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Lia  Mar 2016
Lia Mar 2016
i should have known better
you showed all the signs
but i was blindly infatuated
my mistake
i should never have put my eggs in your basket
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Your probably wondering why this poem is called J. It's because there aren't any Js
chris  Mar 2017
chris Mar 2017
im always suspicious of anyone that finds me attractive
Kwanele Apr 2015
If we could withstand tremors then,
a woman can't split us in half.
In this situation we try to chase after what we both can't probably have,
or just enough for one and we can't really share.
I see your lust in your lengthy stares,
but atleast we could've prepared ourselves for what lay ahead..

I love you, she wrote on the tear stained paper, ink dripping, like the waterfall you , had created in her- heaven , trembling. My love is made for you. I cannot leave , I will not leave for once this love?...
This love Is not unrequited ..
my heart, truly entwined in your web of lies..
I am caught.. possessive? I am not. I will not keep you here. I will not keep you here while still trapped.. I cannot let you keep me here while you go on living or rather breathing...
I want to hold you like a willow in the wind...i want you to be still in my arms...
rock a bye baby .. this ? This right here is your cradle, lay in it..
my love for you is being tested...
I choose you. I choose you

I tried to find you but you hid behind a hideous facade of lies and heartache masked by debris of supposed happiness.
Were you heaven sent??
You were heavenly scented and it drove my nostrils on a frenzy like a day spent at FD's,
and I think Richard got a whiff too..

What's a whiff if I can't always have your scent laced to my nose hairs??
What's a thought if I can't have endless kisses from you,
how soon until I get to look at you without feeling guilty coz its rude to stare.
But in your eyes I find serenity..
So please just tell me,what's your name,Miss??

Serenity, in your eyes, found. Miss , tell me your name and grant me the pleasure of shouting it across the room with pleading eyes, an aching heart , believe me my core too...  I love you , I love you... Baby grant me the pleasure of whispering it in your left ear while I caress your right.. The right way.
Co-written with BX
Dear future husband,
    I am missing you terribly.
    Come soon.

Ace of Swords  Jan 2019
Ace of Swords Jan 2019
Once told to me by a great philosopher,
start now typing any letter at random.
bkiqkskfjaewieovnalakc, fkdka fmdakal fd,dlds
Keep going until you have written the entire works of Shakespeare.
Billions and billions and billions of years shall pass before this is ever accomplished, if it is ever.
When you are done, you will have barely entered into eternity.

Once told to me by my heart,
start now writing out your love for this amazing woman.
Add to that; a book with infinite pages and a quill that has limitless ink.
Dry will be the bottle and paperless will be the book. Still will you have only scratched the very surface of your love.
Six years is nowhere near eternity my love or the amount of time I would need to express my feelings.
Save the ordinary man

Please save the ordinary man who with taxes is overburdened.

Firstly he receives only two thirds of his salary earned.

House rent/loans, medical insurance, LIC, school fees and more;

Very long indeed is this poor overburdened man's score.

As if this enough is not, GST on every thing he buys, he pays.

Banks reduced have interest rates on his FD; so, always worried he stays.

Social n cultural functions further worry him; he is really puzzled

By now the overburdened man's hobbies and dreams into thin air have fizzled.

Life he finds is a big curse, these  taxes make it even worse.

The poor man dreads to get treated as entering hospitals is a curse.

Lord, what can an ordinary mortal do, if he wishes to honest remain ?

The tax structure drives him, pushes him,  to become insane.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Antony Glaser  Jul 2022
Canon EF
Antony Glaser Jul 2022
They call you black beauty
there's no chrome in your body.
$160 short of your sister Canon F1.
Semi-automatic shutter priority
and beguiling manual operation too.
A 30-second-time relay,
making you part electronic.
You're part mechanical too, with a
farmed out Cobalt square shutter
with silver breech FD lens
and rumored platiminium hidden somewhere in your body
What do you call these
People who officially rob you of your hard earned money. Income tax is first deducted and there after a salary is given to the ordinary working class.
Thereafter, logically the money is yours to spend and save;
but oh  no.... The poor middle class family pays tax.. GST... for every little thing purchased, be they essentials or a small meal at a restaurant.

They stinge and save small amounts to make a FD, even that is taxed. This means the Government is like a leech. The poor man cannot enjoy anything.

The rich MPs and MLAs loot the public and enjoy very many perks. These parasites actually thrive on us. Besides this they have huge assets, land, jewelry, money , what not to last their future generations.

Nothing concrete happens. Roads are bad, water isn't sufficient nor pure. Petrol prices and essential commodities are always on the rise.

Medical care is pathetic. Education in municipal schools is name sake, children often learn foul language.

Where are we going???
Where is the progress???
This is not the Bharat of my dreams.

Wake up, shake up. RISE N SHINE.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

— The End —