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 Feb 2013 Selena Naomi
Kate Deter
Sometimes when I’m walking through the house,
A face floats up from the shadows, scaring me.
I pause and turn, looking at this other girl.
Who is this girl, this girl I keep seeing?
Who is this girl, this girl who keeps following me?
She seems familiar, somehow, almost as though
I knew her at some point in the past.
I raise a hand to touch her face, her cheek.
The girl does the same to me, reaches up and out—
Both both our hands reach only cold glass.
Is it really only me? Only my cold reflection?
But that’s not what I look like—
That’s not who I am—or perceive myself to be
On the inside, beyond flesh, muscle, and blood.
This person is a stranger to me, and I to her.
So why is her face on me, I in her body?
Why must I live a stranger, when it’s only me inside?
 Feb 2013 Selena Naomi
Lyra Brown
i scanned the room and wondered silently how many of these people
would care if i died,
how many would come to my funeral,
what kind of things they would say about me if i
ceased to exist.

i sat by myself
watching them
all the handsome talented boys interacted with the other
handsome talented boys
all the dilettantes interacted with the other dilettantes,
and all the other people just
interacted with the other people.

they made it look so easy,
so comfortable, so almost fun.
so impossible

i became so far removed from myself
i could hardly breathe
i was watching the people and all i could think of
was how badly i wanted death
perhaps not literal death,
but i wanted desperately to **** the part of me that would never be like
the people,
the part of me they don't
understand. the separated

it's an illness.

so i sat alone in a bathroom stall waiting for the next musician to start
wondering when he would call me up on stage
so i could sing
and leave.
the stage is the only place
i feel at peace. i don't have to talk for them
i only need to sing for me.

they were everywhere, i was surrounded by them
i sat alone,
watching them
watching them
unable to complete a single sentence
or feeling
of any kind.
 Feb 2013 Selena Naomi
Kt W
Don't tell me that you're lying,
'Cause i'll only make it the truth.
And don't tell me that you're leaving,
'Cause i'll force you to go.
And if you're eyes are welling up with tears,
Well, don't you dare tell me,
'Cause you can't stop your words once you've said them.

Don't tell me you're trying to forgive me,
'Cause i'll forget what you've done before
you've done it.
And don't tell me you've got no more questions,
'Cause i'll give you a reason to answer me back.
And if the whole **** city's gone down,
Well, don't you cower in the cellar,
'Cause you can't repopulate the world on your own.

Don't tell me you need to build skyscrapers,
When all you can see is under the ground.
And don't tell me your heart's someplace else,
'Cause we both know your veins are cracking through weather.
And if you're longing for time to go backwards,
Well, go pick on someone your own size,
'Cause even Gods can't fathom arrogance.

Don't tell me that beauty's indifference,
'Cause i'll make you stare 'till you can't shut your eyes.
And don't tell me my mind's filled with hatred,
'Cause i swear some of my thoughts aren't explicit.
And if you tell me it's because i love you,
Well, you're barking up the wrong tree my friend,
Because the only thing worse than betrayal is disappointment,
And a thousand sets of angry words
is a million times better than
one set of speechless eyes.
An expression.
Something I can put my mind on like
a thumb print for the world to see.
It’s a way of speaking without
having to worry about making sense,
or worrying if people understand me.
It’s completely limitless and under my--
I can abuse it, address it, analyze it,
bend it, break it, bushwhack it,
create it, contort it, cultivate it,
destroy it, design it, disembowel it,
explore it, fabricate it, hijack it, hurl it,
love it, man-handle it, mold it, mutilate it,
scatter it, stretch it, strip it, synthesize it,
translate it, torture it, undress it,
and it will always ask me to come back.
It will always call to me asking for more,
telling me to express myself.
This is the first poem I crafted for my newest collection. I love feedback and constructive criticism, so feel free to share any thoughts you have.
Far from the high home
into the low shallow sea's coast,
light sand impressions pace the shore,
treading memories of old.

New loves and heart songs
ebb just as the curl crest sprays white foam.

Small hands mold sand into kingdoms,
towering from dawn till dusk,
but falls as all great republics do
with changing tides.

Toes dig deep into wet grain
and new waves bury them deeper.
Eyes fall to the west as the sun
sets the siring sea on fire.

It seems suddenly forgetfulness seeps in.
Where is the high home again?

— The End —