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singingghosts May 2016
triple layer chocolate cake (hint of coconut) with mint lime cream filling completely encased in chocolate.


8oz cream cheese
1 and 1/4 stick of butter
possible 3 cups of powder sugar
2 limes
fresh mint
all purpose unbleached flour
white sugar
baking soda
Cocoa power
2 eggs
coconut extract
vegetable oil
dark chocolate chips
whipping cream

I can't remember what else but I say what below in case I missed something

8oz cream cheese
1 stick butter
2.5 cups of powdered sugar
3 tablespoons lime juice
2 teaspoons lime zest
half handful of mint leaves

BLEND mint, lime juice & zest together. you want mint to be tiny tiny.

BEAT butter and cream cheese together. I leave them out, sometimes I heat them up to make it easier to beat.

BLEND lime mint mixture into cream cheese butter.

ADD powder sugar.

MIX all together by hand first.

get a hand mixer or beater or whatever and literally beat the **** outta that stuff. until it whips up as much as possible.

PUT it in the fridge for a few minutes. like 10. just to check how it does. if it's not a consistency like cream, beat it more and add half a cup of confectionary sugar.

CAKE MIX: (realistically you can just buy cake mix)

2 cups all purpose unbleached flour
2 cups white sugar
3/4 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup vegetable oil (or any type of shortening you prefer)
1 cup water
2 teaspoon coconut extract

put all the dry ingredients into a bowl. MIX with a whisk or something. if you have sifter, use that to break up the flour. you wanna get all the dry ingredients mixed pretty well before you add wet.

ok, so flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, salt. all together. great job.

next, BEAT all the wet ingredients together NOT INCLUDING THE WATER.

you beat the eggs, buttermilk (don't replace this with regular milk), oil, and extract. once it's all blended all nice, add it to the dry and mix it together by hand.

you use an electric mixer or beater now. the reason you hand mix everything first is to avoid a bigger mess when the machine mixes because it can make the dry ingredients spread out like ****. and I hate messes. so I'm extremely **** in the kitchen.

ok now just beat it all baby. add the water slowly. a lot of people will tell you to use boiling water. you can but I don't suggest it to anyone who has never used boiling water in a batter before... so I'm not suggesting it.

it should be runny and also delicious. if it's not, uhm... oops? mine was great. you ****** up. let's continue.

GANACHE!!!!!: (wait until the cakes done AND COOLED to do this part tho!!!)

get a ***
add a bag of dark chocolate or milk chocolate whichever you want. I prefer dark chocolate while baking.
I really eye this so I'm throwing caution to the wind here and pour maybe 3/4 cup of heavy cream or whipping cream.
also, 2 tablespoons of butter. (you don't NEED the butter but I like what it does to the ganache)

ok now on low heat leave those things in the ***. mix it a little. DONT LET IT BURN. MEANING, DONT PUT IT ON HIGH HEAT. YOU WANT A SLOW MELT

Ok so. mix it until it's creamy and silky and soft. but seriously do this part at the very end.

get three 9 inch cake pans. spray, butter, coat, oil WHATEVER just grease the ******* pans.

use a measuring cup because you want each cake layer to be the same. do 1.5 cups of batter in each. if you have left over, divide it by three.

bake it at 300F for 30 minutes

don't open the door between those 30 minutes. when you do, poke middle with toothpick. if toothpick comes out clean, it's done.

let cool completely on a cooling rack.

some people cut the tops off to make the cake layer even. I **** at cutting things evenly unless it's ******* so I have my own method. I suggest cutting though. you can also cut the edges if they're crispy but I like it that way.

ok. the ganache. get a spoon and just coat the top layers of the bottom and soon to be middle layer.

you want all three layers lined up next to each other.

take the *** off the heat while you're doing this. just hold off for a moment. you come back to it.

let the ganache layers cool down. you'll know when it's cool. when this happens  get the cream and do a nice layer over the chocolate. now stack them.

it should be from the bottom up: cake, chocolate, cream, cake, chocolate, cream, cake. (try to stack in on a cooling rack)

take the rest of the cream and evenly spread it over the entire cake.

nice. the rest of the chocolate ganache? double check that it is POURABLE but also that it's NOT HOT. warm is ok but a little less than warm would be ideal.

pour. the. chocolate. over. the. entire. cake. if you can do this on a cooling rack, do it. it'll let the excess chocolate drip down. you can take a knife to spread it around nicely. I think that's it. I can't think of anything else.
raen Apr 2012
You are my sun, the planets and the asteroids in between,
actually, make that the energy that embraces the sun,
the elements and trace elements that make up each planet...

