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371 · Jul 2014
No 1
Tanya T Jul 2014
I have found
That being alone
with the fresh summer sunlight
streaming through the window
brings a sort of odd solace
How I thrive on
unrequited love
like the day old water in the kettle
I kept it to myself
all these while
because i simply
tell you
You'll shun
As if I were a disease
But yes,
I am mad
Madly in love with you.
I am attempting to start on a project of at least 50 poems.
266 · Jul 2014
No 2
Tanya T Jul 2014
This body of mine
I left at sea
When I made my feet
touch the salty waters
I was comfortable
because I had cried everyday
When night came
I was not afraid
because it had seemed as if
I was accustomed to darkness
I write this
I started this
because there was no other way
I could tell you
My words were sewn
with my feelings
I knitted you this outerwear
so I could see that you wore my heart
upon your sleeve

— The End —