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Serwaa Akoto Jul 2016
Laying on green pasture
Right alongside the still blue waters
Surrounded by the warmth of the soft breeze

Uncontrollable peace  
Unquestionable joy
Everlasting praise
Rejoicing, dancing, laughing, worshiping

Father of all creations
Creator, Master and King
Angels will bow down
Believers will worship

Place of restoration
Hospital for the broken
Strength for the weak
Punisher  of the wicked
But Savior of the sinner

The beautiful name of my Lord
Hebrew name for God,
My God and Savior

Serwaa Akoto Jul 2016
Remember that Life Can be a Fairy Tale
The day that you were born was when it all began
"Once-Upon-a -Time....."
How do you want to tell your Fairy Tale?
If handed a pen and a paper  to write your story
What will you write? Where will you start ?

Remember that life is a long journey
Full of memories that you wont dare to forget
And memories that you wish were never there
Full of people you cant live without, you cant go a day without
It is  amazing  how someone can take the throne in your heart
If only he knew what he has done
I mean, if only he knew the throne that he was sitting on

Remember the "Knight and Shining Armor"
Puting his life at risk just to be with the one he loves
To think that there a man out there, your man,
With a heart that is created  just to love you, ya you
With a mind just to think of you, yes you
With a kiss, just one kiss, a special kiss, just for you, uh huh you
So if I was given a pen and paper to write my story
I will start right here "Once upon a time There was Me and Him"

The End
Serwaa Akoto Oct 2017
Don't love me, Love God through me
Don't see me, See God through me
Love me, But only in the way God first loved you
See me, But only as the apple of His eyes
Love Him, for Love is Him
Serwaa Akoto Nov 2016
As I grew I became exposed to the "YOU CANT" of this world,
That so called "reality of life"
Suddenly I began to interpret others "YOU CANT" as "I CANT"
Growing up comes with its limitations
I can no longer dream so naively, they say,
But what is a naive dream anyways ?
If through Christ all is possible
Thus converting their "YOU CANT" into "I CANT" should be naive
I became so focus on my obstacles, the "YOU CANT"
That I forgot that even with age I am is still  a Child of God
And as children we believed that everything was possible
Thus as a Child of the Most High all I now know is I CAN
Phil 4:13 " I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Serwaa Akoto Aug 2016
"I [Name]  take you, __,
To be my lawfully wedded husband,
To have and to hold, from this day forward,
For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,
In sickness and in health, until death do us part.... I DO"

We can now check off wedding from our to-do list
And update all our status to married
But what happens to the marriage ?

Why does something that sound so free leaves one so trap
I don't want to be together for my religion sake
It was not Jesus or  Mohammad that I married, no I married you
I don't want to be together for our children sake
I am unhappy and I know they are aware
So what is with the  masquerade?

I want to be together for our love sake
Because I have search the entire planet
Yet I can't  find another partner who is better than you sake
For I complete you and you complete me sake
We have an iron bond that can never be broken sake

Babe keep your wedding, if you are not ready for our marriage
Just for my peace of mind sake
Serwaa Akoto Jul 2016
True love serves as a buffer to this world of hate.
When they despise us, Lord, give us the Grace to Love them more.
When they throw stones at us, give us the Strength to Love them more.
Even at the point of death give us the Courage to Love them more.
There sums up the power of Love, the Jesus type of Love.
The type of Love that just won't give up.
Serwaa Akoto Jul 2017
I was enlisted to death via suicide
I was depressed and vulnerable
Seeking love from any guy that approached me
But through it all Jesus rescued me
So I asked God, "How can I thank you?'
And HE said "Worship me"
So I will worship HIM till the day this vessel fades away

— The End —