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 Apr 2014 Shemika C
pluie d'été
the sunlight fell over your skin
and seared my mind
with the imprint
of your enlightened

scar me
with the blade
of your lips
against my neck
 Apr 2014 Shemika C
Jane dale
Have you ever had one of those days,
Where you wish the world would go away,
People getting on your case,
Standing close, invading space,
You wonder what it's all about,
Life's testing you, I have no doubt,
Don't let them break you, then they can't,
Vent your spleen, and have a rant,
If you feel you're teetering on the edge,
Just have a beer , and go to to bed :)
What I want is
enough money

To have what I want
what I want is

A good life
with only small cracks that I can repair

What I want is
a relaxful place to live

Where I'll never have to worry
what I want is

Everyone to be treated equal
so no one has to suffer

All I really want is
De La Rose<333
 Apr 2014 Shemika C
I'm part of the unemployed youth,
it's the truth,
a generation of dreamers with endless ambition,
all with one mission:
to strive for attention under constant tension.

Overprotected and neglected,
yet somehow connected,
attacked by the constant barrage of words,
we fly like birds,
we are truly free in our imagination.

No hope for a better tomorrow,
in love with sorrow,
nothing left to borrow.
Money comes at a high cost,
your youth...lost after slavery to the economy.
Stanza 1:  Mentions the workforce who are qualified for jobs but lack experience.
Stanza 2:  Alludes to the workforce who do not need a job and remain content.
Stanza 3:  Speaks of the workforce that need any job and are willing to trade their youth for money.

— The End —