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Daniel McDougall Oct 2013
And in a flash of blinding happiness
you turned my "will  I  ever  find  love"
into "she's  a  gift  from  above".
You came into my life
the same way fires rip through forests,
with great power and force.
You turned my doubts into beliefs
and my fears into hopes.
You showed me a side of life
that I didn't understand.
You held my heart. You held my hand.
You pulled me up from darkness
and showed me light
like I had never seen before.
But once you showed me it,
you turned the light off.
You took it away.
You had shown another the light
and they took it from you and now
you're scared that I will do the same.

And in a flash of blinding sadness
you turned my "you're  my  one  and  only"
into  "I'm  so  lonely".
You stole from me something
I never truly had. Now your smile
and laugh are scratched into the walls
of my brain as horrible memories
and it's only late at night
that I can let these memories crush me.
You turned from "she  is  the  one  I  want  to  kiss"
to "she  is  the  one  I  truly  miss".

Daniel McDougall  Oct 2013
Daniel McDougall Oct 2013
And at 2am the world
looks a little different.
It is a magical time
where good plans go
bad and bad plans go
good and you can look
around you and not a single
thing will move. It is at
that exact time you feel
like you are all there is.
No other people, no
animals, not a thing.
It is you and the big world.
Such a magical feeling
can surely only be coupled
with a sense of incredible
loneliness, but if you can't
just sit with yourself at 2am
and not feel empty, then
what can you do?

Daniel McDougall Oct 2013
And if love was warmth,
I felt like I was in the arctic,
wearing very little,
and with very little hope.
Love can be warmth,
but then it can become
the worst kind of cold.

Daniel McDougall Oct 2015
Give away attachment in favour of happiness. Attachment to her. Attachment to him. Attachment to things. Attachment to hope, dreams and beliefs. Attachment makes you heavy. Attachment drains you. It holds you just tight enough to let you see the world, but not explore it.

Daniel McDougall Oct 2015
She scared me because she was going to shine whether I was there or not. She knew she didn't need anyone else for her to have a brilliant life, so she started building one on her own.

Daniel McDougall Dec 2013
You can tell me who you are.
Well you can try.
Though that isn't who you are.
I don't want to know that.
I don't want to know 3pm you.
I want to know 3am you.
I want to know how your mind works.
I want to see it.
I want to see you.
Your secrets.
Your desires.
Your fears.
I want to see you at 3am.
When there are no walls.
Let me tear them down.
Let me in.
I love you.

Daniel McDougall Oct 2013
Love is a teacher
that teaches everyone,
although it's painful,
and not much fun

When we learn to lose,
we learn to live,
we learn to recover,
and we learn to give

It may take time,
maybe even years,
but soon it will pass.
You'll forget the tears

You'll learn to be
just like you were
before that person came
and make you hurt

Daniel McDougall Feb 2014
When I look at you,
I lose myself.
I lose who I was.
I lose who I am.
I feel heavy.
I feel light.
I feel breathless.
I feel dizzy.
I feel this.  
I feel us.
When I look at you,
I feel forever.

Daniel McDougall Sep 2015
Somedays I write poems and somedays I sing songs. Somedays I feel bliss and somedays are too long. Somedays I exercise and somedays I smoke bongs. Somedays I feel myself and somedays I feel wrong.

Daniel McDougall Oct 2013
The whiskey tickles my tongue
as I think of you and where
you are, but then again
I dont really care

I dont think I will ever care
because I think I always
loved the thought of you more
than I ever actually loved you

But there is another now
whom I adore from head to toe.
One day you will look back
and realise you were wrong

One day you will see me smile
and realise it isn't for you.
That is when your world will crash
just like mine had so many times

Daniel McDougall Jul 2016
Desensitisation to the objects around you is inevitable. Buy the new car you've always wanted, that outfit you've been dreaming of, the latest phone, the best of the best in all aspects. Buy it all, but I promise you after long enough they all just become things you own and they lose their magic. Spend your time and money on experience, not objects.

Daniel McDougall Nov 2016
I fell in to you recklessly and without a thought of what the repercussions would be if you refused to catch me.

Daniel McDougall Sep 2016
Look at a tree and see the beauty caused by the weather it endured. Let your hard times bend your trunk and twist your limbs. Let the wind rustle your leaves and crack your bark. Let the hard times mould you into the unique symbol of strength you deserve to be.


— The End —