(Oh, my stars!)

You are each perfect petal that unfurls ever so slowly in the morning light,
actually, make that the light that kisses each dew drop which
awakes each petal with that sweet kiss...

(Oh, blush, my buzzing bee!)

You are that raindrop that refreshes my parched soul that's stranded in a desert,
actually, make that the mirage that proves to be an oasis
as my eyes widen in wonderment with the reality of You.

(Oh, shucks, my sweet breath!)

You are my golden compass whenever I get lost in the wilderness,
actually, I wouldn't mind getting lost, if it means
that I get lost in your soulful, beautiful eyes Forever

(Oh, you cheeseball, you!!)

You are the chocolate ganache frosting on that chocolate cake,
actually, you are the powdered sugar on my honey-dipped doughnut
that brushes my lips, the perfect complement for hot, hot coffee

(Oh, honey bun!!)

You are the--


You are the freshly ground pepper that dusts softly on my carbonara, I'm just


You are the freshly ground pepper that dusts softly on my carbonara,
actually it would be bland and incomplete without you and---

Hey, babe!


I'm on dense mode right now, what are you really trying to say?
Come on, spill it, I NEVER hear it from you...

Ummm, ummm...I...I...

I mean, I--

Out with it, come on!! You can do it---"I...."

Hoo! Ok, I...

I can do this---


(Note to self: This is IT!!!!!)



    the empty, wanting glass and you are the refreshing drink that fills me up,

~BOINKKKKKkkK~ !! I'm walking away now!!
Geez, if you can't say IT without all the Fluffy, duffy, Fluff,
see me walking away for now...I need the Skinny, the skeleton!
Sometimes one just needs to Hear it, you know?!
Oh, and I love you,in case you didn't know...but see me walk!

Hey, honey bunny, smoochie sweetie pie?

...still walking away~~~~


huff, huff, huff~~

I am walking towards you...

Huff, puff, puff and hufff~! (note to self: Walk on, walk on...)

I said I'm walking towards you...



Dutch  Mar 2020
Dutch Mar 2020
It is too late now
Our chocolate has become ganache
Doe Eyes.
Oh, how I fear doe eyes!
Those **** azure, chameleon, black, coffee
Doe Eyes Doe Eyes Doe Eyes
Duh Eyes.

Shatter my centre
Realize your lies
The girl with doe eyes

Soft marshmellows
Cups of cream
Pink little miss
It's a hit they'll never miss.

OH, doe eyes, doe eyes, why?

Punishments of all
A dark mantle we revel

I fear the innocent

Paper napkins
Easily crushed
Blood on velvet
Blood on cream
Tortured ****.

