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That moment when you think too fast
Make you want to yell or scream
Like a twitch making one react
Mixed emotions that need to be release
Rage or sadness
Make one act different from normal
Like an out of body experience
Sometimes the room shrink
You think you are growing
Or you feel tiny in the huge world
Invisible or silent feel like nobody notices
Hard to breath heart racing
Time is slow leaves you pacing
Of centered loss of balance
Hoping everything restored back to normal
Some days, I know who I am
And I know what I see
When I could feel the table
And then I know what is real
But it's gone in a flash
I become a parallel
There's an identity intact
But of who, I just can't tell
Because it's just not me
I become someone else
Sadness becomes anger
And I lose all control
Do you know what it's like
To create your own hell

But it's almost something else
To feel such emotion
To forgo all your senses
And just lose all yourself
For a moment, you're engrossed
You can hear it like a sound
You can watch it as it grows
To harness something real
But could you control it
And prevent from lashing out
Or would you struggle
And simply just explode
Emotions are a force
But would your grip truly hold
It's cold here

I'm cold here

Where are you

My King

I need you

Your warmth is

I heard your voice call out
It was so faint
And it wanted help
With the problems it brought

Almost an echo
But still just a thought
You know what you need
Oh, you know what you've got

And they don't seem to work
No, they don't match up
So I can't help you there
But you can't give up
I hate
The distance
We're worlds
And I can't
Find my way home
I miss you
And it hurts
I need you
I worry
When your not
Here to comfort me
I can't wait
To be in your arms again.
Millions of words
Cannot express it
My words
The sweet
And passionate ones
They are nothing
To the feeling
In my chest
When you tell me
You love me
Can ever truly
Express my happiness
With you
Oh my love
Each time you
And I talk
About our life
I know we
Really were made
For each other.
Even my admirer said we're made for each other..
but this was written while thinking about our late night deep conversations which I love.
The cold wet weather made for a sweater
Gray clouds are a sign of rain to come
the mood is set of rainy days
Hot chocolate a treat that warms you right
The rain washes away frustration
Makes the day better for the sun
Rainy weather keeps you inside
Most of all dry makes you lazy and sleepy
Wear a hat that keeps you warm
Layers to keep you from getting soaked
Use an unbrella to bounce of drops
Avoid puddles or jump in them
Play in the rain different from other days
The smell of wet ***** once the rain stops
Being a coach is hard
Winning isn't everything
It all stats during practice
Arrive early to prep for the team
The ones who want it show up on time want it
The best players show up late
Running bases conditioning for the game
Batting cages to help with the swing
Playing catch helping the team work as a unit
Till the day of the big game
Slide to the base with technique practiced
Cutoff play to make an out
Team functions without doubt
Play hard play right win or loss giving it your all
Coach does right by the team no need to fight
Lets win and take the season play and do
What the team does best play softball
 Feb 2013 Shari Forman
As if
 Feb 2013 Shari Forman
at any moment the reality that I have spent my life creating
will collapse into a thousand pieces, blanketing the ground
in fragments (of desires
that have lulled me to sleep at night with the hum of half-formed expectations)
only to be replaced with an undefinable hybrid emotion;

equal parts loss and anticipation.

I find my words inappropriately, overwhelmingly, unequivocally
to describe something that could mean
everything &(or) nothing at all.

This is the way that you make me feel.
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