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Julian Aug 2019
You tell me your fears,
and i tell you i'll be here.
I thought it would make me weaker than I already am
but it made me want to pick
up my
and lash through
all the challenges
that might
come on our way
because I want nothing more
than to prove you wrong
and be
with you
until you ask me to go.
Julian Aug 2019
the heart stops for sunset
the mind during sunrise,
my soul for yours
with no measure,
just an infinite loop
to stop at your smile,
Julian Aug 2019
i might tell you,
during the small hours,
or perhaps, at midnight
when the clock strikes 12.

maybe during the day,
i'm not sure.
maybe not really,
but i could occasionally.

maybe during the afternoon,
when my mind is busy,
and you're busy.
you might not need it,
but i want to tell you anyway.

but at night,
as we are serenaded by distant white noises,
and the sound of a sleeping house,
under the influence of the nearing twilight,
i just might get romantic
and tell you that i love you.
Julian Aug 2019
the sun has been kind to you,
it never burns,
just shines right through your face
enough to radiate the beauty that you've always held from within.

the winds has always admired you
for they never blew you away,
just enough to breeze you in and remind you that
you will not be swayed.
everything will change and yet you will remain rooted to the ground,

the rain has always been tender to you,
for it has never poured more than necessary
to drown you.
its always just rained enough to
to wash away your sorrow and remind you to slow down
for tomorrow is a promise of sunshine.

and i have and will always love you,
more than you'll see
and more than you'll know,
overflowing but never

you'll know,
you'll see.
Julian Aug 2019
our exchanges have been magical,
you and i.

i'd like to gather all the moments we've had so far --
even the ones we shared in silence  
and lay it out for us to be wrapped in them.
the feeling of being surrounded by even just the sound of your voice soothes me,
and that is enchanting for me.

perhaps i'm caught in a spell,
the incantation, however is nonexistent as i
simply see you for what you are
and i am truly delighted,
and overflowing.

perhaps its not a trick,
not an allure,
and definitely not a spell.
perhaps its me finally falling for the magic,
the hearth,  
not the witch.

darling, crossing paths with you was like seeing fire for the first time --
ablaze and ardent and truly unprecedented.
Julian Aug 2019
despite every circumstance that works against us,
i still choose you,
and that's the only conversation important to me.
every line,
every word,
every thought that leads me back to you,
is the only thing i can hear.

because i said, when i finally meet a girl like you,
one unlike no other,
special because of all the things she chooses to be --  
i will be there, to choose you every day.
my feelings will run deep,
and you will be soaked with all that i can and will be.

despite everything, i will stay.
despite everything, i will be yours.
Julian Aug 2019
everything you do is every bit unconventional,
unique, and full of life.
so i decided to write a poem about it.
one different from the style i usually take,
because that's the kind of effect you have on me.
you make me want to take the leap,
compel a change i've been meaning to do over the years,
a positive impact, if you will.
you're a catalyst to a series of realizations,
and a smile i didn't know i had,
a laughter i didn't know i could conjure.
but its not what you make me feel that makes me want to write about you.
its not about how devastatingly beautiful i find you,
or how annoyingly charming you are to me.

its about how you are, by far,
the most emotionally intelligent person i know.
what's more is that you are wise and knowledgeable,
far more than you let on,
and yet you have no desire or need to have other people know.
you understand the cause and effect in life,
the necessity for suffering,
and how patience is humbling.

you may meet dozens, hundreds of people more in this lifetime than i ever will,
all of which i hope can see your beauty and your grace.
the hope you carry within, and the light that shines around you.
i hope they see you the way i see you,
because i know if they did,
they'd believe in you no matter what,
and they'd be there to stay through it all.

i hope one day you see yourself the way i see you,
and know why i believe in you.
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