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Shelley Connor May 2015
You know that saying
"If you love someone set them free"
Well I've always
nodded in agreement
but tonight I can really see
what that means
When you see the one you love
in pain
because they need to change
what else can you do
except paint them wings
and bring them to life
Shelley Connor May 2015
Clinging on for dear life
On my windscreen
For a twenty mile trip
You did not lose your grip
I'm amazed by your stamina
A bug of true grit
And if survival of the fittest
Was measured in size
Versus wind speed
You would indeed
Be the king
Except for the fact
That your kind
Are back at the river
And for your bold travel
You will now die
Far from your natural habitat
Shelley Connor May 2015
I pray you may each day
Rise easy from your bed
With no cares for yesterday
Nor the day ahead
That you may live this moment now
Not those unknown or past instead
Unravel your own thoughts
Expel the demons in your head
For your beauty shines within you
If it could just stay at the fore
Instead of dampened, your throat full
Of a constant petrichor
Shelley Connor May 2015
My son is at his father's
My lover's with his own
With four bedrooms yet no tenants
This house is not a home
The wind howls all around
Plays a tune with beating rain
As if all windows are wide open
As it whistles through my brain
For the fire it went out
With them gone it will not burn
I hope sleep comes quickly to me
For the sooner they'll return
Shelley Connor May 2015
What use are you now
Now you are gone
You promised forever
My only one
You promised you’d stay
Through sickness and health
But the sickness crept up
And with quiet and stealth
It took you away

First just in mind
As you failed to recall
Our memories, the date
And then nothing at all
Then came the failing
Of your body once strong
Lying broken and crumbled
And after not very long
It took you away

So what use are you now
As I mourn and I grieve
That wasn't part of the deal
You said you’d not leave
I wonder if maybe
We should never have met
Then my heart wouldn't ache
With no love to forget, when
It took you away

But for the years that we spent
For the laughter we shared
For the children we raised
For the way that you cared
For the chance to have known you
For our souls that entwined
You will always, forever
Still be part of mine
It won’t take you.
This is not a personal experience, yet.
Shelley Connor May 2015
Breathe in my perfume
And the smell of my skin
It’s the last time
You will be close enough
To take it in

Remember this feeling
And the pain it inflicts
For all the times
You strangled my heart
Just for kicks

Wonder as the emptiness grows
The hole inside, the loss
That you never knew
If you’d only seen
Was filled with me, with us

Hope, with all your will
That the striation lines
That I’ve burned into your heart
Will slowly fill some other way
And not slowly pull apart.
Shelley Connor Apr 2015
Did I even know what I was doing
Did I have a clue what it would mean
After 9 months of contemplating
When we faced the you and the me

They say there's a natural bond
But it's not a movie, no violins playing
Though when we locked eyes in that first minute
Just a cry and I knew what you were saying

3 years on, now you tell me your thoughts
Every detail, every thought, all you've done
Simple expressions through which futures unfold
And the love of a mother and son
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