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A de Carvalho May 2012
it’s beendonebefore
b  e  f  o  r  e
s also after that
’s still before in concentric cir
les of re-(de-)
pressive ***-ual releases in-

to bliss in
spite in spir
it                  autos tandems con-
tained by ads of women ***-ed  
vastly amid ******* stilted Dei-
ties as of grandkingdomcomes

to reap unwarranted respect
***** Welsh adulation in selfservingcycles
of crimson-ish
living with in plu-
m fairiesinlalaland(that are all stiff
bar in thy top)

(do you really think you ought to
? or can? why
not to try must a
nd with-

sing-along sing-along follow follow on track on track;
‘til you crash to reboot perhaps
and may
bye by
any luck

(you-oughto you-oughto you-can you-can)

and happiness fol
lows bye by
for sure
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2013
There is one distance or diameter through the center. There is only one D. Cir equals two pir or just pid, big D with e's pie-eating smile. If you look at e'm askant you can see how the i's drop out in a furtive way to leave only cr/p.

E wears cr/p as a badge of honor on e's tee. It's how e chooses to identify with the infinite Volume. Pir or pid, both are too circumspect. D quantifies directly, but really E's just two r or r as a diminutive D half step down.

As a minor E didn't fly. Twice promoted now, D is much happier as a major, three quarters of a Volare. E gets to fly three quarter skies with three roots dug deep, deep down twice into the sunken earth, a visceral connection to a Cantare.
deyrah  May 2021
Cir--cle?? Nah!
deyrah May 2021
Read carefully...
If you collected a penny for every time i cried over you.
You'd be broke!
My love for you, withered like a fairy tale, a long time ago.
Each time i see you, i glow up like an anime character!!
Nah, that's a lie, i ***** in my own mouth.
You were like the rush a child gets from much sugar in take.
Now you're like the vinegar that was fed to Jesus!
I'd love to keep this false love going.
But I'm too lazy for the circle.
I'll just keep saying "i love you" so you could keep feeling like you're deceiving me.
But he who laughs last... Laughs what??
Nah, he who laughs last will be an idiot left alone in the room.
That's what you are right now.

— The End —