didn't want mom and me beat after
her was beat bloodied like the man we saw.
I'm a grown as man and know why he stood
there powerless saying nothing.
They would have ganged up on my dad
and beat him until he was nearly dead.
I would have been beaten and taunted.
My mom would have been stripped naked
and ***** with me and dad made to watch.
White women had no rights and got treated
like second class citizens.
Southern whites ignored civil rights movement
and still lived under Jim Crow Laws.
 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
Betty Ponder
Seven score and eleven years after the Emancipation Proclamation;
I'd like to thank my community for finally acknowledging his memory.  
Wanting to view historical document written by Rev. Martin Luther King,
logged on and took a virtual trip to our ever expanding National Archives.

His views on day of historic speech, "Heartwarming to see this marvelous,
gigantic group of people here from all over the nation to give witness."
I'm giving credit to ABC news for being allowed to hear the man's words
from his own mouth without having to read them in black and white.

There's no argument in regards to race differences and that we the people,
have miles to go before we are at similar mindset in climate of opinion.
Spotlight should shine brightly on how far we've come as we the people,
away with all the negatives of no hopes of ever achieving racial harmony.

If MLK were alive today he'd see many positive changes and would see
his dream is still alive and well though we have miles to journey's end.
Yes, Dr. Martin Luther King, you are appreciated as we honor your day.
I have many reasons to thank you and all who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

My children are allowed to attend any public school they wish without fear.
I can now sit in the front of the bus without fear of arrest or a mob beating.  
There are no laws preventing me from front door entry of public buildings.
Thanks so much! I'm free to date or marry any person of any race I choose.

The list above is just a small sampling of all the changes his life evoked.
I'm thankful he was gifted to our planet in period of time he was needed.
He is missed by the planet and those of us who are grateful that he existed.
Dr. Martin Luther King was true Visionary with foresight to see great things.
 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
Betty Ponder
Upon waking yesterday morn, the temperature was 8 degrees;
cancellation of events and slippery icy roads, disliking winter!
T'was out driving and dealing with the limited visibility; freezing.
Wasn't fun maneuvering usually two lane streets; turned one.

I'm sitting here wide awake and staring at ice crystal windows,
went to bed last night, temperature was frigid sub zero; No joke!
The furnace had a busy night keeping this old drafty house warm.
My cute little budgie who "was" chirping, is now sleeping on perch.  

Giving a memory of yesterday brief thought and still find it funny.
Went shopping after losing the debate of exiting a warm vehicle.
Over heard a conversation regarding me, based on the "assumed".
The two ladies(without a doubt) read what's posted on net sites.

Standing in the next aisle, ears slightly alert, hearing my full name.  
Should I walk up to say, "hello!" or tell them to mind own business?
Found it amusing and a bit flattering, despite negative words used.
Did they see me enter the store or did they even care that I heard?

If I were indeed the "rumored" witch, I'd melt every inch of snow.
Why did these villagers "presume" I'm holder of necromancer's card?
Defective reasoning of me practicing "voodoo" and casting many spells.
A bit of food for thought; It's one-dimensional and illogical thinking.
 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
T Stevens
I froze my *** off filling my tank yesterday.
Me and Tyson are watching early morning news.
Still **** at poetry writing but getting better.
I logged on to Google+ to see your new pic in color.
You look great in black and white on your profile btw.
You are so ****** gorgeous and thoughts
of you make my heart leap and keep me very warm.
I heard another siren five minutes ago.
I'm staying at home to work from my home office.
I went to whattalking and saw the enlargements
of your face then printed out your pictures.
No copyright violations intended and please don't sue. : )
Your gorgeous face is now my desktop theme.
My heart is leaping and I have butterflies in my stomach
thinking about you and seeing your pics Betty Ponder.
 Jan 2014 Sheryll H
Betty Ponder
Engaging in conversation with you renewed distant past memories,
nostalgia's brush strokes painting the enchantment of quaint scene.
Do we, two mere humans, stand a fighting chance against kismet?
Can we rewind to a time of trust, love, serenity and best friendship?
Felt euphoric and wistful catching glimpses of your brazen glances,
same look of longing witnessed in your eyes when we shared our lives.
Fate's timing or did you request the radio station to play that song?
Same dedicated song Delilah played for me at your request in past.
Thanks for the laughs and view of past that brought back memories,
such great  memories that bring to mind why I fell in love with you.
Yin(you) & Yang(me).
Considered writing long verses of love, hope this will suffice.

We are are moon and sun, moth to flame....
you are indeed my weakness.
You're the one, the only yin for my yang....
in no way are you negative.
We super charged connected, became one in all things.
All energies included, you're my everything.
You left, my heart sank then broke.
You called, I begged you to return to me.
Clothes with your body's **** scent, left behind,
feigning sleep, I used as my nightly pillow.
Ironic you writing poem saying you're a cat,
I'm highly amused, so cliche, gmta!
You Betty Ponder, are one free spirited cat....
you managed the impossible.
Years ago, you made my nose wide open,
with no possibility of that changing, in this life time.
 Dec 2013 Sheryll H
Betty Ponder
 Dec 2013 Sheryll H
Betty Ponder
I could care less how many hours you spend on the net or what you do when you're on. I have no clue who you are nor do I care to know you. You crossed the line in claiming one of my poems as your own.

Please be advised, It takes only a few minutes to upload electronically to the Library of Congress. Also, please be advised, certificates have been issued under the seal of the Copyright Office that attests the registration of all my poems on this site have been identified as being solely created and owned by me, Betty Ponder. There are stiff fines and penalties for attempting to take credit for works that are not your own.

Below you will find the link to the poem regarding Nelson Mandela I wrote and you get no credit for it being that I don't know you and we have never met or collaborated on anything.

Betty Ponder
 Dec 2013 Sheryll H
Betty Ponder
Sorry you're not finding it to your liking and to my knowledge,
"Borrowing" isn't the "norm" on this site, it's the exception to the rule.
I read poems; but, far less than what's posted. Who has that much time?  
From what I gather, the alleged person who "borrowed", was a tad upset.
Upset and sought revenge due to comments she didn't agree with at all.
Her revenge; a rapid and endless stream of posting posts by fellow poets?
I am so not into and highly allergic to mentally draining drama. ARRGH!
I'm on daily when I create poetry and my friends are also to lend support.
Does it matter how many hours adults spend on this site or on the net?
Better question; Is it really anyone's business? Short answer; Who cares!
In regards to criticism in general: They're "personal opinions" and that's it.
If you fall apart, get upset or are seeker of revenge over random's comments,
lock yourself indoors, don't go out in public and don't post on the internet.
What's truly impossible; Finding a way to please everyone at the same time.  
Grow a thick skin, roll with the punches and graciously learn to take criticism.
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