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ALamar  Jul 2016
ALamar Jul 2016
Its unbelievable
That a human being could be so evil
As is the ideal
Of advocating for no ramifications zero consequences
Absolutely no justice for the victim
Remains legal
Jae Harris Nov 2014
It’s as if History is repeating itself
Whites are killing blacks and getting away with ******
Blacks who are innocent are being killed
Because of the pigmentation of our skin
Or what we didn’t do that they said we did
We fought for Justice and equality and won once upon a time
But how long did we expect that to last
Now we are fighting back once again
It’s as if History is repeating itself
Who will hear our pleas for help, our pleas for justice
The same people we look to to help us
Are the one’s that are killing us
Where can we run, where can we hide
No one to save us, help us, or even shelter us from the blows
And we’re suppose to be the country of freedom
No we are the country That has given it’s people the freedom
To move with the invisible shackles weighing us down
So who do we turn to now
We turn to each other in unity and love

— The End —