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Poetic T Mar 2015
Fairground mirrors make the smallest parts huge...
Even the smallest parts look big in these mirrors
Is this just teenage love or something deeper then that.
Many people say its just teenage love
That were too younge to know what True Love is
How can you know what true love isif you never experienced it.
Is it simply a wishful prayer
A fire that ignites in your heart
A playful giggle
A rosy blush
A risky wink
Or even a kindly smile?
True love can be anything
A tender understanding of one another
A growing warmth in your soul
A gentle trust between two lovers
Or a passion of fire that takes over
Does the world become lost in a crazy wild nonsese?
A happy oblivion of exhileration
Complete and total joy
An innocent kiss in the moonlight
Cherishing every given moment
Honor, loyalty, and protection
Or is it something that simply lasts forever?
How do you know what true love is
Can anyone tell you?
The answer to that is no
You and you alone know if its simply teenage love or true love!
Shahd  Mar 2018
Shahd Mar 2018
A slip of the foot morphed into
an excruciating plummet into a void.
Before YOU know it, everyone else does
and you're bandaged up and tucked in bed

You've snowballed. It was out of your hands.
The word "Inpatient" echoes in your head
and you can't help but wonder:
"What did my parents say?"

There you are, still disoriented.
You're prospected expectations have
naturally become an escalated reality.

Now you're flooded with more
Diag-Nonsese and counterproductive
There-****-me spouts and handouts.

I didn't go down the road this time,
so how did I get here? Oh yes,
the ultimate phrase indeed "It's going to
get better, you just have to be patient."

— The End —