Edinburgh/London/New York/Vancouver await me.
Victor Hugo  Jun 2017
Anima vilis
À force d'insulter les vaillants et les justes,
À force de flatter les trahisons augustes,
À force d'être abject et d'ajuster des tas
De sophismes hideux aux plus noirs attentats,
Cet homme espère atteindre aux grandeurs ; il s'essouffle
À passer scélérat, lui qui n'est que maroufle.
Ce pédagogue aspire au grade de coquin.
Ce rhéteur, ver de terre et de lettres, pasquin
Qui s'acharne sur nous et dont toujours nous rîmes,
Tâche d'être promu complice des grands crimes.
Il raillait l'art, et c'est tout simple en vérité,
La laideur est aveugle et sourde à la beauté.
Mais être un idiot ne peut plus lui suffire,
Il est jaloux du tigre à qui la peur dit : sire !
Il veut être aussi lui sénateur des forêts ;
Il veut avoir, ainsi que Montluc ou Verrès,
Sa caverne ou sa cage avec grilles et trappes
Dans la ménagerie énorme des satrapes.
Ah çà, tu perds ton temps et ta peine, grimaud !
Aliboron n'est pas aisément Béhémoth ;
Le burlesque n'est pas facilement sinistre ;
Fusses-tu meurtrier, tu demeurerais cuistre.
Quand ces êtres sanglants qu'il te plaît d'envier,
Mammons que hait Tacite et qu'admire Cuvier,
Sont là, brigands et dieux, on n'entre pas d'emblée
Dans leur épouvantable et royale assemblée.
Devenir historique ! Impossible pour toi.
Sortir du mépris simple et compter dans l'effroi,
Toi, jamais ! Ton front bas exclut ce noir panache.
Ton sort est d'être, jeune, inepte ; et, vieux, ganache.
Vers l'avancement vrai tu n'as point fait un pas ;
Tu te gonfles, crapaud, mais tu n'augmentes pas ;
Si Myrmidon croissait, ce serait du désordre ;
Tu parviens à ramper sans parvenir à mordre.
La nature n'a pas de force à dépenser
Pour te faire grandir et te faire pousser.
Quoi donc ! N'est-elle point l'impassible nature ?
Parce que des têtards, nourris de pourriture,
Souhaitent devenir dragons et caïmans,
Elle consentirait à ces grossissements !
Le ver serait boa ! L'huître deviendrait l'hydre !
Locuste empoisonnait le vin, et non le cidre ;
L'enfer fit Arétin terrible, et non Brusquet.
Un avorton ne peut qu'avorter. Le roquet
S'efforce d'être loup, mais il s'arrête en route.
Le ciel mystérieux fait des guépards sans doute,
De fiers lions bandits, pires que les démons,
Des éléphants, des ours ; mais il livre les monts,
Les antres et les bois à leur majesté morne !
Mais il lui faut l'espace et les sables sans borne
Et l'immense désert pour les démuseler !
Le chat qui veut rugir ne peut que miauler ;
En vain il copierait le grand jaguar lyrique
Errant sur la falaise au bord des mers d'Afrique,
Et la panthère horrible, et le lynx moucheté ;
Dieu ne fait pas monter jusqu'à la dignité
De crime, de furie et de scélératesse,
Cette méchanceté faite de petitesse.
Les montagnes, pignons et murs de granit noir
D'où tombent les torrents affreux, riraient de voir
Ce preneur de souris rôder sur leur gouttière.
Un nain ne devient pas géant au vestiaire.
Pour être un dangereux et puissant animal,
Il faut qu'un grand rayon tombe sur vous ; le mal
N'arrive pas toujours à sa hideuse gloire.
Dieu tolère, c'est vrai, la création noire,
Mais d'aussi plats que toi ne sont pas exaucés.
Tu ne parviendras pas, drôle, à t'enfler assez
Pour être un python vaste et sombre au fond des fanges ;
Tu n'égaleras point ces reptiles étranges
Dont l'œil aux soupiraux de l'enfer est pareil.
Tu demeureras laid, faible et mou. Le soleil
Dédaigne le lézard, candidat crocodile.

Sois un cœur monstrueux, mais reste une âme vile.
Michelle  Sep 2012
Michelle Sep 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is "Piron Number Five"

One, two, three, four, five, everybody in the shop on the south side
At the Chocolate shop around the corner.
The piron boys say they want some milk and dark but I really don't wanna..
Sugar-rush like I had last week.
I be the only employee cause the bros is cheap.
I like ganache, patrice, and fruit de mer.
The day it continue, and the chocolate getting sweeter
So what can I do? I really beg you MP (Mister Piron)
To me spitin’ is just like a sport.
Anything fly, it's all good let me dump it.
Oh ComEd wants a building permit..

A little bit of Aimee in my life,
A little bit of Ryan by my side.
A little bit of Weeme’s what I need,
A little bit of Jimmys what I see.
A little bit of cold packs for the sun,
Cuz we all know chocolate won't last long.
A little bit of Starbucks here I am,
A little bit of Piron makes me your man!
Piron number five.

Stir up and down and move it all around.
Shake your head to the sound, don’t let chocolate hit the ground.
Take one batch left and temper till its  right.
One kettle to the front and one to the side.
Glove up your hands once and Glove em up twice
And if it look like this then you're doing it right.

I do all to make chocolate like MP knew
Cause you got 2 son and you can't get to wide
You and me gonna increase that money supply
Piron number five.
I used to work at a chocolate shop. The best in Illinois. It was way too much fun! I love the Mister Pirons. I made this rap last year after work one day. And now I am finally gonna share it with the world! <3

— The End —