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ZigZag  Sep 2013
Shaina Smiles
ZigZag Sep 2013
She stood by the river, dancing with no shoes
she had everyone wanting to groove
she has this smile that made you want to sing
it was alright even tho we knew it was just a fling
she would stand there waving her arms, singing and dancing till the morning comes, morning comes

Her name was Shaina and when she smiled,
everyone knew that things will be good but just for a while,
she had people gathering coming for miles and mile, and when they showed, she would smile
Shaina would smile,
Shaina would smile.

You can go by this river even to this day,
and you will see people still loving this way
with her magical power within their minds
she will be dancing till the end of time, end of time
Danielle Shorr  Jul 2015
Danielle Shorr Jul 2015
is crooning bird with
beehive nest built from soul
is sixty five years inside body of young girl
loves jazz and destructive boy
looks at him the way her voice does microphone
eyes are drawn black like cat's and she
sings the way a tail curls along wood floor
graceful  effortless  confident

shaina maidel with
a gap between her two front bent teeth
echoed laugh and studded diamond above her lip
jewish girl who wears
star of David around her neck belts
songs she writes with scratching fingers against
ink covered arms
pretty girl loves ****** and crack pipe and liquor
has a crooked mouth but hums melodies
smooth as the heart is aching

pink ballet slippers stain red
from ****** between toes
bulimia makes a home in her habits
empties stomach after every meal
makes more room for wine and ***** and whisky with coke
stumbles across a stage she does not belong to while
the audience boos and mocks while
the paparazzi stalks and preys and while
the media criticizes and
a world that doesn't quite understand does the same

we watch her disaster like
a car accident
unable to stop staring at the damage
we watch her downfall like
an avalanche in another city
it isn't ours so we do nothing to save it

this disappearing act is not magic but
a side effect of fame unwanted
dad doesn't understand that skin and
bones is foreshadow of death
says, baby, smile for the camera
baby, just do what you're supposed to
baby, just finish the tour
**** every last ounce out of her like
the wringing of a towel
it is an easy thing for a girl to become
invisible when she wants to

crooning bird falls from tree and
we watch with hands at our side
bodies tilted in confusion
what a shame, we say
there is depth but it is hiding under addiction
all we see is girl destroying herself under
the fluorescents we placed above her
what a waste, we say, shaking heads
we do nothing in response

my love,
you tore boundaries with your swollen hands
they said your honest was too loud
hair too big
voice too bold
they picked with curious fingers and
gap-tooth jew girl with
the audacity to break silence
ended up breaking too

shaina maidel with
a space between her two front bent teeth
echoed laugh and studded diamond above her lip
jewish girl who could never be a star became just that
burned into supernova
graceful  effortless  confident in her
descent back to
for Amy Winehouse
Elizabeth L Nov 2014
Are there stars on your ceiling tonight?
Does the moonlight reflect from the snow as you, I, and all the wonderful people who feel too much wander in the cold, wishing to no longer be lonely?
Please tell em the cold hasn't frozen those thoughts in limbo,
Please tell me your primal instinct hasn't been quelled.
I found you, in the dangerzone, while I was trying not to jump.
Trying not to say something stupid, to not be that same coward for fear of rejection and my own thoughts.
I had wanted to scream and break open my chest to show my feelings,
Hoping someone would understand and fix me and hold me together.
It is in that feeling that we are not alone.
It is true that we may never catch the sunlight,
But the Japanese have a word for the way the sun shines through the trees and that is beautiful.
We cannot never be alone, we cannot fly
But we can find words, and share them,
and hold each others' hands across a bridge over time and space,
Made of words
Without knowing, but with full understanding
And take a more fulfilling plunge.
ali  Nov 2013
ali Nov 2013
i remember the first time bryn brought a boy for christmas
his name was chris
and we had to distinguish between him and my cousin chris
so we called him gay chris
because he had lots of pockets
and he always looked better than my cousins
who hardly ever tried to look presentable.
i remember last christmas
how damon gave elise
sweaters from a thrift shop and fleetwood mac records
and how happy she was.
i never wanted to be allie from the notebook,
and i never wanted you to be noah.
in the 8th grade,
hidden between shelves of a torn-down library where i'd sit for hours,
was a short, thick book with pages of romanticized post-it notes
and the smell of sawdust.
dash and lily's book of dares
was all the things i'd been dreaming about.
the first-glance feelings in the middle of new york,
the warm feeling melting through your bones with an even warmer drink.
i've always wanted a chris
or a shaina
or a natasha.
i've always imagined thanksgiving day going differently for once in my life.
when my uncle asks me if i'm texting my boyfriend,
i want to say "yes, actually" and i wanted to find a boy
to take to my grandmother's house.
i wanted to show him
how tristan would pay me to go sneak him cookies,
and the way we fought over couches.
but now we took all the couches out of the basement,
and i think someone else is living in that house.
but there's still thanksgiving,
there's still an extra seat at the table,
and i'm not sure but i think justin is bringing maya this year.
so when it is my turn to go around the house and say hello to everyone,
and my uncle asks, "how many boyfriends do you have?" teasingly,
i can smile and say "just one"
and it can be you.
mary  Feb 2014
mary Feb 2014
She says,
With fresh coat of plum ,
Across her large lips,
That she's finally finished,
Giving up her pride for the sake,
Of a 3-minute fling.

She says that the only time,
She feels truly complete,
Is when he's inside her.

She says she can't be comfortable,
In her own skin,
With anyone but him.

But she can't see that,
He's destroying her,
From the inside out.

She can't see that each time,
She opens her beautiful green eyes,
I can't see her anymore,
But only her sadness.

I think to myself,
Maybe if I teach her braille,
Then maybe she can finally,
Read what the scars on her wrists really say.
Stranger was here
Started just as a hobby
Soon it became
as an addiction
to enter poet's lobby
Some wrote on love
Some on food joy
Some on weather bands
While others on fashion lands
Some on healthy habits
While other on conflicts
some on golden dreams
Many on my day to day scenes
Some on women issues
Other on insane facts
Recalling immense affection
when I look back to my acts
Some appreciated me beyond
my calibre & heights
In hindi readers
Shaina Bhatti, Shruti Dadhich
Kanishka and Jayanti Khare
Are always acive
With enthusiasm & strong will
In english readers
CJ, Fawn and Perry
Are always active
with love, like and chill
Thank you all
for being with me
throughout this role
Big salute to hello poetry
for giving me plateform
into reaching century goal.
Edward  Sep 2019
Edward Sep 2019
Carmen, Bolton, Lama, Sophie, Timothy,ScriptedSilence.
Amanda, Richard,Lily, Keith, Divine,Elle,Laura, Cne.
Sarah, Kim,Sobberingsoul, Frank,Jason, Traveler,Fran.
Moonlight,Jules, AB,Lovelyn,Beautifully Broken,Ranveer.
Fearless, Iz,BD,Neha,Selina,Shaina,Maddy, Mack,John.
Godson1,Joseph,Jay, Poetress,Claryt,Fecundeity,Abraham.
Loser,ymmiJ,Osiria,Tony,Erian­,Hanna,Elena,Empire, Mellow.
Grace, Joyce, Deep, Sassy,Jen, Untold,Nikita, Word,Suzy.
There are many more but heres a few more Great poets too.

— The End —