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The Ripper
B'tween pen & paper    I am not a great writer, you just like to read bad poetry -
19/Cisgender/find me at a cemetery.    does growing up count as childhood trauma
Iman Al Kole
I am unwritten    Iman Al Kole - 27 years old - Studying Industrial Medicin
jasmine fernandez
Indore, India.    A research scholar at IIT Indore, who loves translating her emotions into words.Words are not enough to translate them though it allows venting partly what ...
Vanessa Gatley
23/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work ...
charlotte NC    "I'm un-orphaned in your northern lights" -Bon Iver; 10 d E A T h b R E a s T ⚄ ⚄ GET WET

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