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 May 2013 Selena Naomi
Lyra Brown
one of the most liberating moments
someone can ever live through
is the moment where they realize
that it wasn't their fault
that they were left.
the moment they finally decide
it's time to
forgive themselves
for thinking they deserved
to be
My allergies have been acting up lately... Haiku! Bless you.
My 10 word contribution. I'm sorry for how cheesy this is but it made me laugh!
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
seedy motels crowded with undesirables
shooting up
smoking ****
toothless ******* for a fix
welcome to America
home of the brave
and the crack den
what a beautiful country ours is
majestic purple mountains
slick black tar ******
amber waves of grain
skid row and soup kitchens
the struggle to survive
we fight to stay alive
land of the free
but free has hidden fees
free love?
Aids'll stop ya
free health care?
Get out you ****** *******
free speech?
Only if you don't mind mace
Here the dom in freedom means *******
******* of the free
we go through it all like marionettes
glassy eyed and blank faces
our strings pulled by wealthy men
we become older and older until death
and don't forget the debt
that will be your children's problem
Red wire, blue wire.
There's something I think you ought to know.


You would never believe me if I told you that
all this time, I knew we wouldn't last.


Our friendship, the ticking time bomb
just waiting for its moment, a tremendous explosion.


The unstoppable force met
the immovable object.


I dared to move,
and change.


You were certain,
and stubborn.


Red wire, blue wire.
We can never work this out.


It's not you, it's me.
How I wish I could say the words!


It's definitely you,
it could be
bits of me.


I was arrogant.
You did not waver.


Red wire, blue wire.
We chose to sever both.


Two pairs of hands blood-soaked.
Written in August 2012.
 Feb 2013 Selena Naomi
want leads to greed
want leads to obesity
want leads to death
want leads to determination
want leads to the fake meaning of need
want leads to people being naieve
if there was no want in the world wouldn't it be so much better?
But we can'thave a happy go luck world where everyone's content within what they have can we?
But if there was no want in the world there would be no drive to keep us going,
there would be no people out there who don't just want but truly need to see the world change, to make the world change,
there would be no people out there who will start the evolution,
there would be no people who want to honestly simply HELP,
even if theese people are rare,
even with theese people being scarce,
even with theese people still growing up,
even with theese people wasteing away of old age,
they are still out there.
because thoose people are the one's from every background, who have expierenced it all, who want to expierence it all simply so they can use it to be better to become what the world needs, thrives for, can't keep spinning without.
we the people have the power to change to revolutionize to be different
we the people can shut thoose voices out,
we the people will be better than thoose who can't comprehend, than thoose too weak at the moment,
we the people will help thoose at the bottom screaming for help,
we the people will help thoose in the middle, thoose at the very top, thoose down in the ground that are screaming for our helpping hands,
because we the people simply can,
because we the people have to change the world,
because we the people have to try not for music, not for your parents, not for your future childeren, not for your religion, not because people think it's the right thing to do, But simply because we CAN do what we want simply because we have the POWER to make changes, so my friends take this chance as this world spins to stop it yank it out of the governements fragile, cowardly hands,
and ****** it in the air
Simply because we
Through eyes of red and thoughts of green
there's always more that can be seen.
Within the word of poet thieves,
that break the windows,
steal the keys,
to make your own decrees.
A man is more than just a man
and space is full of more than sand...
But who will lend a helping hand
when eyes are closed across this land..?

I think your job may be the chain
in which you build your own domain.
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